
I just realized that I think they are all boring. Even the old 2D ones I used to like. I play the new ones that are supposed to be 10/10's according to review scores and I can never get more than a few hours in before I completely lose interest.

Is anyone else here in the same boat?

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youre just depressed and angry and nothing is fun to you anymore

They're games for children, what did you expect?

platformers are an outdated genre

but I still really like other genres of videogames though


I only found the Galaxy games boring as sin. They were slow, waggle gimmick everywhere, Mario's fucking start up speed when "running" has a slow 2-3 second delay, they literally copypasted the bee world on another planet, the same lame ass 3 special comet missions, and more. I still to this day have more fun with 64 and Sunshine.

Nah, not really.
Maybe play harder ones.

sorry bud, its not possible for you to change tastes in video games over time so the only option is that you're a husk of your former self.

I don't understand why platformers aren't popular anymore to be honest. To me, a platformer is the purest kind of video game. Nothing is as enjoyable to me as a good platformer.

First person shooters, third person shooters and sandbox games are all incredibly boring for me.

Me. I dropped Galaxy like 30 minutes in. The intro cinematic made me roll my eyes so hard.

Give this one a shot.

What led to your realization? What makes them boring?

I think the genre is pretty stagnant.
I get a craving to play one now and again, but its never essential.

I feel bad for people that buy Nintendo platforms for jumping games, I have never went back to a platformer and played it over and over again; that being said, people are autistic enough to put "hundreds of hours" into BOTW that has no meaningful content, then they can stretch anything out while missing 99% of better releases.

You're just playing mainstream shit.
Try playing Cloudbuilt and Seum Speedrunners from hell. Best 3D platformers ive played, pure platforming and skill.

Not enjoying the things you used to like is called anhedonia, a sign of depression.

it's amusing how people on here think that the people that play open world games for hundreds of hours are 'missing out'. Do you know why Skyrim is popular, nevermind BotW? Aside from the shilling, it's because you can wander around and shit happens. The average normalfag goes into a AAA game, obeys what the game-long mandatory 'hints' tell him to do, and finishes it. Meanwhile, they go into an open world game, and though they're still told what to do, it's also open-ended they can basically go anywhere and experience freedom. Imagine playing nothing but what IGN or Polygon was paid to tell you what was good for years upon years, nothing but cinematic, linear, western schlock, and then experiencing something like Skyrim or BotW. Protip: they're not for you, just like Dorf Fort is not for them.
>inb4 excessive toddposting

Same. Nintendo 64 platformers are like the most concentrated form of vidya fun in my opinion. I really enjoyed the PS2 era platformers too, even some licensed games were fun to play. I miss the genre a lot.

>its not possible for you to change tastes in video games over time
That's literally what happened though. I don't think I've really loved playing a platformer game since I was about 12 years old. I want to like them and I keep giving the new ones a chance, but they just don't hold my interest.

I don't doubt that I'm depressed, but I still enjoy old shooters, RPGs and strategy games as well as new ones. It's mostly just platformers that I don't really have fun with anymore.

The gameplay is almost always just 90% running / jumping / sliding / moving around. I feel like I just need something more, after all these other types of games I've played since my Sonic and SMB3 days. Fun combat, RPG aspects, good storytelling / atmosphere, multiplayer... I dunno

the 2d ones i dont enjoy anymore, but the 3d ones are fairly solid. if u speedrun them it gets funner.

like a game written by a 13 year old

all the 3d rare games fucking suck.

>90% running / jumping / sliding / moving around
you can break down every genre into parts like this

You fucking suck.

2017 has been great for platformers.
We have...
Crash N' sane Trilogy (3 games right there)
Super Mario Odyssey
A Hat in Time (probably)
Sonic Forces

You can meme-text the games I listed in a condescending manner all you want, but they're there and many of them (the released ones) are of high quality.

As I've grown older, I've come to accept I'm one of those fags who prefers more narrative games. Straight up gameplay just isn't that fun to me anymore. I want games with good atmospheres where I feel like I'm part of a world.

I think at this point I'd prefer a Mario game set in Brooklyn and you can walk around in pizza joints and apartments.

Just play GTA IV and slap a Mario Hat on Niko

No but I do agree that SMG is boring

YL was mediocre at absolute best, though, and that's more of a collectathon than a true platformer.
Crash was great aside from the fucked up physics and hitboxes, but it's not a new game, it's the same game with worse gameplay and better graphics.

>I've come to accept I'm one of those fags who prefers more narrative games.
Enjoy getting brainwashed by (((them))).

Yooka Laylee is great.
The worlds were big and varied and the there was enough different objectives to keep the experience fresh.

People who dislike platformers but like JRPGs, the dullest of all game genres, are beyond help.

Fuck off.

Video related?

Too spread out though. It suffered from the same issues that DK64 and later levels in BT had. This is extremely apparent in Capital Cashino and whatever the last level was called where you spent half of your time boating around the place. The helicopter would have been much more fun for that world's transformation. Bosses were neat though, really enjoyed all of them. I'm hoping for a sequel with a little more polish, you can definitely tell they had to rush a bit to meet deadlines.


>Mfw still having fun with platformers
Super Mario 3D Land is one of the best games of the generation and I don't give a single shit what anybody has to say about that.

>YL was mediocre at absolute best
Nah, mediocre at worst. If you were a big time Rareware fan it was a decent-good experience (mileage may vary between the two just based on what it was you liked about Rareware platformers..

>Posts pic of one of the most fun stars in Galaxy
>Talks about platformers being boring

I actually meant World but I think both are great. The co-op in world is more what I go for, but there's certainly something to be said about 3D platforming on the 3DS where you have real depth perception

Sorry for your shit taste.

Try with the sub-genres. Mario isn't really appealing when you actually have played a lot of video games but 2D platforming is a huge genre, you should find something.

>He's unable to enjoy good games
>Somehow I have shit tastes

I don't know about you OP, but these days I only really enjoy puzzle based and strategy games, something that gives more mental stimulation than basic twitch gameplay.

No, it's valid.
Stop playing narrative focused games.

Ultra platformer/Mario fag here. I personally thought 3D Land was one of the blandest things I've ever played and count it as one of the only two bad Mario titles, the other being NSMB2.

Why would I expect a self professed fanboy to have intelligible or reasonable opinions about his favorite series? Taking your opinion into consideration would be like the last thing I'd do.

Maybe because fans play the games more than anyone else and can draw the best comparisons to other games in the series? Plus since I'm a fanboy you would assume I'd give 3D Land a free pass but I don't. I want you to try to justify how all the levels look almost identical, how the OST almost never changes, and how the only power-up you use through 80% of the game or more is the tanooki suit. The game is boring my dude.

>Plus since I'm a fanboy you would assume I'd give 3D Land a free pass but I don't.
You've clearly never interacted with Metroid fans, or Dark Souls fans

90% of fans really,

>That's literally what happened though.
That was a joke.

I went from really enjoying 4x games and JRPG's to not being able to being bored by them. At this point I'm enjoying Counterstrike where I never enjoyed it that much when I was younger.

Also got into hardcore multiplayer arena shooters where I was too casual for that before.

>the thing you like sucks

I feel like that's a little different. Fanboys like almost every game in their beloved series, but Metroid fans and Dark Souls fans seem to only like their one or two entries and shit on everything else.

See also: Sonic fans and Resident Evil fans.

Yeah Mario fans TOTALLY don't do that about the 3D platformers you big fucking faggot.

It's really incredible how someone can wrongly simplify something so easy by greentext shitposting.

Not that I've seen. Most Mario fans acknowledge that all the 3D Mario games are great, they'll just arrange them differently according to which ones are their most and least favorite. Maybe Sunshine gets plenty memed on these days and people believe it's actually bad but it's not, just heavily flawed.

That will change, you'll slowly lose interest in them one by one until you are a sad soul

try taking a break from vidya and work on your life you sad sack

I never said that. I just said I don't enjoy it anymore and that only BRAINDEAD FUCKING RETARDS like platformers

Nailing a series of jumps scratches an itch that keeps me playing. There's a momentum to good platformers, a fluid path through the level that's trance-inducing. Collectathons are a different breed, and I don't see the appeal in their typically flat open level design.

Much like the FPS genre, 3D platformers have peaked in their infancy and have been on a steady decline ever since.

And by that I mean only SM64 ever truly understood where the genre should be headed to and achieved it while the rest ranged from terrible to tolerable. Mostly terrible.


Are the 3D Super Mario games really this good?

no, but neither are any of the other games on that list except GTA4

>Ocarina of Time
What did they mean by this?

Congratulations on singling out the worst game on that list.

A problem with platformers is that so many of them are just so goddamn easy and only ever ramp up in the final levels (sometimes even only in the optional super post game like galaxy 2). They're still fun though without the challenge they're too simplistic

>except GTA4

is this bait? that's the worst game on there

That's GTA5.

no really THPS2 is extremely overrated. It does not hold up by today's standards in the slightest

GTA4 was like 5 years ahead of its time in terms of technology and features

I love platformers and was bored by galaxy
so it might just be galaxy

I don't think GTA5 should be there but it's at least better than 4

inb4 that retarded crowbcat video nitpicking

Highly disagreed, the simplicity of tony hawk makes it easily playable to this day. I would much rather play THPS2 than GTA4 Tbh

>GTA4 was like 5 years ahead of its time in terms of technology and features

Cool, doesn't mean shit when the gameplay is bland. MGSV does a lot of neat things too but I can't see myself replaying it every against because of its myriad of problems.

Rockstar really pioneered with the puke filter, advanced stuff.

>mentions Sonic Forces
>doesn't mention Sonic Mania
Fuck you.

that it's the single most overrated game ever created

>I don't think GTA5 should be there but it's at least better than 4
>Worse physics
>Worse easter eggs
>Worse online
>No expansion
>Less memorable characters

Which platformers have you played recently? Maybe you've just played bad ones?

One recent one I really liked was INK.