Hey, Sup Forums. My best friend came out as trans and her birthday is coming up soon. What are some games girls like?
Hey, Sup Forums. My best friend came out as trans and her birthday is coming up soon. What are some games girls like?
my friend wasa gamer girl (born in male body) she once told me that she was going to beat off her dick and see if that helps her get to sleep and i said let me know if you need any help. which normally I wouldn't dream of doing but she came onto me anonymously and has said she "thirsts" after me. anyways, long story short she took an ambien and crashed into a parked car at 50mph 6 months later she assaulted a police officer and killed herself
The same games it liked before, it's still a dude in there.
Fuck her in her prostate hole.
>best friend
>doesn't know what they like
I know this is bait but you're a fucking retard
barbie horse adventures
Why doe white people eat their own kind? Maybe if they stopped practicing cannibalism, their race wouldn't be in decline?
An AK47 up the ass, pull the trigger for extra fun.
This was a continuation from last thread where some dude linked an article and said they didn't have to dilate forever, just for 2 months. He didn't read his own shit.