What video games do girls play?
What video games do girls play?
The Sims
whatever is popular among normalshits
My ex was high on dark souls 3, bloodborne and witcher. plus a bit of AoE2:HD now and then
That girl is mostly ugly but she seems genuine which makes me wanna dick her.
Was she ugly?
unironically prefer her on the left
MMOs, so they can amass an army of white knights
I mostly play single player games. I I'm yearning for a weeb game after playing like 7 non weeb games.
>left is cute af, right looks like a basic bitch
Why do girls do this?
Nothing that you play :^)
Same ones guys do except for the porn?
It's not the 1980s. Gaming isn't exactly some obscure hobby anymore.
Because looking hot and sexy is considered more desirable than cute, so girls go apeshit on the make-up and destroy everything about them that looks natural in order to look like a hooker.
Yes, I hate it, too.
Nope, quite stunning actually. Like a 24 year old Morticia Addams.
She was inconsiderate/disrespectful towards me and our relationship one weekend a couple months back though so I dumped her ass and haven't spoken since.
Do not fear losing a woman just because they're pretty.
I prefer cute, even when it comes to putting on make-up.
How do you know faggot.
They don't.
Well if you didn't let anime determine the standards of beauty this wouldn't happen.
Anime doesn't determine any standards anywhere, trying to look like an anime character makes you look retarded, as proven by your pic.
my sister bought an xbox when she broke up with her partner to play fallout
i tell her about other games but it is all she will play until the next fallout comes out
>implying cuteness is determined by Anime
Go home, you're drunk, kouhai.
I'm sorry user.
Little Big Planet
Persona games, runefactory 4, ff, rimworld.
My gf plays Assassins Creed a lot, but only 2, Brohood and Rev. I tried to get her started on the other ones, was kinda successful with Black Flag, but ultimately lost. Nowdays she mostly plays League of Legends - which I hate with a burning passion
>can't control his girlfriend
Literral cuckold.
Fuck Chad and cuck the Beta Orbiters 3 - The Cock Carousel
Women are wired to take care of children, so they gravitaate towards games in which you take care of something and are easy enough, so Sims, Facebook tending games, MMOs, stuff like Zoo Tycoon, etc, as long as they're not too hard.
There are outliers of course.
It depends how bad is her mental health.
Shit bro, sorry, I didn't knew I was in the presence of the Lord of Projection himself
harvest moon
animal crossing
ace attorney
zoo tycoon
Haha wow you guys are so nice! Really good guys I'm sure if you told her this you would win a date with her!
They literally just said they find her prettier than the fully painted other. What the literal fuck makes you jump immediately to this conclusion? Are you this bitter, or just wanted to feel superior once in your life?
thats a man, baby
Blizzard games. Nearly every mercy Player is an actual girl. World of war craft and hots.
Females always Play horde blood elf or goblins.
please stop you're only embarrassing yourself
He's right though.
I can confirm. They really like to play this with me.
Civilisation, Pokemon, Dota 2, and Dark Souls, sampling from among girls I know.
I came here to do that, you cannot stop me, fuck you
You're not the boss of me
>that girl with the triforce tatoo who played one 3d Zelda game
Sup Forumsirgin
She genuinely is prettier on the left, though. The unkempt hair and bangs give her a youthful and carefree look and the lack of make-up on her cheeks and eyes make her smile come out better.
She a cute
They play games with the feelings of men.
They only play candy crush on their phones
Why do you keep posting this webm in all my threads?
Is this the new hotness in underage grill stalking? Post more videos, then
why do you keep making these threads?
Every girl I know that plays video games only plays skyrim. They never know anything about any other game(even other scrolls games) or any other genre but they have like 900 hours in skyrim.
I think everyone does
The Sims playerbase is like 75% female
They're clearly old hags.
Left = cute
Right = hot
If you'd want to have hot sex, you'd want right. If you want tender love you'd choose left.
I wouldn't just assume that, there's plenty of people who like dolled-up bimbos
Everyone who thinks sex > relationship would prefer right. That's like 4/5 of people. And it disgusts me.
That's also a wrong assumption, left looks hotter
Right just looks like a dime-a-dozen bitch
I asked you first.
Nah senpai I'd fuck left one right looks less innocent, thus less fuckable.
To be on topic, my gf has 400+ hours on don't starve
tfw beta orbiter
Why do girls pretend to like video games?
beta orbiters are the one enabling all these women man, stop it, go normie or full on weirdo but no more orbit ok ?
The Sims
Assassin's Creed
Left 4 Dead
Why do girls pretend to like anything? To get attention of course.
Well full weirdo it is then. Thanks for the advice user.
did you ever meet her irl?
my gf loves pokemon (bought a 3ds just for that), nintendo games in general, sims, and visual novels like wolf among us or beyond two souls
i guess I'm lucky, I'd find it pretty awkward if she played "manly" games
This. Guy sounds like he had an internet relationship which is almost as beta as being a cuck.
Games that gives them attention or meme games.
I've been playing darkest dungeon lately but it feels too much like a mobile game for me to really enjoy it
I've clocked around 40ish hours
might end up finishing hollow knight soon
They occasions branch out into more "hardcore" games to attract a legion of white knights and beta orbiters. See SniperWolf and MGS.
>every mercy Player is an actual girl.
Maining Mercy doesn't make you a real girl
What does Sup Forums think of my gf's feet?
None because video games ARE SHIT.
Dota 2
They don't.
shes not. she is elevated from a 5 to an 8 with makeup. stop trying to white knight you faggots
I don't think you understand what white knighting is.
>black toenails
Toe nail polish in general is automatically shit tier.
Is it bad if I can't even tell anymore if all the girls in this thread are actually females?
Got any soles to better judge? For science of course.
Slim > fatasses
I can tell you with 100% certainty that they are all girls. (male)
Not on my phone. Sorry. :(
tfw Chad.
Legend of zelda and WoW. Thats literally it
Sad face. :(