Legend of zelda game that was already on wii u

>legend of zelda game that was already on wii u
>splatoon 2 basically splatoon with a few new maps
>a new mario might come out this year if nintendo toddlers are lucky

explain to me how this isn't another failure like the wii u if not worse?

Other urls found in this thread:


No one bought the Wii U so Zelda is basically a Switch and PC exclusive.

>splatoon 2 basically splatoon with a few new maps
Is this shitposting?

It's selling

You forgot to mention rereleasing Mario Kart 8.

Holy shit microsoft and sony are finished

And Pokken.

All that is out this year that is mostly new is Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, and fucking Arms.

>Q4 to Q1
Is this bait?

thre are 3 times more wii u owners than switch ones, the fact that nobody buys botw on wii u saiy that its owners just got switch, even if the only reason to get wii u in the first place was exclusive zelda

Hahaha nintendo is doomed!

>be me
>didn't own Wii U

Holy shit, it has value now.

But really, fuck off

>Go to supermarket yesterday
>See a dozen switches on the shelves
>Kinda tempted
>Remember it has one game

M-Maybe in a few years

>>See a dozen switches on the shelves

>HD rumble is already forgotten
>cant even buy the materials to manufacture it anyway
what a shitshow

>a new Mario might come out this year

They said it would come out fall 2017, in fact they're still saying that. If they haven't changed it by now, chances are it's going to be this year

>on 3 platforms

October 27th. Op is a fucking retard

Yeah, I figured OP was retarded or just baiting

pretty much describes any supermarket/Tech-Store/Gamestop here in Germany



Yup that was in France

I love the fact that nobody has disproved OPs argument.

He's right. Switch is overrated garbage, and its pretty upsetting that so many people are defending it when Wii U continuously got shat on for having an incredible library.

That's ad populum for ya.

>explain to me how this isn't another failure like the wii u if not worse?

Because it's selling
>But less then the PS4!
But it's still selling

I don't get it.

>when Wii U continuously got shat on for having an incredible library.

I love how you're just blatantly lying here.

>ps4 has to stay plugged into an external power source 24/7 to stay on
you just got owned

What argument?

>if nintendo toddlers are luck
Still waiting for FFVI

If it had such an incredible library then people would've bought the damn thing

The switch is literally what the wii u was supposed to be. Why they didn't just make a powerful console this time around is beyond me. If it was up to me, I'd have a console as strong as the ps4/bone and keep the switch under wraps as a 3ds successor. If you think about it, you're all just buying handhelds being called a console. Nintendo wanted to take another crack at the wii u and this is what they got.

It doesn't have a retarded name like Wii U so people actually know it isn't just something for the Wii

Alright buddy, we're talking about markets that actually matter. Germany and France do not.

>Why they didn't just make a powerful console this time around is beyond me.
Waste of money for little gain.

I passed on the Wii U for many reason, mostly monetary issues for a while, but thanks to tax returns I finally picked one up just for BotW and I couldn't be happier with the system.

I'm actually glad I wasn't able to find a Switch like I had planned to get.

The Wii U actually has a library for me to look into unlike the Switch, and it won't have a library for at least 1-2 years, which just means I can wait for the hype to die an use another bit of my tax return to get one when there's hopefully a bundle or revision.

But more on topic, the Wii U marketing sucked and lacked a proper launch title. The Switch is doing well only because of BotW and the cease of Wii U in stores, and I guess marketing is better too.

I've owned it for a month, and consider it to be the best console I've owned in its first two years. The PS3 and PS4 weren't this good for about 3 years.

I don't even like Zelda, I thought it was terrible. I think Mario is looking really crap. And yet there's still loads upcoming that I want.

It doesn't matter how well the Switch does. Nintendo will forget about it in 2 years when they are pimping their next gimmicky device and everyone will lap it up like gravy. It's like no one has noticed the pattern of giving up on their hardware Nintendo has displayed since the N64.

Nah, only Sup Forums thinks the Switch is overrated but it's not like their opinion matters

>M-muh patterns
We all know those patterns don't exist.

I mean hey, if it's money they're after then yea they're doing a good job. At the same time it's kinda ruining the reputation.
Honestly, Nintendo games are not hard to run at all based off emulation and such. Imagine if they had a console that had up to date specs console wise. They could have their games running in native 4k or a clean 1080 with nice textures, 60 fps etc etc. If you've ever used dolphin or dabbled with cemu, you'd see just how much better these games look when rendered higher. It's truly amazing.

So, with a any decent console they could achieve much better looking first party titles AND get some better 3rd party support. If you're still not liking the idea, just think of BOTW but with the Zelda u tech demo visuals. Easily attainable but Nintendo just wants to stay doing gimmicks.

>buying a console because you look forward to games that aren't even out yet

opinion discarded you're a retard

>if a game is on more than one console it doesnt count for anything

I dont care if its nintendo or sony or whatever this mentality is fucking stupid

With so much competition, Nintendo has replaced Sega as the odd man out. The DC was wedged somewhere between the fifth and sixth generations, and didn't manage to thrive in either market; Nintendo's strategy since the N64 has been to produce underpowered hardware and release it in an awkward timeline that falls somewhere between the generation gap.

The Wii was hugely successful, but only because that particular gimmick (motion controls, Wii Fit) caught on. But that craze eventually died out just like any other. Now Nintendo thinks their only way to compete in the market is to release one gimmick after another, or just re-market existing gimmicks with "improvements." The Wii U was a complete flop, so releasing a slightly updated Wii U clearly wasn't the best idea.

how do you sell more software than hardware?

>At the same time it's kinda ruining the reputation.
Not really no, no one expects much in terms of hardware from Nintendo as much as they do exceptional software which they've still been providing. It's also worth noting hardware that's more powerful isn't going to make their games look any better at this point because they don't focus on realism but rather style.

I didn't say anything close to that you absolute spastic. Learn to read. And you can't discard my opinion, it isn't for you. It's there whether you like it or not.


>so releasing a slightly updated Wii U clearly wasn't the best idea.
clearly it was considering its still selling

this has to be bait, i refuse to believe ninfags are this stupid

>The Wii U was a complete flop, so releasing a slightly updated Wii U clearly wasn't the best idea.
Games on the Switch look the same as games on the PS4 though. I'm not really sure what the Wii U was like, and it's upsetting that it did die, but the Switch is a clear and massive improvement. The Wii U was a plasticy bit of tat.

>not Sonygro

it isnt selling, no stock = no sales, and where is stock (eu) there are no sales either

Sir, you're drunk. What multiplats look the same on both consoles?

just compare botw on wiiu and switch, basically the same graphics, switch is ps3 tier tops

>250k sales in US along
>it isn't selling
yeah ok

Are you legitimately retarded?
If a console sells 1m and 5 games that also sold 1m each that's 1m console sales and 5m software.

What is it about Nintendo that makes neo-Sup Forums so fucking dumb?

>Spending your weekend shitposting
Someone explain to me how OP isn't a failure or worse


if it sells so bad, then why are all theese people in queque?

>no sales in the eu
That's because they're a bunch of niggers who only buy ps4s for FIFA.

I don't know what multiplats are both consoles, but having extensively used both, there's genuinely no difference. Splatoon 2 looks as good as anything on the PS4 aside from a VERY select few.

what about this?

Sales are rapidly declining. It already failed.

switch will have fifa, what will be your excuse once it happens?

>look mom i made the thread again!

Right, go mess with dolphin and see first hand the difference hardware could make.
It's a lot

Anyway, the thing is that Nintendo isn't seen as the go to guy. You go around asking people which console would they get if they could only get 1. More likely than not the answer will either be a Playstation or Xbox. I've worked at different camp sites the pass few weeks with hundreds of kids across each one. Sometimes I'd ask them that question if they were talking about games. Percentage wise, maybe at max 5% said the switch. Ironically, last year no one said wii u. Just thought it was an interesting experience to rant about.

>splatoon 2 basically splatoon with a few new maps

>A cartoon styled game looks just as good
Yea, no shit it would.

What are you saying? Splatoon has plenty of high quality textures. It looks as good as Infamous, just on a smaller scale.

It's okay when it's on a Nintendo system. Pokemon Go and Mario Run are okay as long as it's making Nintendo money. I'm a Nintendo fan and I bash other system for having casual stuff but when Nintendo does it it's different.

>Right, go mess with dolphin and see first hand the difference hardware could make.
You're one of those "up the resolution and change the shaders it looks soooo better!" people aren't you.
>Anyway, the thing is that Nintendo isn't seen as the go to guy
They were only seen as the "go to guy" when they were the only ones user. You're not really getting this are you.

No one wants to play FIFA 2010 in 2017

Nintendo will have only one FIFA on it because it'll sell like shit and they won't waste their breath on the next.

>I've owned it for a month
>think is the best console in it's first two years
>hates Mario and Zelda
>so he's been playing arms and splatoon 2 for 2 weeks

Fucking LOL


new single player mode, new mode, new styles, new gear, new weapons different slightly different mechanics, new levels, modified old levels.

>same game

sequels for multiplayers usually do this

>b b b but when Nintendo does it...

Failure/success is determined by sales.
By your definition Wii U was a success.

Fifa 18 is going to the Switch user.

The style is what makes it look so good. It's like watching cartoons back in the day. They still looked nice at 480 didn't they? Even compared to watching cartoons in HD later on. Now take an old sitcom and compare it to sitcoms in HD. Big difference wouldn't you say?

I tried making it as simple as I can. Hopefully you get what I'm trying to say.

Nobody will get what you're trying to say. I just said the textures are good. I'm not bothered anyway, I think it looks as good as the PS4, only it's actually fun which is much more than I can say for my PS4.

only its name

No one will know the difference.

If we're using this argument then no one bought a Vita, so I guess every Vita game ported to PS4 is PS4 exclusive.

And everything else.

Nobody is going to buy Fifa on the Switch, or rather a Switch for Fifa. I wont be buying 18 and I've always played Fifa. 17 was fucking terrible in every way. It played like absolute shit and there's no hope of the franhcise being good again.

Not that guy, I get your point but you didn't explain it very well even now

Cartoon games can look bad, mind you. No one likes Bubsy's art because it's fucking horrible. Nintendo has top-notch artists/programmers though, so they can do quite a bit with their gimped hardware.

Fucking yup. It's amazing how hated this system is everywhere on the internet. It's Sup Forums's most roasted as fuck console and is already tanking.

Fucking thissity this this. What a TORtanic shite. Glad to see were all redpilled on this.

Nah, unfortunately those ports are the exact same game. Of the ones ported to the Switch only BoTW hasn't been changed in some way.

Don't you have an unemployment queue to be standing in?

Oh go fuck yourself. Theyre barely different from the Wii U versions

Idk about shaders but bumping up the internal rendering of any game makes it look 10x better. If you want to refute that then you clearly haven't experienced it.

The point about being the go to guy is that people can't live off of only a Nintendo console. Nintendo is seen as that extra console you just get. It'll never be a person's primary gaming device anymore. You "need" to go get another system in order to not miss out on shit.
Now, if you're a die hard Nintendo fan then maybe it's possible for you. It sure as hell wasnt possible for me and a large majority of others during the 6th gen and the 7th gen. It definitely won't be for the current gen either.

I'm a Europoor, sandniggers don't just want their COD and FIFA, they also want the best "muh grafix", and they'll buy the superior version. That's why the Xbox X has a chance to sell well.

Different game with higher resolution and almost nothing from the old one
consistent 60fps, higher resolution, all dlc included

What's barely different?

>an opinion is an argument

Switch will sell 10 million by years' end easily. Some are saying that is too conservative and are forecasting 13-15 million. The holidays aren't even upon us after all and we're a third of the way there.

Wii U ports are *basically* Switch exclusives at this point, because they will actually have a market to buy and play them on the Switch. Stay mad WiiUcuck.

>>Idk about shaders
I don't know much about shaders myself but I do know shaders made a big difference from MKWii to MK8

MKWii looks so fucking ugly with all its plastic models

>Theyre barely different from the Wii U versions
Would you like to explain your reasoning to the rest of the thread?

Splatoon is a sequel so I wasn't even counting that, and the additions to MK8 do not justify a $60 price tag

You're fucking retarded.


It's 100 on the wii u with dlc, so I don't see the problem.

Yeah just wait until it gets FIFA, my yurofriend. It'll be worth it then :^)