>Nintendo gets BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2, and ARMS in a SINGLE YEAR.
>All we get is trailers
How do we stop Nintendo, bros?
>Nintendo gets BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2, and ARMS in a SINGLE YEAR.
>All we get is trailers
How do we stop Nintendo, bros?
>How to we stop Nintendo?
Go play what console or PC you have and ignore what other people are doing
>...and ARMS
Don't need to bloat that list with shit games. Mario and Zelda are fine on their own.
2bh those nintendo games are just as unremarkable as sony's games
PC wins again baby
>yet another mario game, yet another Zelda game, a xeno something game that no one cares about, and street fighter Nintendo edition
Oh nooo, what are we going to do?
Stay mad
>be mad that my tablet doesn't have any good games
What did nintendies mean by this?
Why not move to nintendo this year ?
I'm worried my friends will laugh at me. They think the tablet is too underpowered and doesn't have mature games like Destiny and COD.
>Your friends mock you for your gaming choices
Some friends you have