Most overrated console

It's time to decide Sup Forums. Which one is the most overrate console of all time?

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Dreamcast was on par with early gamecube
64 too dated
This post is a fact

by far

Where's the PS1? That shit is definitely overrated even the Saturn is better than it

shit hardware, loads of shovelware, made for casuals, worst controller of the gen, most boring design of the gen

top hipster

Sony has very VERY overrated consoles their games or exclusives were never very good, if that's hipster to you well you might just need some taste

The Saturn is the original nogames machine. Just about every genre except maybe shmup is better represented on the PS1.

Holy shit, a wild segafag! Thought you guys were a dying breed.

Saturn pushed 2D games can't say the same for sony consoles
Nah I just like to have great games, just happens to be on Sega platforms :)

Saturn games were 2D because it sucked at anything else. That said, Saturn couldn't even play SotN without choking.


Anyone voting N64 is underaged.

OOT and SM64 are some of the greatest games of all time bar none.

WW and SMS were better

>Overrated consoles
>One of them is niche and forgotten
>No sign of PS2, DS, Gameboy, etc
Shit Sonynegro list.
How's it feel to be the loser of every generation?


Gamecube. N64 is generally considered to be bad. Dreamcast has a very passionate fanbase but is generally ignored. Gamecube had entries in series that actively hurt those series yet is passionately loved by a vocal group.

>good machine
>good games
>deserves most of the praise it gets

>shitty gimmicks
>bad games
>BUT was good for 4 players
>AND in it's defense the PSX and SAT weren't any better
>deserves some recognition, but not much

>good hardware
>no good games except some arcade ports
>the only system from it's generation to fail
>still worshipped by hipsters despite being useless

>Saturn couldn't even play SotN without choking.
It could have, but the Saturn version of SotN was a shit port that had many bad porting decisions.

>Digital Foundary
All they do is make up shit don't use them for real evidence you Sony fanboy

Nintencücks falseflagging hard here
Cry more

>those dithered spotlights
lmao Saturn looks like shit right out of the gate
The poor console can't even display a full screen FMV



definitely fucking dreamcast. I had one they could play burned pirated game cds and i still couldn't find a fucking game to play. shenmue was fucking boring as shit, jet set radio got boring fast and wasn't even fun or good to begin with, I thought power stone was fucking shit. couldn't find a single fucking game I liked on the entire fucking system.


>hating on power stone
nigger you just need to find a bro to play with

I agree about Shenmue though, I cannot understand the love for this game

N64 because people to this say say it was better than the PS1

I agree, Gamecube fans and Dreamcast fans rarely believe those consoles had a better library than PS2. N64 fans often believe it beat the PS1 in that regard.

OP here. That was my vote. There is literally zero good games on the Dreamcast. apart from maybe the odd game that's been ported a million times like Soul Calibur

The N64 stomps the PS1 are you fucking kidding me?!

For every great game on N64, PS1 has one of equal quality and 5 more lesser but still good games.

The best games of the generation>10 billion 7/10s

Name every good N64 game that most people would agree with

What has Soul Calibur 1 been ported to?

Could it be any more obvious that sonygro made this poll?

Out of these three, Dreamcast definitely.

N64 had innovative first party games like Mario 64, OoT and Majora's Mask, as well as classics like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.

Gamecube had Melee, which is still being played competitively. Also Metroid Prime, Wind Waker etc.

Dreamcast had a bunch of really good ports of arcade games. But those were still ports. The arcade originals have held up just as well and most worthwhile games have gotten superior ports since then. Other than that there's the start of the shitty 3D Sonic games and... not much else really. The Dreamcast is not relevant anymore and it never really was.

Well the first time I played it was on XBLA.

It's funny to read this since the load times are much faster in the Saturn version.
And I was generous to post MMX4: it's probably one of the few time the ps could compete.

Sorry about your bad taste. Capcom support alone already makes it a worthwhile purchase.


You've just got to be objective. I admit that putting not one but two Nintendo consoles in the selection was goona bait the Nintendofags too easily but calling any Sony home console bad or overrated just doesn't make any sense purely because of their massive game libraries.

Banjo tooie
Diddy Kong racing
Conker bad fur day
Blast corps
Mystical ninja starring goemon
Goemon great Adventure
Kirby and the crystal shards
Blast corps
F-Zero X
Paper Mario
Super Mario 64
Space station silicon valley
Ocarina of Time
Majora's mask
Ogre battle 64
Mischief makers
Perfect dark
Star fox 64
Super smash Bros
Mario kart 64

PS1 can't hold a candle to this library

Name 5 good Dreamcast games that aren't arcade ports

>doesn't make any sense purely because of their massive game libraries
Despite the fact that the "massive game library" was filled with overrated games as well as sub par multiplats.

PS1 and PS2 were good consoles, but not because of the size of their game libraries. 99% of them were shit. It's just that there were enough good games among that sea of shit.

Any now your argument has fallen down. You can actually name all the good N64 games off the top of your head or by looking at your collection or whatever. No one can name all the good PS1 games because its library is so vast.

Banjo games held up surprisingly poorly.
Goemon was never that great
WTF is Space Station Silicon Valley, never heard of it

Good list otherwise

>no good games

Not only that but he listed the same game twice lmao

Of those three choices? Probably the N64. It aged the worst, because it's 5th gen. It has a ridiculously small library. It's in large part missing entire genres. Don't get me wrong, the few games it did get are all time classics, but as a whole, I just think it's a bit lacking.

I'm saying that, because they have such massive libraries, they can't have less good games than the N64 or Gamecube respectively so calling them bad or overrated doesn't make sense. The quality over quantity argument doesn't mean anything when they have roughly the same amount of quality games (the PS2 quite a few more than the Gamecube)

Saturn was better than that.

>so calling them bad or overrated doesn't make sense.
Of course it makes sense. Quantity has nothing to do with games being overrated.

>WTF is Space Station Silicon Valley
A game developed by the team who formed Rockstar afterwards
The best PS1 games can't aren't as good as any of the games I listed though

>the only system from it's generation to fail
The Gamecube failed.

The Wii

>The Gamecube failed.
Making a profit isn't failing.

Yeah the Wii was Nintendo's submission that the Gamecube failed

The Gamecube didn't fail. Yes, it was third place, but it was only 2 million sales behind the OG Xbox. Everything failed compared to the PS2.

Selling so poorly that it causes Iwata to say that if they keep making consoles like the Gamecube they don't deserve to be in the console business is absolutely, 100% failing.

Not going to bother listing them off in great detail because you'll just go "nuh-uh", but
Wipeout > Star Wars Episode 1 Racer >>>>> F Zero
Banjo 1 = Spyro >>> Banjo 2, DK64, Conker
LoK Soul Reaver > OoT
Crash Team Racing >>>> Mario Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing
Is a good start.

Banjo games are still great to play
Goemon's Great Adventure is a solid 2D Platformer, even the best on the system, Mystical Ninja is really good too.
Never played Space Station but i've seen lot of praise for it.

>The Gamecube failed.
Let me guess, you think the PS3 was a success too don't you.

But the Vita didn't, right? :)

Attempting to deflect won't change the fact that the Gamecube was a failure. My opinion of the PS3 and Vita is irrelevant, we're talking about the Gamecube.

Wrong on all of those, Spyro was fucking gay and crash team racing had horrendous graphics and controls, Wipeout is boring and I don't know what the hell "soul reaver" is but I'd bet it's meme game shit

Especially when you put innovation here.
Online gaming alone will always be a better thing than fucking smash bros.
Pic related was copied by nintendo

its just a dvd player thats why

Making money is kind of the opposite of being a failure.
Selling 100 million consoles doesn't mean shit if you take a $100 dollar hit on each one. Gamecube was cheap to make, cheap to sell and thus reasonably profitable.

>won't change the fact that the Gamecube was a failure.
Except the Gamecube wasn't a failure at all especially when it came to software. Regardless of what you believe if it makes a profit then it's not a failure by any means.

>My opinion of the PS3 and Vita is irrelevant
Glad you aren't denying it.

>Obvious Sony fanboy conveniently leaves Playstation out of the poll
>Too afraid it will win the poll.

I mean come on, the PlayStation is probably the best or at least second best if it was included, but leaving it out just makes this look unprofessional.


N64 > PSX > Saturn

not him but:
Shenmue 1 and 2
Skies of Arcadia
Jet set radio
Power Stone


But thanks OP I guess for making a shitty poll with only his three preselected options

>crash team racing had horrendous graphics and controls
Now I've heard everything

>Making money is kind of the opposite of being a failure.
The company president saying that if the company keeps making consoles like the Gamecube they don't deserve to be in the console business IS being a failure. Are you saying that Iwata lied about the Gamecube's performance?

>Except the Gamecube wasn't a failure at all especially when it came to software.
It absolutely was. The purpose of first-party software is to sell hardware. The Gamecube was a failure, and therefore its failure can be attributed to poor software.

>Regardless of what you believe if it makes a profit then it's not a failure by any means.
Absolutely not. Nintendo's stock price was in the toilet after the N64 and Gamecube. A change was absolutely necessary and the Wii was that change. Then the Wii U comes out being the Gamecube 2.0, flops, and tanks their stock price again. There's more to business than just making a profit. You need to be able to sustain growth.

all three of these did poorly compared to other consoles at the time

that's like stating the Saturn was overrated

Don't reply to bait

>Shenmue 1 and 2
Never did understand the hype for these games, I just can't understand the appeal.
>Skies of Arcadia
Ported to Gamecube. IIRC, everything but audio quality was improved.
>Jet set radio
JSRF is the same but better. Also received a ton of ports.
>Power Stone
Wasn't that an arcade game?

The Wii U did far worse than the Gamecube, and lead to the first quarter Nintendo made a loss in decades.
That didn't seem to stop them making the Switch.

its the only console i cant replay again except for some 2d RPG like Suikoden, the rest is too fucking ugly


Just emulate it nigger, emulated PS1 looks amazing

Has so few good games to bother getting one
Needs an expansion card to even play those few
Needs accessories to utilize some mechanics in games
Very few 2D games

But hey, at least you can save your damn games and do multiplayer while fucking your controller up. I'll give it that.

>That didn't seem to stop them making the Switch.
Because like with the Gamecube, a change in direction was necessary. Nintendo became delusional from their Wii success and thought that making a console in the style of the Gamecube and giving it the Wii branding would be a surefire way to success. The problem is that they never considered that people didn't want the Gamecube the first time around and they wouldn't want the type of games the Gamecube got the second time around with the Wii U.

>making a console in the style of the Gamecube
Gamecube was the last time Nintendo tried making a console that was just a straightforward game machine. Everything since then has been gimmick shit, especially the Wii U.

I can't believe there are still people who believe the N64 was better than th PS1. The 64 was fun but PS1 was far superior in all aspects except 64's 4 player support.
My vote is dreamcast as most overrated

Is N64 really overrated? It's generally seen as one of Nintendo's weakest consoles and the start of their decline in the market.

This thread has shown that there are plenty of people who believe the N64 is better than the PS1.

i like the n64 but it definitely is the most overrated thing there

fanboys still after all these years , still butt hurt that their parents bought the shittier console

>The company president saying that if the company keeps making consoles like the Gamecube they don't deserve to be in the console business IS being a failure. A
You retard that's him admitting that it didn't meet HIS standards. Not that it failed.

You want to see a real failure? Look at the PS3, it cost Sony BILLIONS regardless of the 80m+ units it sold.

The GC was a failure
The fact that nintendo became nu-nintendo is proof of that, you can even find more about that in interviews too
Whats up with nu-nintendofags trying to revision history?

Can I get a source on that Iwata quote? Also, there's another way to interpret that quote. He could've meant "keep making consoles like the Gamecube" as in "keep making gimmick-free consoles".

PS1 is a very overrated console. PS2 is meh, it kinda deserves it. Same with DS and Gameboy, they deserve their praise.

Wii is pretty overated. It was the most casual console in history, most of the games were honestly shovelware, besides nintendo releases.
Name eight 3rd party titles that were at least 9/10 and sold above 2 mil on the Wii.

You can't.

>its another Sup Forums thinks overrated means its bad episode

>Games that later get ported to other systems don't count
It's not the Dreamcast's fault if it's games go elsewhere years later. It's like saying "the original Devil May Cry isn't a PS2 exclusive because it got an HD port over a decade later"

Also, JSRF is the same as JSR in the sense that Splatoon 2 is the same as Splatoon. It's not an enhanced port, it's a sequel that refines the basic gameplay mechanics and adds more content.

Nope, logical fallacy. The real reason is because OP could actually remember n64 games because they were all classics.

He couldn't remember PS1 games because they simply weren't as memorable.

Let's be honest sony fag.

>Gamecube was the last time Nintendo tried making a console that was just a straightforward game machine.
Thinking like that is why you will never properly understand the Wii and its success.