Why Sup Forums loves wotlk so much?

Why Sup Forums loves wotlk so much?
It was worst expansion and started all shit that haunts mmo genre even now
My guild and friends left for the others mmo back then in disgust, this is how bad expansion was
I think people who love it are the same shitters who hate dark souls 2, aka vocal retards whos opinion shouldn't matter

>liking WoW at all
No, thanks.

WoW is shit in general.

>I think people who love it are the same shitters who hate dark souls 2, aka vocal retards whos opinion shouldn't matter
Bump because I want to see the shitstorm, good job OP

Only people who like WotLK are the people who started playing in WotLK. Ulduar is the only decent raid in the entire expansion, and most people who hype it up do it because it was their first raid, like how TBC newcomers do with Karazhan.

The only real mystery is why so many people on Sup Forums masturbate to MoP. Is it just the furries, or is it because it was between the only two expansions that were even worse than MoP?

Because it executed an important and foreshadowed main questline of Warcraft really well and offered some diversity of level progression.
>it was so dumb that me and my friends even stopped playing!
That doesn't mean anything except to you

>Because it executed an important and foreshadowed main questline of Warcraft really well
> and offered some diversity of level progression

It wasn't the worst expansions, you're exaggerating. Expansions like WoD still exist.

But yes, WotLK was after all and in hindsight the beginning of the end.

>My guild and friends left for the others mmo back then in disgust, this is how bad expansion was

>I left during this thing everyone else was enjoying
>I stayed in my bubble and continued to hate thing
>I leave my bubble after thing ends and everyone is saying thing was actually enjoyable! WTF?!?!?!?

Seriously though:
It's not that wotlk was good, it's that everything after wotlk is shit. Wotlk is the thing you can point to and reasonably say "things were not total shit then".

Post more Arthas.

>one of the most iconic Warcraft characters
>one of the F tier worst tanks in HotS
Why blizz? Why?

Going to Northrend and fighting Arthas is super important and a long awaited questline. You could level in different zones, like back in vanilla, which you couldn't in BC which makes it a total slog. Don't play stupid, it was cool. The stuff that was bad about it you weren't even able to notice until you had already gotten deep into the xpac. I can understand looking back and not liking it or becoming sick of it near the end but acting like you were disappointed before you had gotten halfway through the xpac's raids is to be facetious.

because wotlk was the final expac of "old wow", before cata essentially remade the entire game into wow 2.0

also wrath had really great atmosphere and the best questing experience to date. gameplay was also tight and fun. problem is that it only had a single good raid, everythin else was mediocre (ICC), bad (ToC) or a lazy rehash (naxx). 5mans were also not enjoyable due to being undertuned like crazy.

what the fuck are you on about? arthas is pretty great. unless you need a solo tank, then he's shit, but for dual tank lineups he's really good.

Wrath started out great then got shitter around the Trials of the Champion days and only got good when it ended but honestly the truth is laid bare here is that they killed Arthas WAY too early.

Definitely one of the main reasons I don't like HotS, S-tier heroes in their own universes performing like ass versus comparably weaker characters.

Dumb anime poster

>dual tank lineups
>in this HP% damage meta


Lol, insane wotlk kid
Your post doesn't make any sense
Wotlk already was wow 2.0
>raids are the only endgame content
>making all classes the same because they need to raid
>no need to leave expansion capital for the world, ever
>raid difficulties and 10p modes for casuals

MoP was unironically better than WotLK. You can meme all you want with "muh Kung Fu Panda" but it was a self-contained storyline that barely touched any already-established lore, and did a very good job in both the writing and gameplay department.

>dude malth exists never pick tanks again lmao
so this is the mind of a silver shitter

>Wrath started out great
My sides
Worst x,0 patch in the history of wow

Arthas isn't shit, he just doesn't stand out. He can still be played fine, and at the least does well in pubs and quickmeme.

I moved to dnd online during wotlk, still playing it from time to time, no regrets. Seeing as how WoW turned out to be - dodged a bullet

wow 2.0 began when the cataclysm literally removed most of classic azeroth and replaced it with new zones that were streamlined to hell. at the same time, all classes had MAJOR modifications to skills and talents, with some being completely reworked (hunter and paladin for example)
wrath was still old wow because it still had the old world and all the classes still had their original vanilla skills and talents (plus whatever got added in tbc and wrath of course)

you are right that in terms of content and design philosophy, wrath already marked a departure from old wow. dungeon finder, multiple raid difficulties, overlapping raid buffs/debuffs, welfare gear, all that shit began to run rampant in wrath (although some of it started in tbc already)

>started all shit that haunts mmo genre even now
No, that was vanilla WoW.

>but it was a self-contained storyline that barely touched any already-established lore
Exactly. We just killed the LK, now lets forget everything and go have a panda adventure.

I did not play WoW for Pandas, I played it because they would not release warcraft 4.

Besides that the panda gameplay was everything wrong with wotlk amplified x2.

found the underages

Except we didn't just kill Lich King, we had Cataclysm. Stop pretending WoW is some grimdark fantasy world past Warcraft II. Or are you forgetting we have entire zones literally dedicated to memes and references? Or the embarassingly-bad entirety of Dragon Soul.

This to be desuyo, real men played Ultima Online

WoW is shit and we all know it.
I tried warloards and it felt like I was playing a fucking comic book videogame instead of what is suppose to be a continuation of the Warcraft universe. All the over the top super power moves and cut aways to characters with titlecard names, WTF blizz.

But the WoW playing shitters are the real underage, you have never in your life touched a real MMO. Even EQ was garbage and that was way more "hardcore" than what you vanilla retards keep going on about.

>we had Cataclysm.
I legitimately forgot that expansion and lumped it together with panda. That might be where some of my panda hate is coming from desu.

>WoW is some grimdark fantasy world
Its just a regular, dark fantasy world.

>entire zones literally dedicated to memes and references
Im guessing people that bring this up never played any of the warcraft games, or where alive during that era of PC gaming.

Hidden bonus rooms filled with jokes and references where a common thing. One Easter egg in WC3 does not mean everything in that Easter egg is cannon. Or that they should base an entire fucking expansion, on a stale joke level.

Holy shit guys Duke Nukem 3D had a doom reference hidden away in it. That means the Duke Nukem world and the doom world are cannon in the same universe!!!!!

It had the best raid, but the others were crap. I think it was simply the last time everyone was fairly comfortable with the game. Since then there has been one thing or another tarnishing the whole of the game, whether it's a longstanding feature or one recently added.. Was it Activision itself, or was the "merge" an indication that Blizzard had already fallen from within? Either way it's another drop in the overflowing bucket of vidya ruined by lethargic greed.

There was a whole meme (which has been conveniently forgotten by the people it targets) about how cancerous people who started in wrath were. Wrathbabies.

Hidden Easter eggs and bonus rooms are not at all equivalent to dedicating multiple, large-scale leveling zones with canon storylines like Redridge, Westfall and Uldum to memes and pop culture references.

It was the best time to play the game desu.

Having started playing mid-BC, it was just the expansion that I had the most free time to put into the game. Northrend was super cool to explore for the first time alongside everyone else, Ulduar was an amazing raid and I had a great guild to get through everything else with.

Bad or good, it's just the one I have the most memories with. I didn't really have the time or attention to stay for any expansions after it. Including Legion.

I also got the collector's edition of Wrath.

Take him into quickmeme and see how badly you shit on randoms. He's not a bad character he just isn't "in the meta" right now. Muradin was the same for a long time, then he ruled that shit, Anub too. It's just how this game and this genre specifically works.

>It was worst expansion and started all shit that haunts mmo genre even now
WotLK was pretty bad but TBC started a lot of that shit, too.

>Only people who like WotLK are the people who started playing in WotLK
False. I played tbc and prefer wotlk.

>It was worst expansion
In a world where Pandaland, Cataclysm, Warlords, and Legion exist?

Fucking LOL

>best pvp
>i liked wintergasp
>Naxx icc ulduar best raids
>durr tbc yea fucking right shit was just a gear check
>arthas finally
>cool quest lines Muradin Bronzebeard
>druids are great
>new class dk
>Heroics were too easy
>all level new talents were good

People like you are the reason why real PvP MMOs don't survive.

>complain about durr games too ez
>cata makes heroics hard
>mass player cry

>complaining about gear check raids when Naxx didn't even manage to be that

Did you unironically call the questline revealing that Muradin has been alive with amnesia for a decade and is king of the frost dwarves a cool questline?

like what? ur fucking chink mmos lmao

>asian grindan trash

so then name a real pvp mmo



bet you think darkfalls good too

No, it's garbage. Crowfall too probably.

It was mechanically good.

Define playing. Did you actually raid/arena or just fucked around in bgs and hcs?

384997630-kun here, unforunally no, I started in the 2,4 and barely got 68 when wotlk launched

>as if it sounded original or funny
You don't need to be smart to use Xbabies meme with literally anything, you fucking memebaby.

Are there any good populated private wotlk servers? Currently play on dalaran dalaran-wow but there's barely anyone in most zones and the aggro range is bigger for some reason?

Not the guy you are replying to but I got to about 1800 in arena(just fucking around with a friend)

And cleared everything from Kara, Gruul, Mag, SSC(before nerf), TK(kael after nerf), Hyjal and BT then quit for the summer till Wotlk.

Wotlk had some great stuff, issue was it was the first time we had a raid content draught.

Mainly because of the bad design of 5man dungeons making old raids obsolete...

I actually liked ICC, other than the forced bullshit lore concerning Bolvar the did throughout WotLK.

because it was easy as hell to pug the first tier of the raid (naxx) and it made a lot of people take raiding seriously. I think every trash pack in Naxx you just aoe'd them down. Then it was followed by Ulduar which was a great raid apart from the trash clear before the first boss.

FL was ass in general, fuck vehicles

>raids are the only endgame content
Literally what endgame content present in past expansions was missing in wotlk? In reality every expansion up until that point added more things to do.

Not him.
Every expansion wow has ever had has added pretty much the same content, just in slightly different forms.
>some form of pvp content
on top of that, they have added some new features like classes or QoL changes. It's been the same game all the time and it will always be the same game.

MMOs aren't about being "hardcore" literally all they need to do is provide goals, be semi enjoyable and have some way of forcing players to interact.
They won't do it on their own and without the social aspect mmos are just a crappy rpg with heaps of repetitive bullshit shoved in.

The reason why people liked LK so much is in my opinion as it follows:

Vanila was dificult for them to experiance the content, maybe they also had no internet so they werent even playing then.

TBC was easier than vanila but it still requered hours into decking out your character, attunements and getting ready to raid in general. PvP was also kinda broken though still fun.

LK was really polished at start. You still needed to gear up for the raids but doing so was significaly easier therefor making more people able to experiance the content. Class balance was also there (somewhat) and the world felt engaging and fun with all the new mechanics and quests.

Soon after however the inner jew in bliz decided that they wanted even more money so they grinded all the conted to the ground, even more so than it already was making a fresh lvl 80 char raid ready the moment he "dinged". Basicaly anything after Ulduar was top tier garbage. So every casual and every child got to play end game content and got happy.

So that's why i think the majority enjoyed LK so much. I also liked LK up until Ulduar but after that my fav expansion became TBC once more.

Matzen got tired and wanted a retirement plan.

Moe singularity.

>your enjoyment of the xpac doesn't count unless you got to the part where I got bored with it

Ulduar was literally the only good thing about Wotlk

Early Cata was the last time the game was good.

These are facts and you suck.

I have never raided in WoW.
Stats show most players don't raid.

I enjoyed Wotlk the most because the zones were just fun and beautiful. I still remember some of the quests, like the one line where you went undercover as part of the scourge, or that ghost shoreline, or all the stuff preping for the assault on ice crown.

It felt like vanilla wow again because of all the cool stuff to explore and the clear story goal.

I could not tell you anything about the plot of cata other then deathwing = bad.

1.12 was the best WoW
Prove me wrong.

>>best pvp
Yeah I remember being forced into a single spec that turned my class into a pet wrangler.


I never hit level cap in vanilla but I liked exploring the world, reading the quest and item descriptions, looking at the statues, exc. the fun was being in Warcraft 3.

When BC came out I had no idea what was happening plot wise, all the zones felt like they were completely random in terms of design and it was a chaotic mess.

Wotlk had a clear goal Kill the LK, and every zone you were doing something to help the war effort or something that let you explore northrend and fed you side story.

Cata was just awful, minmax xp grinding.

I quit during panda because I just did not care about Pandaria. I came to WoW for warcraft and we have gone so far off topic that the world has been destroyed and now we are in panda land, fighting some evil I don't care at all about.

Does Sup Forums recognize everybody in this picture?


I think

Forgot the rogues name but he was meh compared to Meandro.

Laintime, DrakeDog, Vurtne, Kishkumen(?)

I've played both during TBC and WOTLK originally.

Playing on a private TBC server right now I can tell you that talent trees for the majority of classes got much better in WOTLK despite streamlining. A lot of specs in TBC are only there for party buffs. They have 1/2 button rotations and are not fun to play.

>hey have 1/2 button rotations and are not fun to play
This one actually was only fixed in cata
But I don't understand why would you touch mmo if you don't like 1/2 button rotations

Mainly done raids, bg.
Fuck off faggot

Okay, I'll make an example.

You have an ele shaman in TBC.
The rotation is: LB LB LB (LB) and maybe a CL if you feel like it, but its barely a dps difference. Flame Shock was a dps loss.
In WOTLK you had to maintain FS dot, LvB on CD, LB in between. So, wow, 2 buttons more!

Warlocks have undergone a bigger change even.

>But I don't understand why would you touch mmo if you don't like 1/2 button rotations
Feral dps in WOTLK

>Stats show most players don't raid.
Which is fucking weird since the only thing left in the game is raids and an endless arbitrary number grind to prepare for them. Less than ironically, WotLK was the ground zero for this exact thing albeit PvP was still a thing back then.
But fact of the matter is EVERYTHING that existed in the world of WotLK had some way to increase your statistics to make you more prepared for raids. Vanilla and TBC weren't like this.
I agree about TBCs zones. They suck fucking ass. WotLK is very nice. I actually agree with almost everything you say and I was a tryhard raider who did some pvp too. The exploration and lore made or broke the game for me, the other stuff came on top of it. I liked TBC the least out of the original trio too and it's not something I even remember very fondly. Unlike vanilla that I can never let go and WotLK that I liked despite it slowly ruining everything that made the game worthwhile for me.

>They suck fucking ass

I am very much fond of that expansion and would like to hear a contrary opinion.

I haven't ever given much thought for why I don't like TBCs zones. Something like the other user said.
>all the zones felt like they were completely random in terms of design and it was a chaotic mess.
Yeah I know what happened to Outland, don't care. I just need to look at HFP/Blade's Edge/SMW or Netherstorm for a few seconds and I know those are not places I want to spend any time in. Karazhan wasn't great either. After my first run there I was already bored of it.

One color. For each zone, one, primary, dominating color. Terrokar is Dark blue, Auchindoun is Gray, Blade's Edge is Brown, Netherstorm is purple. Its visually boring, and unpleasant to stare at one color for so long, especially in Netherstorm and Hellfire, since there's so much bright red/purple/bright pink.

>Feral dps in WOTLK
Ah, the memories.

Warmane's Lordaeron has like 3-4k players average

Netherstorm and Hellfire peninsula were great, fuck you

What made them great?

not him, but "hurr same color" does not account for a zone to "suck fucking ass"

We'd be diving deep into subjective grounds if we were to discuss if it actually sucks or not though, so I'll just say your opinion is retarded and move on

They just felt right. They were like actual war zones and I liked fighting fel orcs, the Legion and Kael'thas loyalist elves

I've been playing since 1.4. Wrath is a good expansion, probably the best in terms of content and expansion pacing Blizzard has ever made. It wasn't a perfect expansion, but the problems it had are trivial in comparison to the clusterfucks in Cataclysm, the latter half of MoP, and WoD.

In my opinion, here were the largest problems with Wrath:

>Death Knights were broken in Arena
>Trial of the Crusader and Ulduar should've had their loot item levels equalized

Typical wotlk kid pretending to be vanillafag

Not the guy who said it sucked ass, just wanted to air my grievances. Don't even think they're bad zones, I just think Wrath zones are visually better.

>mfw I have Benediction
>mfw you don't because you're some carpetbagger who started playing in TBC

why would you ever do undead memewarrior when you already had a good anti fear, get more memeap or aoe stun with tauren ya dip

Yeah this is about right.

not an argument