Unless they're doing it in creative ways these "griefing" videos are all so fucking boring. The best videos usually do something at least somewhat creative.
"I'm going to harass this guy who clearly isn't all there. LOL look how mad he is!"
It just comes off as trying too hard to make an "epic rage" youtube video, and all I can think about is how many people this guy had to go through before he got a response that he was looking for. I'm willing to bet most people just told him to fuck off or kicked him.
t. salty fuck
It's 2017 and we're still using the equivalent of "u mad?"
go watch some videos by Daniel, they're not the best but they're a hell of more fun than watching two people call each other "bad" with varying degrees of autism.
is that myg0t
fucking this
a myg0t, yes
*blocks your path*
>you better tell me why you FUCKING rdmed me RIGHT NOW
pretty sure this is [myg0t]1+3+3=7
You are trying to delegitimize his claim but if you look at a calendar it is infact the year 2017. Also Stiggs videos just arent very good anymore sadly.
You are trying to legitimize a claim by stating CURRENT YEAR, as if it fucking matters
You are trying to say he is wrong by denying the time. It has been 7 months you need to accept 2017
What's the best language for sperging in, and why is it Russian?
metalslave makes infoslash look like amateurs
This will always be my favorite
uneducated retards, myg0t was a bunch of 12 yo kids where only a few of the newest members griefed, rest of them was just like a status holder
>look im myg0t hue hue hue
that OP video is from infoslash
when trannies gets angry
Is this the genesis of the 'DELET THIS' meme?
>tells griefers are bad
0 videos...
OP isn't infoslash, that's [myg0t]1+3+3=7 and he wasn't infoslash.
original myg0t wasn't dedicated to raging, most members were into credit card fraud and spreading malware
it's true that a lot of members were ~14-17 though, and they've lost a lot of members to drug overdose/prison
ohh didnt even notice there was a video lol, yeah thats 1337, played with him alot but then he died and now hes been back for few months... also i was talking about the picture...
and about the drug thingy, its untrue, there was a few friends of myg0t that did it but no actual myg0t members from what i know...
oh shit I forgot that it's completely impossible to criticize anything unless you've contributed to that medium with your own content.
Boy I hope you've never given you're opinion on a game or movie because I'd love to see all those movies and video games you've made.
heroin suicided, w33d overdosed, CJ/g0d overdosed and there's a few others
chrono/vein went to jail for infecting computers/ddos, as did a few others
rip to them, too bad no one stopped them
t. reddit
[Distant Indian chanting]
delet is Sup Forums you sperg
>Sup Forums
t. reddit
>kid literally has his mind broken
3:40 when he teleports to another dimension through sheer rage. It will never not be funny