Demon's Souls is hard

>Demon's Souls is hard
Why was this pushed so hard, Sup Forums?
I fatrolled my way through the game and only used a guide for the World Tendency events
Hardest point in the game is Valley of Defilement and 90% of that comes from having your movement restricted by the gunk

>Why was this pushed so hard

It wasn't. Bamco started this with DaS.

>Why was this pushed so hard, Sup Forums?
Because people aren't used to having to learn and adapt. We have this thread 100x/day, there's no real excuse for still having to ask this question short of just arriving and making this thread.

Bandai Namco didn't start pushing the difficulty as as marketing tool until Dark Souls

DeS isn't hard it's just punishing.
Game is the easiest mechanically by lightyears compared to DS1/2/3 and BB.

Only other demon's souls thread I saw today was about emulating it
But I remember plenty of fans saying this was hardcore and one of the hardest games ever. Then bamco took that and ran with it

>Only other demon's souls thread I saw today was about emulating it
This isn't the first day of Sup Forums.

Well yeah... but it's the first difficulty thread of the day? That has to count for something...

Is BB a harder game? I spent tens of hours on DeS and I never progressed past the first boss.
I wanted to give BB a shot (since it's 'the only PS4 game') but if that's the case then fuck it

Bloodborne is easier, but the beginning hours are probably the hardest part.

>That has to count for something...
No, it doesn't. We don't need to keep having this thread to keep answering one question. Everyone but you gets it. Everyone but you already got it.


It was our valiant gaaymen journalist who went off about how hurd it was.

What's the hardest of them all?
And how do they compare to stuff from like NES era or so

>What's the hardest of them all?
The first one you play.

BB definitely isn't easier than DeS.

Do better graphics/controller help?

This has always been a bit of a shite argument.

All it really implies is that each iteration of the franchise fails to expand on the concepts established in DeS. The core mechanics in Souls games are piss easy to master.

>Its "a people forget that in the time DeS was released games are such a easy ass shit that something like the learning curve of the souls series are some new incredible shit for the normies" episode

>All it really implies is that each iteration of the franchise fails to expand on the concepts established in DeS
Explaining why you don't like the argument isn't proving the argument wrong.

Not an argument.

I can see that, it's a complaint instead of an argument.

So whats a good class to start out with? Is magic good?

It was all started by Mustards getting Dark Souls.
The fanbase getting cancerous started with Mustards.

It all depends which game you started first:
I think DeS was the hardest one because it was the first Souls game i ever played. LEarning the mechanics getting to know the game.
Dark Souls was easy compared to it but only for the reason because i knew what was important and what not.

magic is really good in demons souls.
but you should start with a melee character for the authentic experience.


Underage kiddies and plebs who started with DaS might not remember that the 2006 - 2010 period was when anything that wasn't some obscure indie shit was
generally piss easy.

DeS came out and remind people that games can actually punish you for fucking up.

The harder part about BB is not being a stupid faggot that thinks that there are a lot of viable builds when there are only 3.

So yeah, quite easy if you play with the common saw-ludwig-beast shit, but hard as hell (cause you deal almost no dmg) with another stuff.

I have a hard time believing that. God Hand was released 2006/2007 for one thing.

I never thought if it as hard. I always thought if it as innovative. The summon/invasion is the best thing out of last gen. There were games on PC much harder at the time, but I loved this game for the atmosphere, combat, and those systems.

This is someone who was in the international pre-order of the Chinese version club.

>games can actually punish you for fucking up.
DeS's punishment with the World Tendency only punished reatrds. Even the game manual explains it in detail what it is and how it affects the gameplay. You didn't even need the niternet for it. If you can't even be bothered to read that shit, you deserve to have your difficulty turned higher.

It definitely feels a little smoother than Demon's.

>better controller
you'll accidentally jump while running so many times

>1 game

See but fuck this. When established that you're familiar with the combat of both BB and Souls, THEN which game in the series is the most difficult?

Because "The first one" means fuck all.

Nigga who said anything about world tendency?we are talking about something like maneaters being considered a unfair challenge because two bosses shows a time everything are corridor shooters and tutoriais every 3seconds are common people got casual

>I only used a guide for that part
Kill yourself retard bandwagoner