ITT: God tier vydia protagonists
ITT: God tier vydia protagonists
He looks kinda smug
>learns strange magic by seeing it happen once
covert gary stu tbqhfam
Chad is all you need
He sucks compared to the other two personagonists. Best MC is Demifiend anyway though.
World's Greatest Dad
You can't get more God tier than strong Aryan badass Agent 47. Shitskin characters and women need not apply.
Looking cool, Joker!
Which two are you referring to?
Not vidya
I thought that was shulk XD
this is literal god
shit heads don't know a good one when you see one
I'll probably get shit for this, but I like Haloman
Summer can't end soon enough
Take a wild guess, user
Todd is my favourite protagonist.
>lucifer's bottom bitch
Nah. Heri is thr best SMT protagonist and the only one to have a decent party/friends.
It took me a while to get used to his emo haircut and gay blue hair.. Protag and Potter are leages ahead of him.
Just hope that was ironic.
Based Bayliss
Implying you don't eventually kill/enslave Lucifer eventually. "All bow to my will ".
force of nature
>people actually prefer solid snake over big b0ss
>"Death's vastness holds no peace. I come at the end of the long road. Neither human, nor devil... all bends to my will."
Demifiend's implied power is pretty incredible for a JRPG protagonist.
He also defeated the great will and is now happily married to non-canon-chan
Married to who?
FeMc. They belong together.
Demifiend being anything but a little bitch is as canon as her game.
she is not real user
Are you OK?
neither is demi
at least thats canon i think
This but Hilbert is a close second
Fuck off with your sarcastic bullshit Nanashifag.
>both have their own babysitter
>one becomes a god while the other marries his nanny
What game's he from? I remember seeing him mentioned in another thread like this.
Bad Bass babbies pls go. Solid Snack a best.
He has an eidetic memory.
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2 (DS)
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker (3DS)
really fun games user
Devil Survivor 2
it's kind of unfair though since the times we played as Solid, he's already a veteran like Big Boss was in PW and V
they're not very entertaining at those points