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Video Games #3849
Video Games
Demon's Souls is hard
Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
Is Witcher 3 really the greatest game ever made like so many people like to say. I just find that hard to believe
ITT: Games only you played
Metroid Samus Returns has "Fusion" Difficulty Mode
Well shit, this is actually decent
MoH: Warfighter
Can we all agree that Xbox was the best gen 6 console...
Stats affect gun damage
So whats the appeal of this series?
Is it okay to kill children in video games?
What went wrong bros?
Video Game Director
Do you feel bad for Wheatley?
Thinking of reinstalling fallout 4
Explain to me how the Switch is not the Wii U 2.0
Arturia/Artoria sounds perfectly fine in english
What's the overall best Zelda game?
Splatoon 2
I can't play older games because of the graphics
It's Time
Final Fantasy XV
Name a more obnoxious creator's pet
What the fuck was his problem?
Mega Maker Level Thread
Why don't you play fighting games?
What video games do girls play?
What are your fav lewd games?
Would you?
Reminder that there's absolutely no good reason to willingly play as elves in any game
7 days
Sonic Mania Thread
Killing civilians ends the game
Baldur`s gate 2 thread
How long do you think the Switch will last?
Why Sup Forums loves wotlk so much?
In every thread people cry their eyes out over how gameplay is only thing that matters and graphics and story is not...
Assume you start up a new MMORPG and are offered these pairs of shoes. They are the only shoe options...
Games where the first level or two are amazing 10/10 but each subsequently level is worse and worse
You have 10 seconds to explain why aren't you getting this
Why does the majority of the souls fanbase hate this game soo much? I can't understand it
Name ONE (1) good game that came out of the industry that had developers working on it that looked like this
Which game should I get, brehs?
Pick one and defend your answer
Just bought this, what am I in for?
Would you attend a Sup Forums meetup?
Do exactly as I say, and I promise this will be over before the night is out
Is it good game design if you absolutely CANNOT beat the game if you fucked up early on and have to restart the whole...
I bought this game when I was 14. What did I think of it?
He fell for the Pokemon GO meme
ITT: We talk about video games autisticly and as cringy as possibly
Why are so many programmers willing to make free (as in freedom) games...
Really gets the neurons firing
What is objectively the most liked game on Sup Forums?
Remember when Felicia Day got attention for being a girl who played video games?
Prove this wrong
It's okay when japan does it
>I have a thyroid problem
ITT: Worst game journalist in history in your opinion
Crash in Week 4 sold more then Splatoon 2 first Week
2nd game is the worst in the franchise
Why is this so bad?
Let's play
Damn what went so right bros?
Did Ken Levine seriously think people wouldn't sexualize her?
Who is this person again?
Dragon Rush completely ruins this game. This is indisputable. If you argue otherwise...
This is current state of Japanese male protagonists
Play Ape Escape 3 as some little girl
Why aren't you donating to this emulatorkino?
What games have traditional Japanese archery OUTFITS in them? I think the look they have going on is super aesthetic
Best Valve game?
B-b-b-but its s-s-shit
How did ARMS end up selling in the end? I know the playerbase isn't that great, but I heard it had a good launch
Tfw you like linear story driven games and your tired of being shamed by Sup Forums for it
Why do we hate GTAV?
Here's your controller bro
Idol game stuff
Space game
Are vidya forums still a thing?
I legitimately don't get this. This is the first time a whomp comic has stumped me
Why is d dog a wolf?
So is anyone here looking forward to Crackdown 3?
Nintendo toddlers will defend this console
Stop buying gaming headsets!
Likes Dark Souls but doesn't like Nioh
Play Ape Escape 3 as some little girl
Why do people on smash team up on free for all?
Keep playing Guilty Gear
Why are video game birds assholes
What the fuck was her problem, Sup Forums?
What is the hardest game of all time, Sup Forums?
Westeros VS Witcher-World
What video games did you play today?
Hear unanimous praise for this game all over Sup Forums
Is Breath of the Wild worth playing on Wii U? It doesn't run as bad as a game like Dragon's Dogma on console, does it?
What is your attitude towards casuals telling you games shouldn't be hard, just fun...
There are people on this board who haven't played this gem
Can someone tell me why this sudoku puzzle is wrong, please?
Romance female in game
If you were in charge of making an EVA game what would it be?
What are some must play NDS games?
Okay, I just bought this on PSN and can't even beat Ludex Gundyr...
For those who loved BoTW, i'm glad that you enjoyed it. For those who don't play the game and/or Sonybros...
Vermin Fight Club: Moralfags Vs. Edgelords
Audience: [intense booing]
Who's playing this tonight?
I don't enjoy New Vegas thread, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other
How disappointing do you think Metroid Prime 4 will be and what will the worst aspect of the game be when it comes out?
Enemies observe the Sabbath
Why arent you playing Bleach Brave Souls instead of Fate/Jew Order?
Who's route did you do first, and why wasn't it Brian?
Can someone please explain why a lot of people seem to dislike Tim Shafer?
Find a flaw
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Post a more obscure Nintendo girl
Sup Forums says [game] is very good
Nioh DLC
>not mustard
Favorite Nintendo character
Childhood is idolizing the Horde
VR/ Virtuix Omni/ Vive/etc
How does Sup Forums feel about the Paladin...
Casual Filter
Splatoon 2
Bloodborne thread?
Sup Forumsermin thread
Why Haydee is a Steam exclusive?
Gigantic thread
Inkling Girl looks like she needs to poop whenever she loses
Tfw you can play the entire core Metal Gear series with only a PS3
What is it about the MOBA genre that brings out the most vile and toxic behavior from their communities...
Pretend You're Xyzzy thread
Oldschool Runescape Mobile / Starting Over Again
Female character is a tomboy
I just played this for the first time...
Is this the COD4 of this generation?
How do you deal with your backlog?
NPD June sales - PS4 #1
GTA based on houston
So, which one is better, Sup Forums?
Game Series You're Burnt Out With?
Keep it vidya
ITT: games only you played
How is this so popular?
Wanna see something crazy user?
What made GTA VC the best one out of them all
Stats are displayed with bars instead of numbers
Developers Discuss The Game And Post Release Support
Fuck you, I liked it
Gamer fuel thread?
Mad Max game (2015)
Sup Forumsermin thread
Nintendo Switch
ESA 2017
Never played a first person shooter in my life
After weeks of my PC hard resetting while gaming, it turns out this piece of shit is the culprit
Is MCC on PC yet?
Will this ever have any uses besides Smash? Couldn't even had done something like the Buster Sword in BOTW?
Steam 9/10
Gundam Versus
What are some games where you wear special clothing before the final battle
Post your mmorpg character ITT. Judge others on their taste
I'm actually pleasantly surprised with this game
At what point did you realize that life is a never ending parade of despair?
Is Rydia canonically a virgin?
How do we fix the Fighting Game Community?
Admit it, you used to play Adventure Quest
Game tells you THIS is the villain
If it's so bad why can't I stop playing it?
You are now playing- Seinfeld RPG
Would you like to join me in discussing the Hatsune Miku: Project Diva and Project Mirai video game series on this...
Sup Forumsidya Game High School
ITT : Bosses that pumped you full of adrenaline due to the combination of music and visuals
Plays a fantasy game that allows you to chose between multiple genders, classes and races
Sup Forumsermin thread
Who is best girl?
Best """GTA clone""" of its gen coming thru
Like youtuber
I love games like these that completely break Sup Forums and its echo chamber which results in dangerous levels of...
Find a flaw
Why was this the last good Dead Rising game?
I love new vegas but how can anyone honestly think this is good world design
Hiro approved meta thread
ITT: ""villains"" who LITERALLY and unironically did nothing wrong
It's Sunday, anons. What are ya
Say what you want about him, but he's never had a wrong opinion regarding video games
Why aren't there more games with pilotable robots?
User, you're charged for being a total faggot for not owning every modern consoles and a windows 7 gaming PC...
ITT: Post an image and others will recommend you a video game based on it
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time
An Open Letter to Persona 2 Fans
What games to ESTJ's play?
Are you the kind of fag who thinks Classic Sonic's level design sucks or is random...
Host family gathering
How would you make a Flash game?
Let's talk about Monster Hunter's return home
E3 2018
I was really wanting an online shooter for the ps4 so last week I got cod black ops 3...
Who's your favorite Mario character?
These 2. These 2 games right here. How do you feel about them?
You are assigned the mission of making the most comfy game ever made
Obviously I romanced Makoto for my first playthrough, but I'll probably go through it again before long. Futaba is cute...
Who is the best female from The Legend of Zelda series?
Steam avatar thread
Will you buy a Switch for Super Mario Odyssey, Sup Forums?
I love nino!
Is BotW the most visually interesting game of this gen?
Why not hire 1000 voice actors and let them voice each character individually instead of repeating the same people over...
What are some /lit/ vidya?
What was this guy's name again?
One of the best xbone "exclusives"
Was this the last great moment in Sup Forums's history?
The great debate:
Who is your favorite male vidya character?
Why is Donkey Kong sad?
Who is your favorite let's players?
What game lets me use a revolver ?
Sup Forumsermin thread
Why are we still here?
It's gonna suck, isn't it
Excited for the movie adaptation now?
Why is the Switch so underpowered for a home console Nintendo?
ESA 2017
Remember all those Xbox One classics
Looking back, Nintendo's E3 was pretty underwhelming
ITT: Post a song and other anons recommend you a game based on that song you posted
What the fuck were they thinking?
Have you ever gotten a video game related injury?
Sup Forums is way too fucking fast
Party based RPG
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Which one?
Sonic Mania Thread
I'm gonna bite you!
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
Logitech G403
What went wrong?
Do you own a computer, Sup Forums?
Game development is literally Japan versus everyone else
Is this remake an accurate depiction of what the PS1 games played like?
Reminder that PS2 was such a weak console that Sega had to develop Shenmue 2 to Dreamcast and Xbox only because PS2...
Why is she such a bitch to Pearl?
That game you love but Sup Forums hates wholeheartedly
What game can challenge my intellect?
What's the best megaman game there's so many of them wtf
Stuck on a hard boss
Gf wants to play skyrim
Videogame Podcasts
Name a more overrated genre
Leave features out of base game
Dead or Alive
How did trannies manage to completely hijack a multi billion dollar...
What went wrong over the last two years?
How bad did I fuck up?
Is this correct?
ITT: God tier vydia protagonists
Gigantic thread
Can you guys please share some concept art?
Oh, hi! Don't mind me. Just best weaponfu passing through
Are you guys ready for more normie takes on video games?
Post your MMO characters and judge those of others
Important real women in games? no trannies
Why haven't you purchased a daki of your favorite video game girl, yet?
What are some games that are tedious as fuck to 100%?
Splatoon Nintendo Woomy
What do you guys think of Doom modding?
ITT: Bosses you felt bad about killing
What are some games where I can witness true love?
Video games will never look this good in your lifetime or your children's lifetime
Get hyped for a game
Toobie is cute!
Press F to pay respects
Sup Forumsermin Moralfriends vs Edgelords semi-finals starting soon!
Why are sheep so under-represented in videogames?
ITT: games you want to replay but can't bring yourself to because of retarded choices
Why did Ronald go through the trouble of trying to collect Nuka-Cola Quantum to bang her?
Is this a good mouse, Sup Forums?
Did you ever get into a game because of the porn?
Aria of Sorrow > Harmony of Dissonance > Circle of the Moon
Nintendo doesn't bullsho-
What did it mean by this?
Dude fighting game lore
Kingdom Hearts 3 could come to PC
Can someone explain pic related to me?
Get to Castle Clinton
Girls under lander is getting a game
Some amazing game is going to come out in 2100 that you won't get to play because you'll be dead
Let us take a moment to discuss the greatest expansion of all time, wrath of the lich king
Pointless and unfun mechanics
Containment Bay Z1 T9 Extreme FFXIV Stormblood Thread
How the hell is GameStop still around?
Who's the best Overwatch girl and why is it Mercy?
Vaguely tell the plot to a video game or describe the ending. Others guess
Dafuq d'yu wan wyatt boay?
WoW thread
Would Sup Forums want this to happen?
Best girl is noncanon
Street Fighter V Thread
Why are people still freaking out over these so badly? It doesn't even play carts...
Will Square Enix ever return to Ivalice or is it doomed to re-releases and ports?
Why is he so cool, Sup Forums?
Just your daily reminder that this was a good game
Wow... really makes you think
Never played a Final Fantasy game before, where's a good place to start? Release order?
Why does everyone hate Jack Marston?
Nintendo upside down censorship rules
It's time to discuss the best rpg of the decade
Long link
Anyone else kind of disappointed in the Switch library so far?
Will DBFZ save fighting games?
Star Fox Adventures Zero when?
Can we at least agree that this game was terrible?
See Shadow of the Colossus HD or whatever it's called on the mid year PSN sale
ESA 2017
Why is this allowed
SMT Strange Journey
Monster Hunter
Post your top 3 games
How many Twitch streamers are you subscribed to and supporting financially?
ITT: Vidya Edits
Abyss is one of the most discussed Tales games on Sup Forums
Playing games in public
Daily reminder that:
What's Sup Forums's snack of choice?
Game about gay dads
Battlestation thread
Meanwhile on Bizzaro Sup Forums
Ironic weebs vs gamer girls: which is more destructive to video games?
Name a recent console that had a better first 9 months than the Switch
No longer sexually attracted to women IRL
One user tried to make a VLR thread but Sup Forums fucked him up,so let's fucking talk about VLR
Super Mario Odyssey thread
Your honest opinion on this?
Is 2B (Toobie) Asian or White android?
Sup Forumsermin
Did Kojimbo really think this is the good way to tell a story? Or was he just pretending to be retarded...again...
How would you rank these games?
ITT: games you wish you could play for the first time again
Thoughts on this game?
Kingdoms and Castles
Why is the PS4 library so much better than the Wii U library?
It's Sunday, anons. What are ya
What some non-VN games with good romance?
So PC fellows are you waiting for RDR2 ?
How would you rank these four games?
Start playing Guilty Gear
Name a better gun in any vidya
11/10 game
Subtle vidya clothing thread
How long do you think the 3DS has left?
What can Atlus do to ensure Persona 6 isn't a crippling disappointment?
Omega is fucking impossible
Tekken 7 already dead, at least in the West
Is he right?
Cut Content
Dragon Ball FighterZ
How much would be a good price for all these 3DS games?
Until Dawn
ITT game series' you enjoyed at some point that went to complete shit
What were the best things about the fallout games?
What was the last time you revealed your power level?
Keep getting better and better
How has Sup Forums negatively impacted your life?
What's a fun FPS game that I haven't played yet Sup Forums?
So there will be a PC port right?
Is this the greatest cancer on modern gaming?
Find a flaw
Is this the strongest non-boss enemy in a Souls game?
Destiny 2 beta is apparently fucking garbage
I've never played Majora's Mask before. Should I play it on N64 or 3DS?
You are going to cancel that Skyrim VR preorder, user?
Games that it feels like Nobody else ever played thread?
Splatoon 2: Woomy's Inky World
Why hasn't anybody come up with a better strategy game on the PC?
Just in case you missed Pokemon GO fest
How do you become a better healer Sup Forums?
Dude I copy from Hollywood all the time, here's a mishmash in vidya form
Melee at Dreamhack Finals
If game has bad graphics he uses the le ps2 graphics meme
Splatoon 2
Releases almost everything as dub-only
Call of Duty needs a new engi-
Ywn see a berserk game made by from software
What was the best video game for you in terms of value for money?
OK Sup Forums make your Splinter Cell pitch
What a piece of shit. WoW is so much better
Why was this allowed?
So, I just bought the Telltale games humble bundle. Who wants Minecraft Story Mode and the adventure pass for the game...
Demon's Souls Fully Playable in RPCS3
ITT: Garbage character design
Is there a MMO worth playing with varied races, loli girls and asses?
Sonic Mania
What is the worst weapon in any FPS?
ESA 2017
Gaming ended after 6th generation. I sold my Xbox 360 and PS4 and now only have PS2 and Gamecube and never looked back...
Why are graphics from the early-2000s so comfy?
ITT: Bad naming schemes
Was it perfect?
The antagonist joins your party
Who is the best shoto in all of fighting games and why is it Demitri
Graphics thread?
Characters have uncommon names in an attempt to be more interesting
ITT: Sequels which did almost everything wrong
Feel like replaying some BB
Whats with blacks and fighting games?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
*blocks your path*
Buy....... G͎̱̬͕̻̤̓̃́ͅame
Medallions humming. Witcher thread. Gotta be
[distant mooing]
Awano was with a hot girl in a disco
Sup Forumsermin thread
Game has categories for different materials you find
Hello, I'm the Antithesis of Fun
Why did this game fail?
Was pic related the absolute pinnacle of local multiplayer and co-op story mode fps?
Did you enjoy it?
You ever play videogames with your parents Sup Forums? If so, what kind?
Lets discuss Censorship in VideoGames
Smash Melee @ Dreamhack Top 8
Is this a good mouse, Sup Forums?
Who should play Snake in a metal gear movie?
Post canonically ugly video game characters
ITT: Post an image and others will recommend you a video game based on it
Do you own any videogame figures?
What the fuck were they thinking
Why is the FGC so cancerous?
Hey /v been trying to figure out what this guy's name is for awhile any help?
Oh shit it's a monster house
Game has interesting premise and setting
If you don't enjoy this game you need to go away and play some more video games until you appreciate it...
What is the point of playing a game where you have to die uncountable times in order to progress?
Dare You Ask The Sonic Totem?
Who's the target audience for this?
Will you get it?
Perfect games don't exis
Who's the most fun to play Gigantic character, and why is it pic related?
Bravely Default thread
ESA 2017
Bye, Sup Forums
Why aren't you learning Japanese? Or would you rather wait 10 years for some autist to shit out their own inaccurate...
Holy FUCK, why doesn't anyone talk about this masterpiece?
Nintendo gets BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2, and ARMS in a SINGLE YEAR
ITT: reasons why you should learn japanese
You always shitpost about "muh longswords" in the Dark Souls 3
Why no Persona 4 Golden on PS4?
Dude white phosphorus lmao
Be honest, Sup Forums
"This game sucks"
PUBG beats a new record in concurrent player count yet again
Why is this board such a sad place?
What the fuck
When people say ps1 textures are "warped" what does it mean? Why doesn't N64 textures warp?
Most overrated console
Are there some games that are notable for leveraging optical illusions?
Did he ded?
Any tips? all i know is that a strength build is recommended
Look at this Nep
Which controller should I get, Sup Forums? The 360 controller is half the cost of the Xbox One controller
So everyone but the most hardcore contrarians admits that Star Fox Adventures was a piece of shit
Parappa the Rapper 2 is objectively the greatest rhythm game ever created. Prove me wrong
Your IQ
Name ONE (1) Video Game
What's the vidya equivalent of this?
What Kind of Combos will Ruby have in the new BlazBlue game
Looking for some good mecha games, any recommendations Sup Forums?
25 and over thread
We all have our own 10/10 game. What's her name Sup Forums?
Which is worse: ironic weebs or gamer girls xD ?
Anyone else feel screwed for owning this piece of shit? It was basically a $300 beta test for the Switch
Have you ever used Cheat Engine to get through a tough spot in a game?
They made Shelob a human female
What was his catchphrase again?
What precisely is the reason why Sonic became bad?
When will the enevitable casting of Chris Evans as Metal Gear be revealed?
Why didn't he try to stop Olivia Pearce's Satanic death cult in its infancy?
That fighting game with the best story
I thought this shit was supposed to be out of stock?
Haha look its Luigi! Bing bing wahoo xD
What would be a good build for a decent gaymen PC below $1000 dollaroos?
When will they learn
How do you leave this place?
Why does Nintendo want to be seen as the kiddy company...
What are some games with trees?
ESA 2017
Comfy Nintendo 3DS thread
Thoughts on Super Mario Odyssey's movement?
What's the dumbest shit you've ever seen in a video game?
First game is 8/10
Lets settle this once and for all
Thoughts on the new Spider-Man game?
Does Overwatch have the sexiest males in video game history?
How come nobody's talking about this bundle?
Sonic Mania Thread & Knuckles
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Have you ever lost to a girl in a vidya in your whole life?
How do I beat this footslut?
"What did you just say to my girl?"
Some of you guys are alright...Don't come to Nipton tomorrow
Game uses a minigame based in real life like poker, blackjack etc
After restarting this game 4 times over the past 12 years i finally decided to finish it on my 4th restart and damn...
So this is power of pissi gaming
No sales bragging from Nintendo
Buy 50 fucking RPGs during the Steam sale
Where's Hawke?
What's the best JRPG? Pic unrelated
WoD gets 0 content
Fractured But Whole
Is Overwatch proof that sex appeal is literally all it takes to sell games and make billions off micro transactions?
Ah yeah ... this game exist
Are the games as faggy and preachy as the anime
Where were you when snapmap was redeemed?
ITT: Sup Forums hall of shame
Will Ruby be the cutest girl in the new BlazBlue Game?
Sorry you missed the game that's literally on your disk we've locked it for the night. Better luck tomorrow!
This is your average teammate
Who is the final boss of real life?
ITT: Post games without actually posting them
Do you use it?
Any good games related to STALKER, other than Metro, worth trying?
Why doesn't Nintendo follow that mindset?
Insults other people as being casual
You're put in charge of making Half-Life 3
Splatoon 2 Woomy life
Backlog thread
ITT: Vidya tropes that you love
Inti-Creates fired from Bloodstianed in November:
Coming home from school and playing Kingdom Hearts
Agents of mayhem
Yfw 1hp
Sega and PlayStation were popular in South America
Just finished this game for the first time
Legend of zelda game that was already on wii u
Hey look. It's a
Souls games are perfect examples why "dark" themed games tend to suck ass:
ESA 2017
What are some games that you're convinced people are just pretending to like
Rate my starter PC build
So why are 3DS games, even years old used ones, still near or at full price?
Hey, Sup Forums. My best friend came out as trans and her birthday is coming up soon. What are some games girls like?
What is the "why didn't they just fly on the eagles to Mount Doom?" of video games?
Already dead
Best of Sup Forums
SMASH @ Dreamhack finals day
Resident Evil Thread
Why did this game fail?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...