ESA 2017

European Speedrunner Assembly
>speedrunning racing games edition

NOW: TrackMania 2 Stadium
NEXT: I Wanna Run the Marathon
THEN: Hotline Miami
.tv/esamarathon (embed) (embed) embed

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First lol


Maral is for _______

This is the most boring run so far, even the asscreed russian wasn't this bad

I really like Trackmania but not stadium

>professional runner
>been playing for years
>I'm porbably going to get WR here

yuros are a cancer to speedrunning

GDQ shits all over this trash event
It's in a high school gym for fucks sake

>when he didn't even have the files ready for half of them

I'm getting sleepy, Sup Forums


the announcer sounds like a cutie

Is the Hotline Miami runner entertaining or will it just be a "at least the music was good" run?



yeah, barely even paid attention to it

any kind of racing games are typically boring to look at unless it's extremely glitchy (like mk64).

Bearing my children.

>saving the title

she is! nice change for once, eh?

Honest, I've only been watching for 30minutes and this is already more entertaining than AGDQ. Everything is much more laid back.

I don't know about a whole run, but Hotline Miami is fun to watch when it's played very well.

is /our guy/ cfb running?

>Hotline Mememi later

That runner is really good, I wish though they had a category with custom maps instead

>this is better than i anticipated
>over estimate


Putting my head between her hips while she caresses my head softly

Yeah, that's what happens when you click the download button on 4chx

>better than anticipated
>over estimate

Jackintoshh for both games.


is this that new trackmania that was announced at last year's E3?


>That timing

>The monitor died

ESA tech crew strikes again

>monitor turns off


Are they all really shit at playing or do the people who make these estimates have no idea and just throw out random numbers

oWo what's this, non-autistic speedrunning and no trannies? Sign me the FUCK up.

>turning off monitor

I miss the clapping after everyfuckingthing....

It's amazing how their charity is even more self righteous and sanctimonious than GDQ's, amazingly disgusting that is

they just set dumb estimates

1h20 is literally 4 minutes ahead of WR, that's kinda optimistic



rate the very well estimated run


How do you mean?

It does look like loading screens really fucked him on this, thought it had froze a couple of times

Rip monitor

boring shitte/10

Iran yes!


>Top 2

>poosh it real good

loading times were shit

>speedrunning event
>all the runs are over-estimate


10 outta 10, the consistency was autismal and runner and couch was on point.
Very entertaining.

their ads are full blown muh chilluns, and they're probably as guilty as MSF is in human trafficking



You mean to say there were 6 unanticipated minutes of loading?

maral a cute

holy shit, she's from Iran?

>shall I make a move on her

what's his endgame Sup Forums?

this fatty seems uncomfortable near that qt

Fuck, is she high or something?



Left or right, Sup Forums?

The estimates were retarded, the wr is 1:24:00


are they wrong to say that children deserve to have a childhood instead of doing slave labour?

Christ dude...

they're sitting way too close, what the fuck was going on when the cam was off of them...?

Iran's so far away.

selling mega64 merch

is he MANSPLAINING her ?!?!
im literally shaking right now. GQD should ban him right now.

I'm probably in the minority, but it was very entertaining. Good commentary and smooth driving.


surviving the night with how far Maral has pushed him into the corner

probably yes

>their ads are full blown muh chilluns

okay so they have ads

>they're probably as guilty as MSF is in human trafficking

Do you know what human trafficking is?

Haha she didn't want to sit next to them, hahaha

>blaming it on load times


Muh loading times!

the difference between hdd and ssd is pretty big

Oh shit that was a really good run then

Is fun allowed at this event?


They were awfully long if you weren't watching during the early parts. Easily minutes.

She likes em thicc

>Runs on ESA are shit right now
>mfw watching Ela stream from his hotel room in the meantime

Yes, that's why they don't have trannies.

Agreed, very well done aside from missing the estimate.

this, i need to know this too


Sure but there is none to be had

American feeling a bit homesick.