
Who is this faggot and why should we care.

should have made more videos, retard

Literally who?

literally who?

>i'm a newfag and a redditor


he was getting 6k a month on patreon and couldn't even put out one fucking video a month

faggot: i'm a gay idiot

>mfw suicide soon

I think it's e-celeb garbage that only underage redditors care about

Spoony. A formerly major YouTuber and one of the first e-celebs Sup Forums posted about regularly for over a decade you goddamn newfags.

Not video games

>I'm an e-celeb fag


>e-celeb shit
fuck off numale cancer

This guy is a perfect example of why you should never deviate from your formula.
You find something that gets you views, you keep doing it.
DO NOT try to make a movie.
DO NOT try to make a TV show.

wasn't he getting thousands a month?

He has the DPS problem. Instead of changing his format and evolving he makes the same stuff he did when he started. Not to mention Youtube is trying to kill everything that requires effort and is trying to push vloggers as the face of their website.

no one cares about your eceleb you literal retards

>Sup Forums posted about regularly for over a decade you goddamn newfags.
>Sup Forums
>for over a decade
Think about what you just said there.
And you have the balls to call others newfags....

literally who?

give me a quick rundown.

Spoony's not dead yet?

As opposed to a figurative retard?

he actually made it to that 5k a month goal. Of course he didn't do shit with it still.

Imagine being OP and being so much of a faggot he thought "hey, let's start a thread with a tweet from a literally who on the board dedicated to videogame discussion".
Gladly, nobody can be as stupid as OP.

How is this video games?

Time to get a real job and get back to reality from lucky fairy land


I feel bad for him but he made serious bank and all he had to do was put out non-edited rant video's about movies/video games/pen&paper or w/e. I have no idea how he could possibly fuck that up. If his video's were heavily edited and required alot of research I could understand but most of his content was just him using a shitty Mic&webcam and throwing in a random clip every now and then.

How the fuck did he fuck his golden ride up so bad.

The author of this thread.

>guy was really popular on old-Sup Forums along with avgn stuff
>had a huge fanbase
>gets kicked from his parent organization (channel awesome)
>starts his own patreon
>gets ridiculous amounts of money
>does nothing for 4 years

>I go on reddit

>mfw all these newfags on Sup Forums

Ditch the witch and go back to the slayer of mexicans aka your cop bro.

>Spoony is dead
>AVGN is dead
>Nostalgia Critic is dead
Who else?

>gets outed as a newfag
>n..no you're the retard

I can see it now. The last tweets before he hangs himself will be from his dog's Twitter account.

>watch his old video on final fantasy viii
>spends a good couple minutes just calling the main characters gay and sissy

man this guy is really homophobic

to be fair Channel Awesome, and Doulg Walker's progressive squad are slimy jews too

I was donating $40 a month to his patreon but stopped last year when I was just kinda thumbing over the monthly expenses and realized he just doesn't put out anything of interest anymore and hasn't in a long time. I guess I feel a little bad not helping him out in his time of need but I'd rather subscribe to more active content creators. Hopefully he gets a job at Google or something

Angry Joe and Totalbiscuit soon

Can't believe Markiplier is still alive and fucking growing

His laziness got him to where he's at. Also doesn't help that better looking people/"normies" pretty much took over the e-celeb territory. Whatever audience he had, have long moved on and I don't see a younger audience resonating with him.

I literally can't wait for him to kill himself.

I hope he does it on a lifestream too

Cinemassacre is alright faggot

>tfw been browsing Sup Forums since 2006
>tfw still don't know who this is

Feels good actually playing video games instead of watching other people do it. I think my gf watches Let's Plays and GDQ though..

I thought he started a Patreon and it did okay? What happened?

>I was donating $40 a month

>my gf

Didn't Mike take over the channel and run it into the ground?
I don't know, I unsubscribed because Mike is a cunt and I couldn't care less about non-AVGN content

>check patreon
>his last post was literally over a year ago
>hurr durr y u no gib me monies?

>$40 a month
>$480 every year
>to some retard who makes video game videos

A fool and his money are soon parted

how does it feel to literally kill someone? you proud of yourself kid? give him back those 40 dollars and show some humanity, redeem yourself. i dare you.

>he could've had an easy life making really good money just by pissing out one video a month
>fucks it all up because of muh depression

That's gotta sting

Mike is miles better than James anyways.
I fucking love that guy, and I watched AVGN as a kid. James has a family and whatnot, bd I always found his eants boring.

I hope he (you) dies of starvation.

pretty much this no young audience is going to watch him when they can watching epic bro streamers that scream in their mic alot.

>is a Mike or that unfunny fat fag episode


I like Mike and Ryan :(


>Hopefully he gets a job at Google or something

Google is literally THE most popular employer in the US, which is literally THE most popular country in the world to work in.

What do you think the chances are for a lazy faggot like him? But hey maybe he can apply for wiping the floors.

I've been browsing this shithole for 10 years and never heard this retard mentioned once.

>Have big fanbase willing to throw thousands at you every month for the occasional video review of a game/movie/whatever
>Spend all the money on booze and then proceed to do nothing for years
>Shitpost on twitter at all hours of the day
>Even his most diehard fans get tired of him not keeping promises
>"Oh no, I'm going to lose my house now that I have no money."
Even if he made no content at all, the amount of money he was making every month on Patreon was enough to last him like 10 years. What the hell did he do with all of it?

Has he made ANY attempt at getting a job

Is he the guy who is a chick now?

They talk about games. Ryan is obciously well versed in lofe and technical aspects of them like we are; while James and Mike are 40 year old plebs to be honest.

Spend it all on the dog

maybe he shouldn't rely on internet welfare from strangers as his sole income. "e-celeb" isn't a real job.

I Uber and Lyft full time and don't have that many expenses. I can afford to pay for my entertainment. Ironically, either you idiots probably spend twice as much as that at the bar drinking shitty beer listening to shitty music, so maybe mind your own finances?


Who was in the wrong here?

In regards to Markiplier, no matter what you might think of this, he at least has something that can appeal to a younger audience and bring in new viewers.

These old, out of shape, balding "nerds" represent the old guard of the gaming/geek stereotype. It just isn't that way anymore and hasn;t been for a good while now.

Go to bed Mike


>Not knowing who Spoony is

You have to be atlest 18 to post here

I'm with this guy.
I drink boxed wine alone instead of going to a bar so I can support people on patreon

Nice projecting faggot, I don't even drink alcohol.

It's one thing to pay for entertainment but you'd have to be a moron to give money to a content creator who already gives away content for free anyway.

Mike tries too hard to be relevant and hip. You can tell by the bags under his eyes.

Hey is this the guy who looks like a bird? I asked last thread and nobody replied

Those posts aren't mutually exclusive. The internet pays in quantity not quality. It is more sensible to make your big opening with nice, well done flashy videos then once you're in, just putting out bread and butter content non stop. Especially since any special or big projects A) won't make back the money they cost and B) will always disappoint everyone.

>don't actually work for a single minute in his entire life
>relies on begging for money
>"aaaa I'm so poor help me"
I hope he kills himself along with other e-celeb cancers

>Cinema Snob hasn't been worth a fuck since Jake was forced out by Brad

he's lying, he doesn't have a house

he lives with his brother

>ask fans for gibs so that you can dedicate all of your time to making videos that they like
>fans provide the gibs
>don't provide the videos
>expect gibs to continue indefinitely

That's the nature of a job: You can't just do whatever you want and expect to get paid.

The bags under his eyes are because of his fucked up sleep schedule.

He can't tell when the sun is out because he's living in James' shadow.

Fuck off with your eceleb cancer

user, since the adpocolypse a lot of YouTubers barely make a cent off ads.
It's not much to throw $10 at your favorite YouTube channels a year.
Without your support they might disappear

Spoony was on well above average middleclass income for quite a number of years; what did he piss it away on?

I'm the first guy to respond to you. I honestly believe that you can afford it, but I I disagree with spending it on spoony, considering his attitude to his fans was so obvious even before his decline.

>mad about getting outed as a newfag

You make it sound like that would be a bad thing

>Without your support they might disappear
thank god


I used to watch Totalbiscuit regularly since I liked his game reviews. Then he started doing a bunch of gay co-op videos and focus on small indie games instead of major titles so I stopped watching. I don't get it, 5 AAA titles are released in a month and instead of reviewing any of them he reviews a fucking PC port of a mobile game, what the fuck?

houses are expensive

Unironically this

I'm talking about channels you like, not washed up hasbeens who haven't made a video in months but somehow still get patreon bux.
If you watch regularly there must be some channels you actually like

kys imbecile

tb doesnt review anything

When you fall off and you got no backup plan

>tfw you openly charge back a donation to some obnoxious twitch twat to piss them off
>"oh, cool. $20 from Bingo Bongo, he says... "im charging this back fu....*deep sigh*"