Gigantic thread.
Watch me swoop right in.
Gigantic thread.
Watch me swoop right in.
Looks like BattleBorn holy shit
its actually pretty fun
There's a reason why 3rd person MOBAS don't work.
This is a visual nightmare.
That looks nothing like battleborn you're reaching pretty hard mate.
About to hit 10k, who do I buy? Favorite character so far is Beckett and Charnok.
Is that why smite is working? Also it's not really a moba.
I got 5k to blow and I feel like a need a support
The art direction is nice, but there is too much shit going on visually
As a fellow Charnok player I'd recommend Voden, shits fun yo
This doesnt look fun at all
I'm thinking about getting their character bundle thing for 30 bucks i've been enjoying the game a lot, is it worth it?
Plays way better than shithole game
well, you cant see anything beacuse not much happen there.
he got rape after he fail his ability getting stuck in the rocks.
So there isnt much to see.
So it's a TPS right?
How does it compare to like, S4 or GunZ?
I've been looking for a fun one similar to those for awhile now
well, you will be able to pick anybody you want from here and forever if they have new champions.
you think would be worth it?
>Lemme try to engage the entire enemy time by myself
Stop doing that.
I'd say wait for now. I want this game to succeed, but waiting a bit before making purchuses would be best.
>s4 GunZ
don't get your hopes up. it aint crazy. just standard moba tps
Stop flaking out like a bitch and support my push.
>tyto leading a push
Good one
There's almost nothing going on in this webm visually unless you're talking about soemething else.
The plan was to swoop right in and kill the cow nigger then leave, but mistakes were made.
i already bought a hk skin, now do i buy shadow doggo, ice broccoli, or yeti
>How does it compare to like, S4 or GunZ?
Not at all in any way.
It's not an action game. It's a 3rd person MOBA.
ice yeti
Buy the Obelisk
Aw man
Do you have any decent recommendations for something similar to those by chance user?
I've been searching for awhile but nothing scratches that itch
Would you guys compare this game to MNC?
Tyto I understand, but not following this sexy motherfucking chink is just wrong man.
I've seen some anons do just that last thread, but I've never played MNC myself to make that comparison.
Also, thank to the drawfag for pic related last thread.
The valerian skin makes it even better.
So we now like Battleborn if it is from 3rd person and not made by Gearbox?
Think long about this user, you'll probably take 2-3x as much time to get your next 10k.
How is this anything like battleborn?
Why is this game all over Sup Forums suddenly?
Did it get a big update or something?
I played more SMNC, and it reminds me of that, Especially Beckett and the Assault
can i change my arc account name somehow? i got a ultimate pack from a giveaway and i made a dumb name cause i didnt think id like the game but i do. help pls
It came out on Steam and Xbone a couple weeks ago.
stop shilling your shitty game
It was finally officially released and is on steam so it's getting a lot more notice
This. What a pile of generic garbage. Sent. Fucking shills.
Disney making video games now?
Shadow Doggo. You can hide next to him and go invisible. Makes escapes a lot easier.
>thinking that people that post stuff like that even play video games
come on man
It just came out and shills are in full force.
Remember everyone, the proper name for this game is Giganshit.
And here I am just sitting here waiting for drawfag to deliver
>stop talking about video games on Sup Forums - Video Games
It was win10 exclusive originally. Now it's open for all.
Has Sup Forums always been so enthusiastic for furry porn?
My favorite is when someone engages in a 2v5 or 3v5 and expects to win
Is this shit free?
I played it when it was in alpha or something
This is the one with the old lady and the little staff with the hand on it, right?
I could just google this but
They really fucked up with the name. It's the most generic shit
>b-but the guardians are gigantic
Fucking "guardian heroes" would've been a better title.
how do I wu?
right now im just treating him like a fightan gaem toon and weaving his LMB uppercuts inbetween skills but I don't feel like im doing a whole lot
Sven is really fucking fun, and it seems that he is pretty much an obligatory pick if you want to win.
A: It just came out
B: They paid big money for their game to get shilled. Sponsored streamers to show it, paid people to hype it, etc.
Yeah, it's free. You're thinking of Greselma too.
>Get absolutely piled on as HK
>Could Unfortify and try and run away, but the time it takes and losing the tankiness means I'm dead
>Could stay in siege mode and keep firing, but even an HK can't take down an entire team hammering him
>B: They paid big money for their game to get shilled. Sponsored streamers to show it, paid people to hype it, etc.
I fucking wish I was getting paid to shill this game. But sadly, I'm not.
why does Sup Forums hate this game? its free and fun
Considering buying with my dick and getting Xenobia. What's her playstyle like and is she fun?
>HK- 206
Does he makes any declarations, exclamations, observations and the likes?
You're doing exactly what you're supposed to. Get the skill that resets cooldowns when he hits with his tongue and then you can do something like Crashing Wave>Uppercut>RMB>Uppercut>Tongue>Uppercut>Crashing wave>Uppercut etc, Oh, and throw in dodge>uppercut somewhere in there. You want to apply as much pressure as possible. Use RMB as an escape if you need it too.
>Gigantic thread
>Only ~60 replies
Not really.
>"guardian heroes"
sure, get the 2 most generic words around to name games.
that sure doesnt sound like a shovelware game for iphone
I hear she's a pretty potent debuffer and shit, really brings down the enemy. You should always try a hero in practice mode before buying them, though.
This joke was funnier yesterday.
You're doing it right just stay on squishy targets and blow them up with your crits.
Beep boop son
>on steam
>3 days old
>a nice actiony game that's easy to pick up
>people think there are shills for this game when they almost didn't get the game out of development for like 5 years and are pretty poor
you just have buyers stockholm syndrome if youre not getting paid
This game got a decent popularity spike so naturally Sup Forums thinks it's being shilled.
And Sup Forums hates both free games and fun.
2 generic words together is statistically better than 1.
OP's webm really looks a lot like battleborn.
holy fuck the frog guy is like well designed and actually aethetic as fuck when he jumkps around
She's technically a support but not in the healing kind of way. In the debuff and make someone on the enemy team worthless kinda way. You can honestly shit on melee's that try to fight you just cause of her base kit. Though she gets blown up in ranged heavy teams.
If they absolutely needed to emphasize the big animals they should've named it Titanic because it's a sinking ship
Nah, he's full "Beep-Boop" machine.
The game is free, dude. I'm just like the game.
Into the trash it goes.
op makes this game look bad
I was excited for this game to come out, but holy shit fuck this poorly-designed tumblr-ass game. Too think I wanted this, to think I was upset when it was Windows10 only, jesus.
FIRST OFF, this game is pay-to-win as shit. I've been playing a moderate amount of time since release, and I have YET to unlock the one 10k Gold character I actually want to play. With the cards, with winning long matches, with playing and leveling up, doesn't fucking matter, you will get NO coins or currencies in this game, fuck you pay money. ALSO, important gameplay-affecting features, the summoned creatures, are locked behind an even more extreme paywall. You start with 3, but there's two others and direct upgrades for each; good luck grinding to get a full set of 3 decent creatures. At least cosmetics can be bought with normal currency, but again enjoy a grind even Koreans would scoff at.
Communication in the game is a shitshow. You can actually type to your team, but good luck if more than one person even realizes it's an option. All other communication systems might as well be non-existent; even the middle-click tags feel awkward.
The game has giant maps with platforming elements, but enjoy floaty controls, and walls that are just an inch too high for you to jump on to. Also, the STAMINA SYSTEM HOLY SHIT. You can move fine at a spring normally, but the moment an enemy even breathes in your direction? You begin draining a stamina bar, either neutering your ability to enter or exit a fight; good luck chasing enemies or escaping a fight, much less both. Even worse when you're just trying to get around the map but some fucker takes a 5 damage potshot at you, and now you have to crawl around this GIGANTIC EMPTY MAP. 3 fucking maps in the game, and only one (the desert canyon) is anywhere near decent. Unfortunately, it lacks the neutral control points, which are the only way to push a victory in the LONG DRAWN OUT STALEMATES of matches.
Well this was my first gigantic thread, so excuse me.
One thing they did nail is the movement. It's fluid as fuck and it feels great jumping through the air.
Convince me to play this game.
Gigantic is not a generic word, it have not being use in games, so when people write "gigantic game" they will see pictures and links to the game.
When you write "guardian heroes" you can get a ton of games that use heroes into the mix, or that use guardians.
The name is so generic that you and me forgot that there already exist a name called Guardian Heroes that nobody remember.
How come the tutorial is so spastic, hard to follow, and all over the place while the actual game is decently fun?
The combat mechanics are almost interesting, but beyond characters that have special attacks, things like dodging are pretty much pointless and a waste of stamina. Fights are fast and filled to the brim with particles, AoEs, people swirling around trying to melee while the ranged people kill them. Balance is still awful, with not enough characters to fill all the roles; if you're missing a role or important ability, you're fucked. Tripp, the lightning ninja, is also OP as fuck right now. Also there's a FUCKING SNIPER, who has little-to-no drop off on attacks and can pretty much spend an entire match un-touched on 1 map. Snipers are already a shitshow in most games, but combined with this fucking awful map (the blue/green aquatic grotto map), good luck even leaving your base area. And even if the broke-ass characters aren't present, enjoy getting CC'd to death in every fight if you're not a ranged character.
I'd say wait until the game is out of beta, but apparently this is it. 3 maps, bugs, shitty balance, barely 17 heroes, a shitty external launcher, and oddly fucked up graphics optimization. My condolences to anyone who, like me, was waiting for this game. See you in Paladins or something I guess.
This is one of the worst looking games I've ever seen.
Visually and aesthetic wise.
Don't waste your time yet, no one really knows if it's about to nosedive or not. Check back in 1-2 weeks.
nigga this game aint p2w at all
This game is very shallow.
Lack of meaningful in game options to adapt your comp to adjust for needing more support, more carry, more tanking etc.
The ingame chat is bad, the chat box is transparent. This game will probably be dead in a month.
What the fuck is even going on in that webm?
I make an exception in this case because a snake creature wrapping itself around its defeated opponent and violating it sounds incredibly hot
The unlockable creatures are ass tho
Neat, I kind of liked SMNC. If it's free I guess I'll give it a shot but honestly most of these MOBA-type games only hold my interest for like a few days if even.
Is it actually Windows 10 only, considering the game was pretty much dead in the water? I'd have to think Microsoft wasn't involved much if that's the case so why limit it? Unless it's a DX12-only game, which would make sense but seems kind of ridiculous.
ah alright, just wanted to make sure I didn't waste 10k gold on an ineffective toon
I give it 2 weeks personally. At that point people will have spent their easy initial quest gold and they'll see how awful the coin grind is to unlock other characters.
Shitty internet, not gonna download something if im not convinced.
>Guy jumps into enemy team
>Realizes he fucked up, tries to run away
It's not Win10 Exclusive anymore. Microsoft dumped them a while, devs came back to work on it for free, then it got picked up by the current developers and now it's out on PC and Xbone so far.