>remove level design
>remove difficulty and depth of game play
Somehow still regarded as the best in the series what went wrong Sup Forums?
Remove level design
It's the same shit the Sonic community does but nobody takes Mickey Mouse RPG seriously enough to shit on their community.
Some bad bait. KH1 had some nice levels, but the mechanics were largely garbage. You should make it clear you're referring to Chain of Memories.
Chain of Memories actually requires strategy and is challenging unlike 2 and 1
>cutscene every three minutes
Jesus Christ, I don't remember it being this bad.
Confirmed contrarian.
You just want to make outrageous statements for (You)s.
CoM was piss easy.
>Fill a deck with assortment of 5s
>Blitz spam through the game
>Highly unlikely your enemy will beat 15
>liking KH1's level design with its cancerous platforming considering how shit KH1 jumping physics are
KH2 streamlining was a step in the right direction.
And if you want cancerous platforming, the bonus dungeon in Final Mix that leads to the room with Data Fights has plenty of that shit for you.
play on critical if you want challenge
Hallways are not an improvement
What's with all the Kingdom Hearts shilling lately? You've made about 20 threads today to the interest of absolutely NOBODY. KH is a kid's game. Deal with it.
They are in a game like KH where combat is the main attraction. Nobody praises DMC for its platforming either and many sections of it tend to be reviled like the clockwork levels in DMC3.
Because KH3 news rejuvenated interest
Oddly enough I had less trouble with her than I did with Riku the last time
By level design you mean shitty platofrming, and I don't even know what you can mean by "depth of game play" because the first games combat was just as brainless as the first. But at least the second game just added more and it looked way more spectacle.
It can be somewhat tricky sometimes if you don't cheese slights
But the combat in 1 was better than 2
they chose cool looking moves over proper mechanics
>the first games combat was just as brainless as the first.
I am already half-Xehanort, actually :^)
>But the combat in 1 was better than 2
The most wrong contrarian post I saw this entire week on Sup Forums, I'm impressed.
Just as brainless as the second I mean
as opposed to
>mash X
>press triangle to awesome
>tfw I played through the game blind and didn't use sleights once because I didn't think they were worth it
tell me how kh2 has better combat? Is mashing x and triangle more fun for you?
>play KH1 as a kid
>have a blast tearing through the game
>play KHFM now
>get my shit pushed in with difficulty spikes everywhere
I need to git gud but I don't remember this game being so sadistic.
How am I supposed to constructively reply to a generalized and simplified shitpost?
Literally every console game can be summarized as "just mash X and triangle bro lol".
They are talking about KH2 Final Mix, you retard.
just use aero and cure frequently
The stimulating part of KH2's combat system is when you use brain thinking to pick out the correct abilities that let you fuck over the next boss just right so he never gets a desperation attack off. Pressing x until you drive and press x until the boss dies is the easy part.
Tinkerbell is OP
I'm on this boss right now. Any strats?
I just blew through CoM this past week. In two separate Riku Replica fights he didn't even get a single hit off. All you have to do is pop Genie Jafar so you don't get your cards broken and then line up your deck with Sonic Blade and Ragnarok. Both fights took a minute, tops.
it's mandatory that you 100% the game on critical before posting here
Which gaem? She's a boss in three.
Tell him one cool thing KH2FM has that KH does not have, then drive the dagger into him by telling him a second cool thing KH2FM has that KH does not have, then I will drive by and tell him how bad he got blown the fuck out, then you and I high five and pose.
Actually, having played the first on Proud and the second on critical, I find the gameplay fighting of the second to be unenjoyable in comparison to the first. I feel like reaction commands ruined it and still made it feel too easy at points - even on critical. I like the first better
Yeah Genie Jafar is quite overpowered in Re:CoM.
But in the GBA original, which was much harder, it was basically a must have card.
>CoM is challenging
>2 isn't
That's actually pretty funny to think about. How did you struggle with anything presented to you in CoM? Did you not know about Boss/heartless cards? Was basic addition too complicated?
arrange deck so that you can mash out consecutive sonic blades
have some 0's to use to break her sleights
have attack card refilling items
it was terribly hard to have all my attacks cover the entire screen and always hit.
>a game like KH where combat is the main attraction
>I play FF meets Disney for the deep compelling story
You really showed that user.
You can do it yourself, I don't feel like entertaining shitposters since he will just respond with more generalized bullshit.
Yes user, music and gameplay are the main draws for me.
I still enjoy the pantsu on head retarded story just because of how crazy stupid it is, but it certainly isn't the draw for me.
The combat in 2 is objectively better than 1, but overall I feel 1 is more cohesive game than 2. Honestly, the only low point of 1 for me are the Gummi missions, which are just boring rather than anything else. A lot of 2's problems stem from the fact that most every single situation is a "mission," usually followed by a bonus. It makes the game extremely predictable by nature and removes a lot of the fun of exploring the worlds, I feel.
Agreed Kingdom Hearts 1 reigns supreme for me
It is, you just jam start every time and skip everything. Not like the story will be good anyway.
>tfw wave 3 on critical
I didn't sign up for this lads. I just wanted to fight the data XIII.
I'm too casual for Critical, Proud will have to do for me.
Use final form, spam magnet and firaga with Bond of Flame equipped and bring plenty of ethers. Also you can try out using magnet into Genie limits too.
I've been using magnet+final genie but I always either get picked off or run out of drive before I reach the end. Will give firaga spam a shot.
Jafar + Ars Arcanum/Sonic Blade is auto-win against every enemy in the game.
Because of the most important part, gameplay.
Well fuck you too pal we just want Roxas back
muh combos
muh speedruns
>tfw Ansem SoD is literally just Sephiroth palette swap with his hair bangs slicked back
The original was the best because they didn't fill it with a bunch of fucking weeabo sepharoth clones. Organization 13 or whatever the fuck plot derail they were in #2.
>palette swap
You don't know what either of those mean.
It definitely had the best atmosphere and story, but the gameplay and silliness of the second make it more fun to play through again.
>The original was the best because they didn't fill it with a bunch of fucking weeabo sepharoth clones.
Post above yours literally you wrong.
The fucking irony.
I do, literally has meant "close enough" for years now, it's called exaggeration user.
Their designs are extremely similar.
Exposed chest, knee high leather boots, leather trenchcoat with shoulderpads, long silver hair with bangs, black pants.
Not to mention that particular image uses Dissidia Sephiroth which is Amano design with extra accents like beads, different shoulderpads and shit. The actual Nomura design of Sephiroth is even closer to Ansem SoD.
Ansem SoD was CLEARLY designed to evoke the Sephiroth feelings, same with Sora evoking the Cloud feelings with similar hair (this was even confirmed in interviews).
hmmm... i honestly can't agree with your opinion there. first off, KH2 was definitely easy. I beat KH2 and Sepheroth without leveling up any skills, I literally used vanilla Sora the whole time AND the Lion King keyblade. for me:
>difficulty 0/5
>gameplay 3/5
>story 5/5
>replayability 2/5
the gameplay seemed a lot similar to the first KH until you brought in the upgrades. the upgrades to Soras combat as the game progresses in KH2 makes da boy so fluid in his ways, pretty fun. also the spaceship stuff was a neat add in especially for me because I loved model planes at the time.
the story in KH2 is the strongest point for the game. add in those Disney nostalgia feels you get when you meet these characters you've essentially known your whole life but you're the nigga helping them. damn. I can admit in the KH series as a whole there is kinda this weird edge factor in some points of the game, but if you can get past that and just take the game at face value the story is tight.
as it goes for the replayability, this game falls into the category of games for me that I wouldn't mind playing again in a couple of years. I haven't touched it since I beat it on release so picking it up around this time or getting the remastered collection so I can run KH1 and KH2 back to back would be cool. to play this game with autistic-like devotion happens a TON in this games community but I don't think it is worth more than 2 play throughs.
OP, i'd like to agree with you here but I'm just gonna have to put it blunt, you think like shit, you smell like shit, and you look like shit.
My Kingdom-Hearts 2 official rate:
6/10, with a one-time rating of 9/10 until you finish your second play-through a couple years later.
What difficulty did you play on?
>Spam magnet and thunder as much as you can.
>Change form when the wizards (robed guys with purple boxes as weapons) appear as they are immune to magic besides reflect and magnet.
>Summon Genie and Stitch or use Peter Pan for safety.
>Unequip ALL combo pluses and equip as many finishing pluses as possible. If you have negative combo equip that too. You want to get into your finishers asap so you're not vulnerable.
>Take your time, the nobodies' attacks are fairly easy to dodge with aerial dodge and quick run so take your time and don't fumble through menus
Good luck on the data org after, they're pretty tough on Crit.
>not a Sephiroth clone
Nigger, literally everybody thought he WAS Sephiroth when the game first came out.
>Sephiroth who is one of more than a dozen optional bosses
>not mentioning difficulty
If you're going to shitpost at least leave the least believable part for last.
>the story in KH2 is the strongest point for the game
>that ost
one thing you can't really complain about
cept for the fact that every soundtrack after the second is basically the same but arranged differently
the gameplay was so fucking good the difficulty was non existent not there fault
The following games reuse a lot of tracks so their soundtracks don't stand out as much. DDD was probably the best of the post KH2 game soundtracks.