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motifa killed this channel
not video games
Sup Forums - Youtube Shit
Sup Forums - Shit
If I had kids that watched ecelebs instead of riding bikes with the neighborhood kids, I'd beat them
Not vidya, Fuck off
>Ding Dong:Chris, do the thing
>Chris:haha whee I play the funny game
Why is Ding Ding such a control freak?
Can you please fuck off with your garbage ecelebs for kids with asperger ? Fucking sage.
Just like she killed everyone.
Sage is not a downvote you newfag
Bucoos isssa funni yoke dooood!!
Because he's the straight man of the group. He's fun because he keeps everyone in check and says normal stuff in a voice that sounds cynical or some shit k love you bye
the viewers killed this channel
SuperMega > Oney Plays
Sup Forums - Shit people.
>super mega
is like a normie channel pretending to like videogame but sucks at it using pretentious voice
how does it feel to get completely blown the fuck out by a stupid welsh mutt that delivers two potatoes per year?
Or are you still on the
I'll never forgive moot for his constant vitriol against Sup Forums.
The fuck did he expect to happen when such a large board went almost completely unmoderated for years?
The games they play aren't usually very interesting either. Pokemon isn't fun to watch unless it's livestreamed, the spongebob game doesn't make any sense, and their best stuff is either live action or a podcast. I don't think they're pretentious though. At lest with OneyPlays they're all laughing and having dumb fun with visually interesting games and easily distinguishable voices and personalities.
More like SuperStupid haha!
Criminally underrated channel.
>he's the straight man
He used to be and he was only funny when he was
Now he's more like Chris-lite, speaking silly and doing dumb rhymes
who will post croc first and when will this thread get deleted?
Is there any video game character that can defeat Motifa?
it is actually pretty funny in retrospect that every Newgrounds animator became a sellout toolbag instead of moving on and trying to make a proper career for themselves
50 Cent
maybe not pretentious but whoever is the one with that voice shows that he wants to be heard at all times but doesn't really make good jokes or brings anything interesting either, he just wants the attention, and in his channel is fine but with oney plays he wants to stand out
Chris did a cartoon pitch with Zach but they've been having to sit on it due to contract NDAs
Goku vs superman vs motifa vs Marge simpson
half the sleepycabin guys are doing their own thing and still animating, they're not all egoraptor or oney
It's like newgrounds was wizard's curse that prevented anyone famous on it from really growing up and getting decent salary jobs because muh art and muh vidya
Matt or ryan/ higher or lower voice?
They actually pitched it to Adult Swim. Chris and Zach went to present it and they both basically sperged the entire time and fucked it up because they refused to change the show's name and made it blatantly clear the main characters were supposed to be them.
Adult Swim understandably told them to fuck off and now they've got a different deal in the works. All the groundwork has been laid and they're waiting for an outside studio to finish animating some episodes for them.
You mean the irrelevant faggot still having to shill his shit videos on Sup Forums?
who's the brunette one? Matt? I think Ryan is the one who barely talks i don't even remember how his voice sounds like, is mostly Matt doing all the talk
I'm not sure Newgrounds itself was the curse, but rather Youtube
When Youtube allowed them to animate and make tons of money doing so, a lot of the people who did Newgrounds for fun jumped to Youtube believing "wow, I can actually do this for my job!"
Then around 2011 Youtube changed the way they paid people, and animators were no longer making the thousands, if not tens of thousands a month they were on their animations. They had put their eggs all in one basket and realized that they had no other skills, so they just lazily became Youtube Lets Players to get income and to use their fanbases to easily get it without having to really do anything
There are still a lot of people from Newgrounds who are still doing animation professionally, making games, etc
Hell, even Oney did the music for a game Tom Fulp and JohnnyUtah are making, so it's not like he's completely Egoraptor tier of doing fuck all
Oney's been working on Nightmare Cops with other Newgrounds Artists, plus Arin turned Game Grumps into a successful brand
You just sound like a dipshit trying to talk trash when you don't know what you're talking about
Matt is the tall one with the lighter hair. He screams sometimes. Ryan has a beard and I'm pretty sure they talk about the same amount.
It's funny that you phrase it like that because in reality only the easy part is over.
Now they have to get incredibly lucky that some exec actually gets their humor and appreciates the cartoon.
Not even most fans of oney liked the leaked cartoon.
AS never had a problem letting spergs get shows before. The show got fucked because it was just bad overall and unmarketable. My guess is they got burned by China,IL. doing ass in ratings so they refuse to give any webanimator any kind of project unless it looks like guaranteed Family Guy numbers. Or one of them has to blow the jewcock for airtime, like Tyler the Nigger.
Hellbenders is not a good 15/30 minute show
It's good as something short and sweet
i am actually surprised they turns that office into something big. Was is just by doing lets plays and offering their place with others? how did it work becase i am curious
Lmao, I forgot that game grumps started right after that.
So it was really about money all along.
The recording studio is used by several other channels including Oneyplays and SuperMega
It was my understanding from Zach's update video that they'd found someone to take it on board, and they just needed the episodes finished so they could air.
Show got fucked because they made a bad impression and wouldn't change the name from Hellbenders to something else (because AS had like, four shows with "hell" in it's name at the time). The execs loved it.
Can we all agree that ding dong is the worst?
that's what i imagine, they build a place for others LP, mostly friends to have a place to work on their project aqnd sometimes work together in different projects and pay a rent. Im sure they also had other people in there not fully involved with gamegrumps but under other projects because that is a lot of people for just working in lets play
but they play video games
You're missing details. He didn't want to go with Adult Swim ultimately because when you give your show to Adult Swim, while your given creator rights and royalties, they own all of the characters and any production materials related to the show. As an example of this in practice, Adult Swim still has all of the Moral Orel dolls locked away somewhere and are officially Adult Swim property. The creator recreated an unaired episode with fake Moral Orel dolls because that's all he was allowed to do.
Oney didn't want that kind of relationship with his publisher. But good luck because everyone but Seth McFarland has it worse. People love to screw over animators.
When have OneyPlays made fun of let's plays or patreon? Unless you're talking about over 2-3 years ago, when literally almost everybody made fun of patreon since only FeministFrequency-types were largely using it back then.
I mean look, this video of Harry making fun of Kickstater probably would not have been made today due to the huge influx of content creators that rely on similar services.
Y'all wanna hear some shit?
DD and J played a gaydad demo and didn't like it.
DD said this on stream, someone tweets to wecht and FAS saying that DD and J were fucking involved in the project as beta testers so wecht and FAS go out of their fucking way to respond to some dumb measley comment.
FAS, wecht, and the rest are obviously PC/money loving as all fucking hell so DD and J aren't allowed at the office anymore. Hence new oney plays studio
>tfw Ding Dang died
If that's the case then why'd they change their mind? On an episode on SleepyCast Zach says if they could go back and do it over they'd let them make the name anything they'd want, as not doing the deal was a massive mistake in their eyes.
>FeministFrequency-types were largely using it back then.
Blatantly false. Pillars of Eternity was funded back then. Little Witch Academy was funded back then. Yuasa's fetish animated short was funded back then. Board game publishers used it as a preordering service back then, a trend that is now in sharp decline. In fact kickstarter usage was at its larger 2-3 years ago and is now seen a small overall decline.
You live in a false narrative.
DingDong and Julian are waaaay too sycophantic to chris. They laugh like crazy at every little noise he makes.
I don't know the specifics of their regret now-a-days, but have you seen Silicon Valley? Its probably a lot like that. They probably believe the show would of been better in their hands and if they pulled it off they would have been better off than if the show had gone through Adult Swim. Now though they see Rick and Morty's success and their show still isn't off the ground because business is a ton of work.
I can agree to that.
Sup Forums - Created by a shit person and was always shit
Stop raping me OoOoOoOoO.
You forgot
>Julian: *just laughing or repeating what was funny then laughing*
>Julian: ooooo this is pretty, I really like this
Which is weird, seemed like Ding Dong was always critical of Chris and his funny noise humor, but nowadays he laughs every time.
Not that I really give a shit. Just do you, Ding Dong, I know you're here.
They got a new setup weeks ago, stop being retarded.
Also how the fuck does anybody find the Motifa shit funny? It is the same fucking joke every single episode.
LOL Motifa fly and shoot lasers.
LOL Motifa ran up and explosion punched an NPC AGAIN!
What is the appeal of this shit? I'll never get people who install mods for games that just make you a god and let you fly around killing everything in one hit. Are ragdolls and explosions that fucking funny for your pea brain?
I said Patreon you fucking nigger. You will NOT gaslight me by telling me that Sup Forums did not make fun of Patreon because it was used by feminist people. I don't even have an agenda right now, I'm just saying what I remember from a few years ago.
I just saw a thread asking about video games and all anyone did was talk about dogs.
This is as close to video games as you'll get around here.
Oney's shill brigade needs to FUCK OFF.
Ding Dong only goes to /trash/.
I hate the fact that Dingdong would rather have cut down complations of clips from his streams rather than the full versions, as "boring" as it might be to some to have entire several hour long videos of them talking and occasionally saying something funny from time to time, I like how it gives me the raw versions of people
They've mentioned a few times that the laugh is sometime from the face or expression Chris makes during specific noises. If anything they're mentally children or receptacle to visual low-comedy.
They do love the babies falling down compilation just as a frame of reference here.
>What is the appeal of this shit? I'll never get people who install mods for games that just make you a god and let you fly around killing everything in one hit. Are ragdolls and explosions that fucking funny for your pea brain?
I mean you could make the same argument about fucking around in GTA V in general but people love it.
I fully admit that it's retarded but I am still amused by ragdolls and I likely always will be
No, their show isn't off the ground because it was a piece of shit. I saw that unreleased episode they spent months working on and it was so goddamn unfunny it blew my mind. I couldn't believe that after three years of not uploading anything, after three years of blood, sweat and tears, the best they could come up with was that garbage? It's no fucking wonder nobody came along and picked it up
Because most ''animators'' who make a carreer for themselves nowadays are all CalArts babies who came from the money like Rebecca Sugar, the entire crew of Clarence and literally any other current animated show.
Most of them come from humble beginings, and none of them know how to handle money or negotiate contracts, which is why most of them dropped to making LPs in the first place.
hellbenders doesn't work in formats longer than 5 minutes. the premise was a one-trick pony
Are you all 12 year olds?
What the fuck, Sup Forums?
he was answering questions in a thread on here a couple streams ago
seriously, they're even shitting up splatoon 2
fuck off
>tfw have wanted to be an animator for years
>can't draw and can't even do the /ic/ sticky because I don't wanna draw any of that boring shit
I mean I don't get that either; I can see people going on a rampage killing all NPCs and then police maybe three times in each game before being bored to tears. At least in the actual game you've got boats and helicopters and cars to spice things up; with these GTA mod videos it's just them flying around, punching two NPCs, get into a car and fly somewhere, shooting themselves at a plane and trying to land a car on it, then flying over a bunch of cars shooting them, then making like 40 pedestrians/animals and blowing them up with laser eyes. It's the epitome of LOLSORANDUMBXD bullshit but for some reason people in the comments, on their Twitter, and even they themselves eat this shit up. Absolutely mindboggling
Zach was raised by a single mother, dickhead.
Wow, look at this guy who's too smart for let's plays....
Thank you ohhh thank youuuu
Not video games.
>I don't like thing
No one cares
>Watch people play video games non-competitively with shit commentary
shouldn't this and all youtube shit be classified as Sup Forums or something?
Yeah I quickly stopped watching those and just thumbs down them now but I know the rest of the fanbase is too dicksucking to do the same.
Who has the real ding dong face? (the bald guy)
Yeah, sorry bruh, unless you enjoy the act of drawing itself and not just the results/subject matter, you're going to get pretty fucking miserable doing it.
The Smart And Discerning OneyPlays Fan
not video games
I just watch them to turn off my brain for ten minutes.
>it aint intelligent humor nigga, go read Catcher in the Rye to entertain yourself dude
Nah, who fucking cares.
but you're talking about the ones playing them and not the games