Let's talk about Monster Hunter's return home.
Let's talk about Monster Hunter's return home
But MH didn't start on PC
I started with mh1 and I'm excited for world.
I better see a fucking Inagami or Baruragaru somewhere. Stop fucking hogging all the good Frontier monsters you gooks.
It seems people who started on the handhelds are bitter about it getting a console release.
>people aren't allowed to be worried when Capcom decides to reinvent a franchise for a new audience
Their track record is terrible
What did I tell you. Bitter as fuck. Making shit up to fuel their irrational hatred for something remotely different from what they played.
You have any idea how radically different Monster hunter 1 is from Portable 3rd let alone the 3DS games?
The exact same amount of difference you are experiencing right now between Generations and Worlds.
Get over yourself.
Except they're actually dumbing down stuff to make the game more appealing to a new market, alienating many old fans in the process. Not all change is good
Nah, not getting into the console war shit, but the current Capcom is giving us crap like Street Fighter V, Ultra Street Fighter II, and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. You don't have to be scoring points in some silly console war to be apprehensive about this upcoming Monster Hunter title.
Yeah, it was totally cool when they changed a bunch of shit for gen 2 tri and again when they changed shit for gen. But this is crossing the line.
Do you think he even knows talismans didn't used to exist and neither did farms. Great Sword couldn't charge at one point.
This new monhun has all of the big names in monster hunter working on it.
Yet you refrain from elaborating because you can't actually find a legitimate reason for your claim.
Not even a console war. It purist war. When the "purists" are just people who started playing recently who can't deal with slight changes between a game that hasn't actually changed in 10 years.
These people are desperately digging for a slightly out of context pictures and interviews to prove a point they don't have.
No, He probably doesn't. He probably doesn't even know that the first game had Stealth as a option but latter games they just ditched the idea entirely but kept crouching and crawling.
I'm glad they are finally expanding on stealth. though I would have preferred a musk or something you spray on your self instead of a ghillie suit.
>track record terrible
>for monster hunter
the only thing "terrible" is the pointless swimming added in tri and (most) the shit added in X/XX.
Games always been fine track record wise, you would know if you owned more of them before tri.
I meant in general. DMC and Lost Planet come to mind
Or Xbox. Something is fishy here.
I did not care for how upgrading was handled in Generations. And that there was no true Guild hunting style since some moves from the normal hunting style from previous games was divided among the new styles. but besides that I liked some of those special moves.
They're entirely seperate teams though. And the original team is working on World.
>lost planet 3
Wait. If talismans didn't exist, did armor skills exist back then?
Western studio.
Monster hunter Worlds is made by the monster hunter team. No western studio is involved.
Scrapping and digging at the bottom of that barrel user.
And you are still found wanting.
Why? Cross is there for portableness and consoles will look awesome
DMC was Inafune's fault.
It's been a while but iirc armor skills were hidden and you could only really have one at a time in mh1. I don't think talismans existed in gen 2 either but I'm getting all my gens mixed up now.
I think they were a shitty addition to the series personally and I hope they're gone.
Because they have no news of XX coming to the west. and the idea that the game is changing ever so slightly like it has always done though out the years scares them or some shit.
>I hope they're gone
They are gone.
It looks kinda cool, I'm just bitter since it won't come to handhelds, I might still give it a try though.
Good things do happen to good people then.
>I'm just bitter since it won't come to handhelds
Fuck handhelds, I'm tired of playing MonHun at 240p.
I meant the Switch or the Vita, everyone is tired of the 3DS. I'm just a little worried if it'll do fine in Japan, since the PS4 isn't that hot there.
Japan has XX so they are fine.
The whole reason this bullshit over MHWorlds even started is because Capcom has no plans to port XX.
And when they say they have no plans that means they ain't going to do shit about it. That's if history has anything to say about it.
True that, I don't get Capcom, at least when it comes to the west. They did the same with the Great Ace Attorney. Fuck I hate them.
Cool I thought this thread was about Mh not shit games like LP(second one doesnt count that one was magical) Also they did put in-charge a literal insane retard for DMC.
I honestly cant see how this impacts a game senpai.
Ya X/XX was a step in the wrong direction, and you can tell they are changing it up (adding the good shit and taking away trash, just like tri)
I do not think it was a bad game, it was fun, but definitely more towards shit like God Eater rather than MH.
its autism yo
only thing from keeping you liking the new MH, none of the changes are anything more than QOL. I am also one of those old players you think are being alienated who is overly excited for the QOL changes being made.
Generations Made me like playing the fucking Sword and Board again.
I finally dropped Hammer and Horn to play SnB exclusively with the Oils and shit.
SnB always seems underpowered and lacking compared to virtually every weapons for the longest time. The Oils happened and those skills made playing it a fucking blast.
I kind of hope Oils aren't lost in worlds.
the problem with X/XX is it became more of a reactionary game where you need to press evade or brave charge at the right time instead of paying attention to monster animations. At this point they might as well just shit out giant circles to dodge instead of having proper attacks with fang and limb since you can I-frame everything.
It is pretty sad because a big part of the X games could be saved if Adept, the Brave evade, and the Absolute Arts didn't exist
>started on Wii U
>excited for World
I think you've noticed a pattern here
Could never get into the PSP ones, just lacked polish. Hopefully this one has a tighter production design.
No shit its because they retard strength buffed SNS compared to all other changes. Those oils are insanely good, and all that utility/elem or status dmg.
>started on wii U
Started on fucking Ps2 with Monster hunter 1 shit lord.
there is no pattern.
tired as fuck of the low resolution and shitty camera controls.
But still loved every single Monster hunter game that came out. except for most of the palico spin offs.
Exactly. i get the SnS was used previously as a utility weapon in combat but you were always behind everyone in damage and all around usefulness in battle. You just tended to survive longer than most people due to blocking and healing without putting your weapon away.
But fuck his damage was shit.
Yo, stop with the MHW hate. You already know Monster Hunter isn't the same as Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Mega Man, Devil May Cry etc. With the exception of Street Fighter (and late RE), those games are "balanced" around single player, short experiences. Monster Hunter has always been designed for the long haul, and with multiplayer in mind. A 20 hour game vs 2000 hr makes a world of difference.
They won't just shit on the fanbase of their most consistent franchise, that is now on a platform to move paid DLC. They know they have to nail it. 4 year development "A" team, current gen, multiplat, with quality of life changes across the board, none of which detract from the core hunting gameplay. You can literally see Monster Hunter in Monster Hunter World. You can hit the monster until it dies and ignore traps, bombs, hazards, mounting etc (just like most people do in every MH). You see how there is still frame data and motion values (and now damage counters), all 14 weapons are in, all old mechanics (minus swimming) are in, what the hell more could you want? All they need to do is say "oh G-Rank at launch btw" and everyone will collectively shed all their fears.
But knowing Capcom, their way of screwing up would be content quantity. Because even if they get everything right, having a small roster and then forcing players to pay to fight DLC monsters would sour the whole thing.
TLDR; it's hard to imagine Capcom messing this specific thing up (just look at the live demos again), the engine is the same, everything is largely the same, it will feel the same. You're all nuts if you look at the gameplay and think there are massive, core-bending changes. It looks like less downtime+more multi monster hunts+faster gathering=more monsters killed per time played, more quests completed, more customization (this is really important to notice), and more fun. This game looks to be going full autist and it's exactly what so many people want.
I feel for you man, I'm the same way. I'm just glad we're getting a new focus on consoles.
>It seems people who started on the handhelds are bitter about it getting a console release.
spoke like a true sonyger, cause MH have been on all Sony consoles since 2, also on Wii , Xbox360 and PC
and guess what, ALL flopped, with the exception of Wii that sold a mediocre 2Millions
He was saying he started on console, with MH3U, and is excited for world. Backing up your statement that handheld players are the ones upset. Calm down you fucking sperg.
This post is a mess.
>since 2.
Since 1.
And the people bitching about Worlds are the people who started on handheld and can't fathom why the consoles are getting a new game but they won't port XX over.
>tfw ywn fight a berserk raviente with HD graphics
raviente's theme is the best theme to a monster ever
>the problem with X/XX is it became more of a reactionary game where you need to press evade or brave charge at the right time instead of paying attention to monster animations.
Almost right though I feel the issue came with stances in and of itself, rather than just adding some new air based attacks. BASED on 4u already adding verticality to the game, if anything Slam Jam/Striker should have been the only styles added...plus free huge get of jail free cards made the game so fucking easy it hurt. Honestly I have no idea why most people weren't up in arms about the insane ammount of FREE the game gave you.
>Adept, the Brave evade, and the Absolute Arts didn't exist
In most cases true, but I think it was the dev team feeling like they had to add something "new" when most of us vets just want a more engaging hunt/time sinks being cut down a little for item gathering etc.
Anyone who is worried about mechanics so much and dmg numbers of traps are fucking retards who cant into math/basic monster hunter gameplay.
They were all made on chump change and sold far more than it cost to make them.
I wouldn't call that a flop.
This Monster hunter Worlds game though is made up of entirely new assets and engine the developer hasn't used before.
So the this game could actually fail financially even if it is good.
>and people bitching about worlds is people that started when the game was at the peak of its popularity
no shit sherlock
>They were all made on chump change and sold far more than it cost to make them.
>I wouldn't call that a flop.
I want a source on that cause the only games that went past the 1 Millions barrier were MH 1, Tri on Wii and the 3DS games (I might be forgetting 1)
You gotta stop ignoring the present. Even on these boards, MH is a more recent phenomenon in the west. 4U was where the series tipped most into the mainstream. The more well known console releases were Tri/3U. Home Nintendo consoles + third party, do the math on why it didn't sell. And obviously on PS2, it was extremely niche at the time. Like Grim Grimoire niche. PSP titles existed, and that's where the action was before 3DS.
Basically, don't use old trends as a benchmark. This is a natural fit for MH at this time. Even without portability, old fans and new are getting it. They have 3 platforms to choose from. It will move. Unless it reviews poorly.
>usefulness in battle
>doesn't count for status/elem/item usage literally ANY TIME
if you thought sns was in a bad place compared to other weapons you were not a team player senpai. How dare you stop hammering for some shitty fotm weapon. You insult all of us who knock the fuck out of monsters because you want some more faggy "deeps"
On a serious note, there was no rational for SNS to have such a huge buff, it was in one of the most balanced places in MH when it came to dmg and utility. The move and addition to more utility was enough for it, the oils were insane and need a nerf for world if it happens.(not sure for XX only played a little and no SnS)
>MH is a more recent phenomenon in the west.
when World was revealed. PS4 version could not even get to 1st page in amazon.
fucking Metroid 4 Jpg got to 1st page
And monster hunter 2-XX run and 80% of the exact same assets. so it cost fucking nothing to make these games.
Which is why when Capcom was fucking broke and had to have Sony bail them out by paying for SFV a few years back they were still pumping out Monster Hunter games with no stopping them.
>you were not a team player
I played exclusively Hunting horn my dude.
I was the reason many scrubs even managed to get to G rank.
At least me and my Bro running Heavy Bow gun.
>had to have Sony bail them out
not denying that Sony moneyhatted SFV but what saved Capcom from brankrupcy was actually Mon Hunter in 3DS
look the number and Mon Hun have been capcom best selling franchise since the 2013 >Capcom only have a few hundred millions in its wallet
Then why did you switch to faggy fotm dps?
NBD tho, GS is fun/SA is very fun too, played through 3rd as SA, otherwise i'm hammering always. You know not my pain in 4u, no one but Hammer fags know my pain.
Because Generations added styles and special moves So I tested shit out for each weapon.
Found SnS super fucking fun. and used it Solo
I no longer play Generations. The game was super fucking easy since it had basically no fucking end game.
When does Monster Hunter get first page anything in the west (FYI here are burgers in Japan themed around Monster Hunter)? It's a very safe bet to assume Metroid is more popular than Monster Hunter in the west, especially as just a brand. This is where sales data doesn't dictate the actual trend.
Monster Hunter + PS4/PC = best possible formula right now. Gen sold worse than 4U, Gen2 would've continued the decline. They were adding features, and some cool monsters, but to evolve in every other way they needed modern hardware. This is the new base Monster Hunter. This is a foundation they have to lay to continue delivering that Monster Hunter experience. On some level you have to agree with that.
If there's not at least two new weapons this game's a pass for me. The shitty Unreal engine is enough of a turn-off already, but if they dont even attempt to change up or improve the game after the portable versions it's not worth the fucking money.
>When does Monster Hunter get first page anything in the west
well, it better should given that all about the game so far screams
saying that is normal that is not popular in the west is shooting yourself twice in the foot
>but to evolve in every other way they needed modern hardware
please elaborate
I'm just happy this shit is finally properly coming to PC. The 3DS's 240p screen can get fucked, my hands hurt way too badly holding the damn thing.
Aesthetically speaking, World looks like shit. It looks like a generic Korean MMO. I'd much rather play Generations on the Switch honestly. Plus the Switch is innately better console for MH thanks to portability.
>Capcom only have a few hundred millions in its wallet
They've always had roughly that much in the bank, it doesn't really mean anything. The idea that Capcom was ever going bankrupt was just a meme
Should I buy 4U or Generations for the 3ds I just got?
Monster hunter is well known enough in the west for someone to make a movie ruining the entire premise of the series.
no offense but it was easy because of your SNS...
SNS in X is very similar to what most Mh players would call cheese. CB in 4 was op/ez, but SNS in X was the prob the most OP weapon to be released in MH. All the dps of weapons with 0 utility, and the 2nd most utility having weapon in game. It was broken shit yo.
Not a swipe at you or anything, just saying curb stomping shit can be fun regardless of the situation.
Though you did describe other things as issue with X so fair nuff in that department.
>They've always had roughly that much in the bank
Please stop, not only did that first sentence make almost no sense, but you sounds like a retard who hates the west for no reason.
MUH JAP GODS do not exist, and I cant wait for world servers to prove that you gook loving faggots.
You just mad the West is the best
>reddit spacing
you guys are as mad as the people who thought farms would make the game too easy and casual
>it was easy because of your SNS
Nah man. General consensus has been in for about a year now. The game lacks difficulty solely because it doesn't have G-rank hunts. The game doesn't get hard. The point in the game when challenge is supposed to start isn't in the game.
They added G rank to XX but that ain't getting localized my dude.
>enhanced textures
>larger environments
>no loading
>seamless multiplayer
>better more interactive environments
>(POTENTIALLY (i fucking hope)) more monsters
Honestly there are more reasons I could possibly pull out my ass. Though smarter monsters is def a huge reason id be hyped
Scale. When you base a game around hunting magestic, large beasts, eventually you're going to want them to look as best as they can, not trapped in 240p. MH very much deserves the HD treatment. Scale also applies to actual in game map size, and monster size (just imagine a boss like Dalamadur in proper HD, etc. it already felt massive on a tiny screen, which is a solid feat). Too many quality monster designs to keep it restricted. This is their first real HD attempt. And it doesn't look like a massive departure. And that's GOOD
>we want the west
It sounds a lot more like
>we want to get rid of this old shit that wasn't really doing much but we won't straight up remove gathering but make it even faster in addition to having farms
None of that disproves what I said.
I don't see more monsters.
Maybe more new monsters but not more monsters than X/XX. Those games were fucking anniversary games throwing in tons of monsters.
I would be utterly baffled if they managed to make this game have more than those games.
>when its just being taken off shitty hardware
Its the same old formula with new meme mechanics that every game has in their sequels.
>None of that disproves what I said.
>Capcom always have the same money
>Cue result
>Capcom is in dip shit and have to fix it fast
so Capcom has always been near bankrupt??
the worst kind of shills are the ones that do it for free
I transferred my Generations save to MHX save and I'll transfer that to Switch MHXX which I'll be importing so it's doable.
I'll also be pirating MHWorld on PC because of Capcom basically saying "LOL FUCK YOU" to fans who made MH popular.
Nah that inception had nothing to do with the western audience man. RE movies do better in the East. This MH story will even take place in Japan. It's for the Japanese audience. Movie is already gonna be hot garbage, we know this.
Is it just me or the recent MHW gameplay proved that this game is going to be great?
You apparently need glasses, and you have shit taste.
I haven't seen any revolutionary AI that people are touting.
>Gets taken off the 3ds
Nintenbros are fucking lunatics.
>fuck you to fans to who made MH popular.
My don't you have a quite the Ego.
Yeah very few things to be worried about
Mostly difficulty in related to nu-heal and the monster roster are the only real complaints.
Exactly how? I think Capcom is finally coming out of the dark ages and getting to a console / PC where there is PROPER hardware to support the growth of the game. All you want is the same game over and over on outdated hardware or the switch you bought like a retard expecting capcom to bring monster hunter to it WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD FROM THEM THEY WOULD.
Sounds like you're a spoiled brat.
Given that I have not seen anything AI wise,. all its resumed to
It's literally not just you. It is the majority opinion and it's actually right.
>Mostly difficulty in related to nu-heal
And inviting an entire party of HR99s with full inventory in the middle of a hunt.
But it's true? Portable MH fans made the games popular and I am also counting P3rd before you accuse me of being a Nintendbro.
>reddit spacing
Nigga when was DOUBLE SPACED a reddit thing, shit was around before ever you fucking child.
Guess we know allow reddit to coopt things from forever. Sadly I guess its normal to allow >LE REDDIT
as an argument for idiots who no nothing of what they speak.
ya faggot
What's the best weapon and why is it HAMMER
So why did you ignore all his other points? Where's the fact that we are getting this the same time as Japan and not 9 months later? Where's the fact that this game has been in development for 4+ years by the main team?
>Literal argument is MUH GRAFX MUH HARDWARE
Good luck selling more copies that 3DS games, user, and thanks for beta testing for the Switch version with World assets :)
And PlayStation MH fans made sure it had more than 1 game.
But you don't see them acting entitled. They are just glad that there is another monster hunter game being made.
You can see screencaps from the inception of Sup Forums with people double spacing, it's just dumb kids parroting people.
I've been with the series from mh1 and I don't stomp around yelling about how I'm owed this or that.
>And PlayStation MH fans made sure it had more than 1 game.
No they didn't. The early games sold like shit.
>But you don't see them acting entitled. They are just glad that there is another monster hunter game being made.
You must be blind to all the shitposting then