Are you the kind of fag who thinks Classic Sonic's level design sucks or is random? Well then good news: God doesn't hate you so much after all, for He has sent me here to educate you on this day. I did all your homework for you, now I'll sell it back to you for 50,000 (You)'s per post. Now let's get started.
This entire area is engineered specifically to keep Knuckles (K) out, to prevent him from entering Sonic and Tails' Act 2.
>This entire area is engineered specifically to keep Knuckles (K) out Then why is it easily possible to get up there with Knuckles (K)?
Jacob Brown
These are the key elements: the right spikes, the left spikes, the rock. More specifically, their exact placements in regards to one another. After all, the spacial relationship between these objects is equally as important as the properties of the objects themselves; it takes both, together, to make this section work. Additional factors at play include K's capacity of motion and the heights of, and distances between, the terrain.
Lucas Cooper
It's not. You shut up, with your fake news. Or I will ask God to smite you.
Colton Jones
Christian Wood
Joseph Cox
I don't think that works. Knux can't grab onto the crumbling ledge, can he?
Joshua Young
Knuckles can't jump up on that pile of rocks without breaking it.
Noah Baker
These spikes: (a) stop K from simply climbing all the way up the wall; (b) stop K from climbing high enough up the wall to reach the opposite cliff by gliding across.
Michael Collins
That's kind of the problem. Knuckles can do everything Sonic can do except he can also fly. Or Glide and climb walls. There's almost no reason to use Sonic over knuckles
Alexander Price
I realized this when I was playing the game at like, 6-7 years old.
Easton Diaz
Bitch please.
Oh Lord, why do you test me?
Nathan Jones
Sonic has a higher jump and can use various spheres?
Aiden Baker
Benjamin Lee
Then he can just climb this other wall
Ethan Hill
Not possible to do.
Even with the Hyper transformation active he can't leap high enough to get over the spikes on the left so OP is correct.
Michael Brooks
This rock is fragile to put it simply, but its structural integrity is irrelevant because of: (a) it's height; (b) the distance between it and the left cliff; (c) the height of the left cliff; (d) the height of the left spikes; (e) the height of the left platform; (f) the maximum height of K's jump; (g) the rate of descent of K's glide.
Due to all of this, under normal circumstances it is technically impossible for K to use this rock in any way whatsoever to enter the area. There is one exception, which, by the grace of God, I may explain later.
Luis Cox
>There's almost no reason to use Sonic over knuckles Sonic has more 'tude. Check mate nigger.
Adam Young
That's even more true with Tails, and still true with literally every single other Sonic character ever
Xavier Evans
Henry Gutierrez
most autistic thread ive been in today
Wyatt Wright
Knuckles can't jump as high as Sonic or Tails.
The difference in jump height is part of the increased difficulty of the Mushroom Hill sub-boss fight. Sonic and Tails can jump at its sides easily, while Knux can just barely nick its bottom and has to worry about getting caught in its jet exhaust.
Grayson Green
Hudson Cook
Imagine the amount of autism it takes to obsess over a decent platformer from over two decades ago? >Sonic fanbase Why am I not surprised?
Justin Perez
You realize this has been done with Mario games hundreds of times already? There are Youtube channels dedicated to this shit
Isaac Jones
Relax asshole, this thread sure as hell is more entertaining than the millionth LOL thread
Parker Smith
He can't glide to the wall in the first place. His jump is too short and he loses altitude fast when gliding
Hudson Sanchez
Then he can use that floating spring there
Eli Wright
That spring actually sends you to space thus killing the K
Wyatt Diaz
It's an underground spring and I don't think it's there in Knuckles' version of the level.
Carson Powell
These spikes: (a) block the side of the cliff so K can't grab onto it and then climb up; (b) tend to punish with damage attempts to reach the platform; (c) thus, deter the player from trying to defeat the security measures; (d) thus fortifying the strength of the entire security system (e) almost perfectly precludes even the most unlikely of all possible scenarios in which the system could be defeated, which is that K superglides off the monitor below to reach the platform - almost.
Now, any questions?
Jose Richardson
... That sort of bunks whatever dumb shit OP is trying to rant about. Might as well just put a big dumb block in the way if they're going to play it like that.
Aiden Green
How can I get Knuckles (K) up there in half an A press
Tyler Bailey
Uuuuuh yeah so about that chicken burger order I made can I still have that
Josiah Edwards
>parallel universes
Gavin James
wheres pizza
Dominic Brooks
What the heck is a superglide
Justin Bell
All knuckles has to do is build up some speed
Dylan Price
Hey, thanks.
Now, having said all of that, there are 3 main ways of bypassing the safeguards, in order of ease: (a) Hyper K; (b) damage boost/i-frames; (c) superglide.
Shall I explain?
Jackson Price
>Shall I explain? Please do.
Jace Russell
Shoot for the stars my man
Landon Morris
Yes, please do.
Evan Jones
If I told you I would have to kill you
Jeremiah Martin
Go for it. I remember trying to take Sonic's path with Knuckles back when I first played.
Isaiah Howard
Thanks doc
Jace Stewart
>shall I continue? Is there any other reason you made this thread?
Nathan Nelson
Ok, cool. But I'm out of pictures, sorry.
(a) Hyper K easily defeats the right, and then left, spikes with his invincibility and enhanced mobility. He climbs the right wall and glides to the platform.
(b) K climbs the right wall, then carefully jumps in such a way as to take damage from the right spikes; the hit propels him towards and causes him to land on his feet on the rock, which thus remains in tact; he then quickly executes a glide from the apex of a jump towards the left cliff. In this manner, his i-frames last just long enough to protect him against the left spikes' spikeyness, allowing him to land on top of them and proceed from there.
Brandon Turner
i'm trying your b, but knuckles flies past the rock and off the cliff
Chase Hill
Ok now i want to to bring us more level design analysis. Don't tell me you just got that. Don't fucking tell me that you weirdo echidna lover.
Jose Sanders
(c) is impossible in all but theory - a TAS-only trick. Although it's not really a trick, just a perfect and I mean God. damn. perfect superglide.
Also, it is very good that Hyper K can access the area so easily, for a number of reasons. If the fact that he can is a security failure, then that failure is actually a huge success accidentally. Either way, but especially if it was intentional, it's great game design.
Evan Adams
Im not familiar with This meme. What happens if you go to tke sonic zone with knuckles?
Nathan James
Sonic has insta-shield and a better jump.
Ryan King
The flames of autism burn eternal deep within my soul; but alas, the fire's starved for fuel, in need of kindling.
Which is to say that I had a few more sections in mind, but Super Turbo Autism 3 tires me out too quickly to go over them tonight I think.
Tyler Morales
It's actually possible to enter Sonic's Act 2 as Knuckles, but you need Hyper Knuckles to do it and you can't finish the act afterwards:
Cameron Ross
In the original Sonic 3 there was a glitch you could do in Ice Cap and I believe Angel Island where you hold down then while the camera is down you're supposed to jump and hold right and you'd clip through the wall that Knuckles can break through. You can still finish the Knuckles stages as Sonic though.