Inti-Creates fired from Bloodstianed in November:

They got fired in November but Iga kept quiet about it so as to not make it seem like the project is in jeopardy.

Other urls found in this thread:

more drama

Don't worry, this game will no doubt be another kikescammer success

how many studios do these faggots need to make a shitty 2.5D indie game? lol ive made better games myself


Game looks god awful anyway, I really doubt they can fix it in time.

Post game

No, you haven't.

>this game won't be another Mighty No. 9!
This is fucking hilarious. Not even a TORtanic fag but Might no 9 should have been an indication not to trust kick starters

project was in jeopardy the second they decided to use an abrasive artstyle that blocks their product out of the majority of the western market.

why did they go for a 2.5D style anyway ? it would have looked infinitely better with 2D sprites or atleast 2D character/enemies with a 3D background.

skip to 0:25 for awful graphics

they haven't made good game in decade

>Shantae Half-Genie Hero
>Blaster Master Zero
>Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
>Mega Man 10

obviously time and money, animating and shading pixel graphics is much more time consuming than 3D, i agree though, this looks soulless

Those all range from Meh to Shit.

>inti creates

glad I didn't get suckered in to this trash fire

It still looks bad

They should have gone with 2D character sprites and 3D backgrounds. It's the horrible animations on the 3D character models that are most distracting.

>i have shit taste
they did it with shantae though which had some of the same people.

thinking about they really should add some fog or something, the game just lacks atmosphere

What I'm more curious about, is why are you so bent on shilling this piece of info ad nauseam.

Remember to sage and report.

>Shantae Half-Genie Hero
>>Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

Inti Creates does artwork for the Shantae series, they don't make the games. You know those images that pop up when the characters talk? That's done by them.

I mean it's a Kobiyashi scenario.

Dude notices things aren't going well. He can either let them continue fucking up his game, or he can fire them and catch flak for the troubled development.

Can't blame him for keeping quiet.

>(Edit made by 505 Staff. Inti Creates is no longer involved with the project. They are developing the prequel minigames but not Indivisible (the game in this article). Lastly, DICO is programming the game, but design and direction is all coming from Artpla)

Jesus, they got outright fired and demoted to just making some prequel game? That's harsh.

Do you have anything else to show than a forum post?

Notice the time frame:

>Sept 2016: Delayed

>Nov 2016: Adds monobit and Dico

Iga looks at the project, realizes that they're making no progress,

When will Sup Forums learn to stop falling for these "spiritual successor" rehashes?

>i am the only person on Sup Forums who played pic related
a shame really, it was excellent, sad to see intie getting the shafts

>Do you have anything else to show than a forum post?

There's never going to be any direct "proof". Iga has every reason to bury this news as firing the lead devs 1/2 though production spells "troubled production" and would make the backers worried. Iga knows what happened to Inafune's reputation, and how MN9 turned into a punchline. He doesn't want that to happen to him. So he fires Inti-Creates, hires new teams, and then doesn't announce the firing. I predict that Iga will never, ever acknowledge this and will dodge any questions related to it.

Inti are great at handheld 2D games. That's their bread and butter. When you hire them to do a 3DS or Switch game, they're professionals.

Hire them to make a 3D game in Unreal engine, and they're incompetent fools. Just because devs are good at one thing, doesn't mean they're good at everything. What this means is that Inti were very poorly suited to MN9 and Bloodstained. If they went with Inti, they should have made them 2D 3DS titles, or got a different dev team.

Both Iga and Inafune misread the public on 2D btw. Both felt that a modern console game has to be "HD", and going from that, reasoned 3D was the best way to do it. What they failed to realize is that people are totally fine with low resolution games. Shovel Knight proved it.

i still have some faith that it will turn out good, it's not the same situation as MN9 where we had nothing for months, the game still looks like decently good fun.

I posted without finishing my post, my bad.

Iga looks at the project, realizes that they're making no progress, fires them, hires new teams, but tries to make it look like it's not that big a deal.

>I fired the teams and replaced them

Sounds worse than

>I added some new teams to help with development.

Nah, I played it too, it's great. I'm getting the Gunvolt Striker Pack on Switch the second it comes out, never played GV2 and I can finally play GV1 with the unfucked localization.

i don't think it's fair to blame intie on the failures of mighty no 9, that game was rushed to hell and was supposed to come to like 15 different consoles all while inafune was working on other shit.

Plays slow and looks like shit.

exactly, the jumping looks floaty af, i get that symphonie of the night was floaty but it doesn't look good in 3D.

Much less work than doing sprite work.

They should have fired Inti a long, long time ago. They just weren't suited to the project. Now by replacing the dev teams, it means you've already burned half your time and half your money. You have to first fix the mess of the game, and then start building again.

In May, Iga said the game was 20-30% done, and the CM Mana came in to say it's not a big deal. Translating what she's saying, it seems they still needed to do major programming elements. ie Dico is trying to clean up Inti's mess and make the systems they should have made a year ago.

>They should have gone with 2D character sprites and 3D backgrounds.

That would look even worse

Post your game.

Good, Inti is fucking shit and haven't done anything good since the Megaman Zero series.

It has been done before actually.

Inafune and Ben Judd share quite a bit of the blame. But Inti-Creates deserves a lot more than they got. They mostly got out unscathed, since Inafune-san was the public face of the project so everyone blamed him. The irony: He's the face of the series when he was at Capcom, so he gets all the praise, and the face of MN9, so he gets all the blame. That blade works both ways.


You ain't made shit nigga, shut your bitch ass up!

Name the game, it prolly sucked, 3d doesn't match sprites

>Delayed three times
>Released one year after it was supposed to.
Pick one user.

Not him but, Mischief Makers? Super Paper Mario? Mario & Luigi: Dream Team?

>Were going to make a 2.5D video game we hope you enjoy this classic game with a whole new look
No stop please just use sprites
>No sprites are too expensive we will use 2.5D because it is much simpler and can make the game for a fraction of the cost
No please just use sprites you dont even know how to make 2.5D games on Unreal
>We are professionals we will learn very quickly how to use unreal
Please dont you are shitty japanese devs who had never used unreal before you already amde 10 times you asking price just make it sprites no kickstarter ever delivers on all their exceeded goals
>No we are doing great the game is doing great
Please stop
>We are sorry we must delay the game creating a 2.5D game is hard in an engine that no one in the dev team has used before. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THANK YOU

>only one titty is exposed
fuck that

I really liked Yooka-Laylee and FTL.

Come to think of it, those are the only kickstarter games I liked.

you need one autistic chinese guy and bunch of music composers

who are you talking to?

shittiest metroidvania

im pretty sure the use of 3D wasnt because of HD, it was because it's easier and less time consuming.

though MN9 had other problems aside from just the visuals. Mainly, the gameplay was ass and not what people really wanted.

So Bloodstained still has a shot at being good even if it's not perfect, because the gameplay is exactly what people want.

still better than bloodstained so far

You can't shill information you braindead buzzword-using retarded piece of shit.

never said it wasn't, faggot

>im pretty sure the use of 3D wasnt because of HD,

Iga cited why he didn't go 2D and cited a few reasons. I can't remember where it's from, so I can't cite it.

1. The game will be ported to multiple systems, all with their own resolutions. 2D doesn't scale well.

2. There are far fewer 2D pixel artists who can tackle a big project. (Somehow ignores that he hires Inti-Creates who do just that)

Kickstarter heads have a rough time. Its literally what happened to Hiveswap, first team literally stealing from the Kickstarter funds, they get fired, and the backup team is notably less historical and relevant. Years of delays, too.

I bought and played them all.

Mega Man 10 was a chore and not nearly as fun as 9,
Blaster Master Zero is shallow as fuck,
SatPC was worthwhile but had no real substance, and
Half-Genie Hero was an all-around disappointment - unfinished and tedious.

All the while, IntiCreates wants to shove characters where they shouldn't be, ESPECIALLY Beck and whatever thing it identifies itself as from Gunvolt.

>Blaster Master Zero is shallow as fuck,

Never played, but isn't that basically the original game just remade in a new engine and given some new characters and enhancements?

Hey, megaman 10 was a great game!
Now if only they didn't trash megaman 5 or maybe it's 6 transformation system AND IF ONLY THEY COULD HAVE PUT THE SLIDE IN, WAS THAT TOO HARD? OR IF ONLY YOU COULD CHARGE YOUR BUSTER? Trashing all previous game mechanics so "it feels like megaman 1 and 2" is the worst. Megaman 1 is the worse megaman classic game already (only in a scale of "Amazing to good" but still it's the worse) so why did they focus on the feeling of this one?

They are pandering to PS4 fags and their graphics. They could have done a 2D sprite game but then they were worried of being ridiculed for having "outdated" graphics.

>Megaman 1 is the worse megaman classic game already

lol no. It's not as polished as the 2 onwards, but it's great.

because everyone and their mother never shuts up about Mega Man 2.

and they also felt the need to return megaman to his more simplistic roots when it was just jump n shoot, without the added mechanics of the slide and then the charge and then the adaptors.

my beef is they didnt bring it back for 10.

instead in both we just got protoman as a hard mode character. sure you get a slide and charge, but you also take double damage and double knockback.

Post yfw when you didn't back this shit.

Never backed a single kickstarter

Most of the added mechanics are just gimmicks that add nothing. Charge shot is just annoying since the games now assume you'll hit bosses with charge shots.

Go meme on cripplechan


>mfw I didn't back this game but will still buy it on release


>change developer 1.5 years into development

Hope Iga can make it work, but that's rough

>giving money to a spook

Never backed a Kickstarter. Feels good that I get to enjoy the drama for free.

I just don't think it's as ugly as anons make it out to be.
Definitely needs color/lighting adjustments, though.

Yes it is. Worst level design, buggy as fuck (the flicking is the worst), easy as fuck even tho there's some ridiculous difficulty spike like the yellow devil, and it's an ugly 8 bit games.

While MM 10 isn't terrible, it has some really annoying shit and is objectively a step back from 9.


>buggy as fuck (the flicking is the worst),

That's just part of the Famicom retard.

people forget gameplay styles are simply a product of the time and technology, banjo collectathos were fun at the time but were just made as a testbed because devs didn't know how to use a fully 3D space, so they just had you platform on stuff and collect things

these things aren't bad, but they aren't anything more then a product of their time, and are best left there

Metroid vania style games work really well in a fully 3D, or 2D space.
I can't see a blend being anything but a shit show that fucks up what made castlevania, or dark souls good.

>best left there
Fuck you. I don't want your shitty shooters. I want my colleactathon platformers back.

>Unreal Engine

Please stop using these meme engines.

nigger every fucking open world game has a collectathon now, you could ingore the plot of half the big AAA games out today and just climb and collect shit

>shitty shooters
theres plenty of decent non shooter games on the market, you just don't pay attention to them because the market is flooded everyday with new shit.

>meme engines
I hate Sup Forums more and more by the day.

Collectathons are fucking boring. It was a genre taht was unsustainable. Only the novelty of 3D coudl sustain them, and when that wore off people stopped playing them.

It's just a cheap trick to make you play the same 10 levels 20 times. It's bullshit.

Looks pretty fun.

>a blend
In Bloodstained case it's only the graphics that is 3d, the gameplay style still uses a 2d space. It might still end up being a good game despiste being ugly, but I'd rather maintain my expectations low.

>open world game
That's not what I want though. I specifically mentioned platformers.
>are fucking boring
You're boring. Guess you should have been killed off in the 90s too.

please kill yourself

nigger shiny dodad collecting animal platformers WERE the shooters of their day

He's probably a backer that's been spurned on by this development. I rember making Mno9 threads when the dina shit started happening because I was mad about that stuff.

The thing you'll notice is every game that has HD 2D art like that has massive issues with a lack of content, at least at release, because they simply did not have the time or funds to do it to any degree. Consider virtually any prominent 2D game.

Skullgirls? Launched with like 6 characters and took YEARS to get to an acceptable roster. Shantae, same deal. Really short, it's clear they had to cut corners everywhere to make it work. King of Fighters 12/13, 12 was missing half the roster and most of the characters were missing half the moves as it reportedly took 6 months of full time work to do a single character. It took a second full game after a disaster that was basically a beta test to get things to a good level, and even then a significant portion of the cast were headswaps/minor variations of existing sprite sets to save time and money.

The only exception to this rule is Rayman, which had Ubisoft money behind it and to my knowledge is the only example of a seriously big dev dabbling in HD 2D art. Go look up how many people needed to work on that and how must it cost. It is ridiculous.

There is a reason why devs opt for 3D models with a '2D look'. It is too expensive and time consuming and requires expertise that in today's world is very specialised and not common. VIrtually no one attempts it anymore, and most that did are trying to move to 3D even though 2D would obviously be the ideal (Arc system works, SNK as recent examples)

It sucks, but 3D for bloodstained was undoubtedly the right move unless you're wanting GBA level resolutions like Gunvolt, which even then really obviously suffered from needing to cut corners/reuse sprites and lack of content.

So why is megaman 2 a very clean game then? Like, it's better in every single ways or forms, there's little flicking, and as far as i know MM1 was also on the NES.

>nostalgia fags

platformers were always tight action games. With Super Mario 64, they became "play the same 10 stages 60 times to do something slightly different and collect a bunch of junk". Crash is WAY closer to the spirit and style of the Mario or Sonic games than Mario 64.

How much did symphony of the night cost to make? I can't imagine it costing any more than 5 million. So if this game has less content than SotN then it's fucking shit considering they gave up pixelart for really shitty king of fighters XIV graohics

I remember 2 having tons of flickering. It's all dependent on how much shit is on screen. It's a limitation of the Famicom.

1-2 had the same programmer btw.

You need to go back.