What went wrong over the last two years?

What went wrong over the last two years?



weebcucks on suicide watch


"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

will be funny when he dies in the next 5 years desu senpai


Obama care

Fucking hypocrite.

I mean, he's right and the retards just proved him right. Weebfags who roll with anime avatars should be discarded.

Also he probably became cuckdoctrinated sometime throughout the election in the US or the Brexit vote.


Kill yourself. Totalcancer was never the good guy.


The cancer obviously got to his brain.

video games

He makes me sick
I would put him on meds and in an insane asylum, the man is obviously not stable and has said so himself

gonna be way sooner than that.

honestly he just did it to get some boipucci

The reason he hasnt died from cancer is because he is cancer. He just hadnt been to a doctor for his entire life so when they took the tests they thought it was something inside of him rather than just he himself.

Looks like I was right.

I'm sorry TB, I'm afraid the cancer took over your brain and it's terminal.

He should rename himself to the Hypocritical Brit.

>you will live longer than total asscancer

Wait is TB still alive?

Whats with his cancer has it really not bed ridden him yet?

that's correct

Remember when TB called him self pro consumer lmao

Hypocrisy is what pisses me off the most about SJWs and retards like him.
Fuck, you can spit them in the face and they'll say it's raining.

I wish people got assaulted when they say stupid things on the internet. Why don't any of these people get a punch for being stupid and gay?

They cancer went from his ass to his mouth.

He's not wrong. If he relies on obamacare then yeah, people who voted for Trump basically voted for him to die.

>traps are just male crossdressers that actually look feminine enough to pass as a woman, their "gender identity" has nothing to do with it
>the con staff kicked a dude out because they assumed something was transphobic that actually was not

Someone with a twitter account should politely ask TB if he knows what a trap is.

wait donald trump raped a kid?

His head is so far up his arse it travelled to his brain; now we have to deal his sperging on twitter



To be fair, didn't he disable comments because he hates Google+?

Got tired of being associated with autistic edgelords.

Never go ass to mouth kids

When's he going to die? I've been waiting for two years now.

jesus that's hilarious

I'd prefer if we'd call him Terminal Biscuit

I think what he's getting at is that calling them "traps" implies there's something scary/bad about men who adopt traditionally feminine traits. I mean I do think he overreacted by making a big twitter stink about it, but it's not hard to understand what he means

Yeah, let's pretend for a second that we believe in this.

so apparently the only thing anyone needs to do to persuade Total Dipshit is whip up some crocodile tears.

Nice to see he bases his decisions upon careful evaluation of the arguments.

Interesting to see the transformation from recognizing how dangerous gender pronoun politics are toward thought control, to all but being an explicit proponent. All because someone cried.


So he went to the other extreme?

*open webm*
*realize what it will be
*close webm*
Nightmare fuel.

>last two years

I never went to SomethingAwful but basically all of these people (Quinn, TB, Trannies) come from that environment, basically normies from different forums that didn't get treated for their aspergers but were in fact enabled by Internet 2.0 into becoming lolcows. Based on their potential for sociopathic behavior, they are more or less successful money-wise.

Meme arrows are worse Bain bby


really confronted my almonds there

Holy shit, hes actually going insane

This is the kind of shit that will only contribute to the edgy "trannies are delusional and need to wake up" mentality Sup Forumsfags yell

nah, my premiums are cheaper under private insurance, but that might just be my state. Can't imagine how shit life would be if I had Obamacare.

holy fug



He's not a hypocrite. Lots of people make fun of xe/xir/xem/hir otherkin and shit. Just because you respect one thing doesn't mean you respect everything else. The only people that actually think like that are SJWs.

Though most of Sup Forums is too dumb to realize people outside of Sup Forums aren't all extremists like them and have opinions that land on both sides of the spectrum. The majority of them aren't easily brainwashed and have opinions of their own however dumb those opinions may be.

You should go outside instead of seeing the world from screenshots posted on Sup Forums.

Sup Forums went from a place that said "If it's cute, fuck it" to some faggot place full of pepe worshipping normies.

Seriously, anons used to know you don't spew meme shit out in public. What did the newfag who got booted out even say? Did he ask something like "Are traps GAY?" expecting laughs in real life? Please tell me that's not what actually happened, because that would be cringy as fuck.


Put that on a t shirt


what was the question asked?

My favorite part is when they peel the wang like a banana.

That's fucking terrifying. Deserves to be spoilered.

Do they have a FtM version?

In these last two years you drifted so far to the right that any non-extremist seems alien and insane to you.

>This is the kind of shit that will only contribute to the edgy "trannies are delusional and need to wake up" mentality Sup Forumsfags yell

You mean the truth?

I wonder how assblasted he was after reading this.

It is not the governments job to keep you alive. Seems the cancer ate away TB's brain.

you say this like trannies aren't delusional. Hey let me just cut off my balls and shove my penis inside out!

Talk about rational discussion, huh?

No, he talked about how nasty comments made him physically sick and he had to have his wife go through them for him for a while.

So has anyone sent him some of his hypocritical tweets back at him?

I have never met a single person whose premiums became more affordable through Obamacare.

Total ass cancer and thundercuck sshould have rough anal sex and tear their rectums and die from fecal infection

I fucking hate pseudo-intellectual self proclaimed know it all smug british faggot scum

The fact that all of this overblown asshurt came out of a dude saying ''are traps gay'' for whatever reason really activates my almonds.

I miss the 90s

>Did he ask something like "Are traps GAY?"
DESU I would have laughed my ass off right there with him as we both got booted out.

>Did he ask something like "Are traps GAY?" expecting laughs in real life? Please tell me that's not what actually happened, because that would be cringy as fuck.
That's literally what happened.


>forced to put in a dildo for 4 hours every so often for the rest of their lives to prevent the body from closing a literal open wound that they make believe is a vagina

Thats what happened. there is a generation of kids that think memming in public is A-OKAY and everyone is on the joke!

Really updates my journal.

What the fuck is that, people getting coned out of their cocks?

No because women aren't autistic retards who get that kind of shit done to themselves

>This is the kind of shit that will only contribute to the edgy "trannies are delusional and need to wake up" mentality Sup Forumsfags yell
They are delusional.

thats one of the accusations yes. Whether you chose to believe it is up to you if you want to look into it but the thing is, its fucked but most of our government has a history of illegal sexual activity.

sa had huge issues with sjw infestation shit from like 2011-2014 and now its pretty decent even if goons are still incredibly thin skinned retards. the sjw shit had the bonus of also removing like 3/4 of the posting population so i guess not even the average goon can put up with it forever. lowtax is gonna have to get a real job soon.

And you don't think TB's reaction, or his friend's aren't just a little bit extreme to the opposite end?

it was a fake case made up by the left days before the election to try and discredit trump that the court threw out immediately

Isn't Total Biscuit a literal cuck? Memes aside.

Fuck you so much, I'll have nightmares today

>He knows it was a joke
>He knows it wasn't meant as an attack
>He most likely only reacted in this way since he didn't agree with it
>Since he has committed he is just going to keep adding fuel to the fire and makes him look ignorant to the fact it is just a joke

As someone who had shilled his stuff on here, I'm surprised he suddenly condemns a whole site for a lighthearted joke about mentally ill people for the sake of some laughs.

Did his stay in America really make him forget banter?

Curious is the virtue signallers art, their hypocracy unwitnessed by their own eyes.

Are traps gay?

It depends on the state. In the general sense if you have preexisting conditions, avoid the fuck out of obamacare.

>GD doesn't exist and therapy works

what was the "transphobic" question thats causing so much shit
knowing sjws its probably nothing but i'd still like to see it

He would get beaten to death in my country
Feels good

Named for Jesse Cox

>are traps gay?
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

remember when this fat fuck hopped on his high horse and announced to the concerned world that he was leaving twitter behind for his "staff" to deal with

remember when he was back on it and whining within a month

remember when he was supposed to die like five years ago and god has left us so he's still kicking around being an insufferable faggot
