Who's the most fun to play Gigantic character, and why is it pic related?

Who's the most fun to play Gigantic character, and why is it pic related?

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying bird xir has anything on smug tentacle lady

>Three gigantic threads all at once

Also, that's not Xenobia.

Oh fuck me my bad. I searched the catalog and didn't see shit.

They were all created at pretty much the same time. That's not your fault.

Right after I posted I went to check and noticed that

Fucking kek

>Play Gigantic


>Overwatch meets MOBAs
>Sup Forums only talks about it positively

If there aren't as many hate threads as love threads for a game on Sup Forums, it's being shilled. Fuck off Microsoft

it's unca sven and you are wrong

Or it's just not popular enough to catch the gaze of the shitposters. Don't worry, it will happen soon enough.