Insults other people as being casual

>Insults other people as being casual
>Has yet to beat a roguelike or 1cc a shmup

Other urls found in this thread:

I've done both. Twice. Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne. heh, three times if you consider Rebirth as well.

Don't be an ass




Reminder that Anonymous Agony is the Persona game we needed but didn't deserve.


how do you just steal a joke and slap anime on it like that


The stream of that game was some of the most fun I've had on Sup Forums


I hope one day Jake releases the next episode. This and the Huniepop launch stream were hilarious.


I've completed DCSS a couple of times but it's also one of the easier roguelikes. I haven't had yet the motivation to dig into Nethack or ADOM properly though I've played them for a long time.

I think that some of the easier shmups are easier to 1cc than it is to beat a roguelike. Touhou 8 was the first one I 1cc'd and I think that it only took a month or so with very little experience with the genre beforehand. The game is very generous with bombs and Touhous in general don't demand much from the player's reflexes.

But yeah roguelikes and shmups are some of the best genres, they scratch the same itch but one is turn based and the other is real time. Anyone interested in games should do himself a favor and at least try to beat a game in both genres.

>playing Ikaruga

weach foh duh skyeee

Did part 2 though part 20 ever get finished?

In the comments the creator said file 2 is being made very slowly. I wonder if we would've seen it by now if the Sup Forums fags on the team didn't decide to leak it.

Yeah dumbass, play a real Roguelike like Rogue Legacy.
It's so Roguelike it literally has "Rogue" in the title.

Smoothie time.


Nethack is fun but it's also a very consistent roguelike; once you figure out how to win it most runs aren't that different from each other unless you go out of your way to intentionally fuck around doing things like using Helm of Opposite alignment to wish for all the quest artifacts or using a ring of control polymorph and amulet of unchanging to do a monster playthrough.

Nethack is outdated spoiler-y garbage at this point. If you don't spoil yourself than you will have a shit time, and if you do spoil yourself you pretty much won the game.


I have never ever beaten a roguelike, despite playing them for a long ass time
Don't even tell me about playing DCSS or Brogue, that's cheating

Do Enter the Gungeon and Nuclear Throne count as both desu?

I'm more of a roguelike man myself but have 1cced a few 2hus on the side

Ducks bite


Just play Nethack or ADOM with a wiki out :^)

>ye ye was 3 years ago

what the fuck

When is the full release

Time flies

Brogue is fucking hard. DCSS is fairly easy, though.

Does Rogue Legacy count?

attention, we need your input before we wreck your team

Did this shit get canned?

Maintence issued.

Is etrian odyssey a rogue like?

I've 1cced perfect cherry blossom, imperishable night and UFO

You're such an ASS, Haze!

>Act like being hardcore is important.
>Continuously compares his accomplishments to others.

How many years have it been friends?

>has never played a real roguelike in his life
>only plays ubercasual shmups for jap pedos
Begone weeb.

that looks like rock candy's artstyle


Is it just nostalgia or was 2012 a pretty good year for Sup Forums?
Everything after that is just a blur. This may help you.

>modern games are too casual
>only plays single player games

I got past the fifth floor of netHack once. Does that count?

I beat mortal kombat 1. Does that count? I had to uppercut spam Shao Khan though. Fuck beating that cheating bastard legit. Still took 100 or so tries.

>etrian odyssey a rogue like

Are you memeing or actually serious.

That was the H A R M O N Y year right? I think that's when Sup Forums peaked

I beat dwarf fortress before it had a win condition

My internet is dogshit.

>Random environments
>Turn based
>Grid based
>Requires resource management
>Makes you kill a lot of monsters
>Extremely Modal
>Plays like a puzzle game

Is this game a roguelike or a roguelite?

>anonymous agony

>singleplayer games are for casuals

Have a free (You)

Opinions disregarded

i love dcss and tales of majeyal

When something is so bad it's excellent.

I still have the reaction pic I made all those years back.

Can someone check my Exo Skello Teen for me?

>Has yet to beat a roguelike or 1cc a shmup

Incidentally I've done both of these things.

Filthy casual.



I just did an image search for Desktop Dungeons and took the first result. Sorry I didn't check if it would trigger your autism first.

>the artist disabled comments on this song and only this song

It's hilarious but also makes me mad.


Just follow the guide you lazy newfag.

I 1cc'd touhou subterranean autism on hard, am I cool?


enjoy your 2d pedobait champ

>dwarf fortress is hard
It's hard to learn. Easy to play.

The first one was on the house, you'll need to work harder for another (You).

>over 99% of the game's mechanics are redundant, useless or both
>a simple flowchart is enough to sustain yourself indefinitely
>have to go out of your way to invent challenges
>bugs that stay unaddressed for a decade can be abused for infinite resources, good mood and the like
You can play a fucking terraria and get a more hardcore game.

>Easy to play.
Dwarf Fortress requires as much effort to learn to play as vi.

kys tumblrfag

It's one of the more difficult games in the series but I think that it's worth it trying to play some Cave games or something too, they're not necessarily always harder but have often a different approach to the genre. Personally I find it difficult to get into Touhous anymore because their tempo is so slow.

shit, i only remember watching the stream in 2013
did they release an update since then that caused it to be streamed again?

There's the demo and then there was File 1 that was leaked a year later.

>1cc th09 on normal ezpz
>1cc, with some difficulty, every level 'til Yamaxanadu in luatic
>spend like half an hour going at it
>bitch doesn't die
I never tried to 1cc lunatic again.

2012 was a good year for memes too

I 1ALL'd ddp too, I think the second loop of cave games is about equivalent to 2hoe on lunatic, but idk I'm shit

>Huniepop launch stream
I had no idea watching someone be shit at video games could be that entertaining. Also that 3D porn game was absolutely incredible as well, what with the hilarious streams and the infamous dolphin porn incident.

What game is OP?


>Has yet to beat a roguelike

I'll have you know I've beaten Chocobo Mystery dungeon 2 and sequel on Wii.

>he didn't unlock hard mode on Nuclear Throne

..neither did I but I play on ps4. I did loop with everyone tho

>mystery dungeons

I've beaten FTL on Hard and gotten several bullet hell 1cc's.

Sup Forums is literally the only group interested in the game at this point.
I've transcended ironic enjoyment of it and am genuinely hoping it's finished.

Me too

>The pen is mightier than the sword
I love you assholes sometimes.
Also, I miss ye ye threads. They were magical.

The agent 47 part kills me every time.

it really is a double edged sword, the leak situation may have killed any chance for the game to come out but if it never leaked the way it did nobody would have likely cared by the time it did come out
>comments disabled


>tfw read all the spoilers but still can't beat it
Why am I so bad at videogames.

There's still a ludicrous amount of things that can go wrong and you need to be on your toes all the time, and even then the game can just throw you a nasty RNG curveball that's nigh impossible to survive. It gets much, much easier after the castle though, you have a lot more tools and you generally have enough safety margin to afford the odd slip-up in combat.

It's made by some amateur who had a ridiculous scope in mind, it likely never would have been finished with or without the leak.

I don't really like either of those genres.