What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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John "I'll Be Your Knight, Despite My Anus Blight" Bain
Cancer :^)
what happened?
Total "If God Give Me Cancer, M'Lady I'll Be Your Lancer" Biscuit
It spread to his brain
The election really got to him, so he went full libtard instead of being the reasonable centrist he used to be
stopped being an edgy memelord :^)
The jews got to him lad.
Being a hardcore SJW is the popular thing nowadays. Start agreeing with them and suddenly you have a giant echo chamber of people willing to tell you how great you are for standing up to the people who oppose them.
I don't know what the question was, but there is a huge difference between poking fun at the 9 million ridiculous sexual identities and someone being outright prickish.
because it is possible to simultaneously think that a lot of the "muh pronouns" crowd is often times fucking retarded while also thinking that people being blanket assholes to trans people are douchebags.
One side being retards doesn't make the other geniuses. In fact its almost always that all sides have retards among their ranks
he's not even american. why would some fat britburger even care?
John Bain has always been mentally unhinged, it just wasn't obvious if you didn't know his history and only watched his content about video games.
He had to disable comments on his channel because it triggered him, that should be enough of a hint that something wasn't right. And that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Nothing. Top is TB making fun of the coupling of sex and gender leading to ridiculous made-up pronouns as college students seek to make themselves appear special. Bottom is denouncing anti-transperson behaviour on account of having trans guests attending his con.
TotalBiscuit Gets Trolled when?
Can you please stop spamming these threads? They are not videogame related and they've already been deleted today by mods.
He's a British expat who moved to the US. Fun fact. His visa was at one time denied because of shit he said. For years.
TB pulled his head out of his ass and grew up like everyone else should have by now?
Really, if you faggots go outside you might meet some transpeople and learn something.
Doing it for free
he grew up
maybe you should too?
>"are traps gay?" is now a horrible bigoted attack against trannies
In what reality? Trannies and traps aren't even the same thing despite what attention-whoring trannies would like to believe
I wish his tumor grew up as well, no such luck
Yeah John... lets see how that works out when you shut you're chat off for twitch like you did with you're youtube.
Isn't his cancer supposed to be terminal?
being crucified over GG
the rapidly changing "culture" of youtube
and donald trump sent him over the edge
he has explained that toaster joke, it's literally to make fun of tumblr and those dragonkin folk. Besides trap is a well known slur for transwomen although Sup Forums uses it mainly on really feminine boys.
Be careful when criticizing TB, he has an IQ of 155
Isn't there a guy that sometimes targets big YouTubers, and deletes all of their videos?
Would TBs cancer make his ass explode if that happened to him?
Because AmeriKKKa's influence is worldwide. They could nuke your literally who country at the push of a button.
Has TB made any comments about his past transphobic jokes? I'm sure he's been made aware of it on twitter by now.
Trannies fucking wish they were as sexy as my 2d trap waifus (male). Why do they even bother trying
Let me just go and meet 0.00000000000001% of the population
Sorry, you got me, I should go to GDQ some time
Imagine being Totalbiscuit in that panel and having to be all like "damn, Laura, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face, you totally pass. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is get on twitter and complain endlessly about his irrelevant audience. Like seriously imagine having to be Totalbiscuit and not only sit in that chair while Laura Kate Dale flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stubble and leathery skin, and just sit there, question after question, hour after hour, while she drones on about dicks and threesomes. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her YOU TOTALLY PASS and DAMN, LAURA KATE DALE LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Britain. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with plastic surgeons in the previous months. And then an audience member asks another question, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before coxcon security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're Total fucking Biscuit. You're not going to lose your future youtube career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Hate to see it, he had a postive influence on PC gaming
>Liberals attacking anyone who doesn't fall in line
>Equates calling for moderation and discussion with endorsing the KKK
>Demands compliance under threats of violence
>Tries to claim they're inherently superior and more mature
Lock step. One two, one two. They goosestep, goosestep. And so will you.
It was not meant to be anti-trans, the dude was just a memeing idiot. These days when people refer to traps they mean crossdressing anime boys, not shemales. And while it is rude to refer to transexual person as one, I don't think anybody intends it as a slur.
The whole fucking convention is a meme, so he should have expected shit like that. The thing is, rather than being sensible and going "Do you have any actual questions?" and moving on, he flipped out, and refuses to back down even when people told him that he understood the whole thing wrong.
Ignoring anime avis is just good policy though
He should've been kicked for being a faggot then. People who don't know how to leave internet culture on a computer have no place in proper society.
I know transpeople, I have nothing against them at all. This is not about that at all. Overly sensitive little bitches thinking everything is about them, then whining to cancerman and making him go banas is the problem.
the question was "are traps gay?"
yeah especially his tumor grew up like twice the size
Bottom is overreacting to a meme-spouter you autist. Even giving him the benefit of a doubt TB went overboard.
what does totalbiscuit have to do with jesse cox?
YouTube can restore them within a set time.
from a dictionary.
Some dude at Cox Con asked "are traps gay?"
they're both pale obese fucks that fawn over dodger while she fucks chads?
Misunderstanding of internet slang by etymologists, how rare
He's been doing a podcast with him weekly for some years now, that's why he was there
>Miracle of sound
>The guy who got triggered over a small boob jiggle for the redhead on the rayman legends trailer
He's a prime example of why it was right of the British to starve the potatoniggers
He looks so angry.
He didn't die.
>meme arrows
>on twitter
>Besides trap is a well known slur for transwomen
No it's not. Back in shitty internet days it referred to shemales you were tricked into downloading thinking they were hot chicks, but as image scrolled down you'd notice that she has a penis, thus trapping you into looking at dick.
>it's literally to make fun of tumblr and those dragonkin folk
So are some people's values more important than those of others? According to TB it's fine to make fun of some people even if they have not wronged you in any way?
All this would have been over with if Cox answered with "Doesn't matter if you love the person." What a shithead, desu.
TotalBiscuit is the figurehead for PC gaming. I'm glad we have such a strong person in charge.
>I-I was just memeing
Next time you go to work, try shittalking niggers and jews to your coworkers and then tell your boss that you were "just memeing."
>nearly a million subs
Why do people like this guy?
Wait, what? A guy who used to used to think doxxing was not okay ever 3 years ago now supports doxxing people over stupid jokes. A guy who used to invite every side of a discussion is now strawmanning their opposition. I guess the chemo fucked his brain.
>good source for internet slang
The average dictonary can't even correctly define anime.
>Conservatives attacking anyone who doesn't fall in line
>Equates calling for moderation and discussion with endorsing taking all the guns
>Demands compliance under threats of violence
>Tries to claim they're inherently superior and more mature
only had to change a few words to make it fit the other side just as well.
TB used to be a lot better in general and mock people who didn't have thick skin on the internet, then he became a massive diva and went insane at the slightest criticism
Pretty sure it had nothing to do with what he said, what is it that you think he said that lead to this?
Or maybe he's been playing too many Steam games.
Traps aren't trans, traps are men that specifically dress and look like women to get men to fuck them, they have no intention of changing their sex
you should remind about when he fawned over dodger and how she takes chad dicks 24/7 lmao. I bet he'll block you.
>So are some people's values more important than those of others?
>According to TB it's fine to make fun of some people even if they have not wronged you in any way?
Well the thing is the transsexualism is an actual condition and other one is completely made-up
are you implying steam games are 95% SJW no gameplay greenlit shit?
I feel really bad for TB. I feel like the pressure has gotten to him and he's just slowly cracked over time.
>only had to change a few words to make it fit the other side just as well.
I agree. Let's hang them all.
His mind is gone. He is just running on autopilot now, mind clouded by rage and a misguided sense of justice.
is this satire?
>TB Twitter: Real Adults confront their problems cowards avoid it
>Another user:How's that comment section
I'm not saying that the dude is fine doing it, if you bring memes into real life you're fucking dumbass who deserves to be shat on, but TB's response is hilariously over the top.
>It's a twitter screencap thread
Anyone got a link to the entire thing? I can only find a minute of it where Jesse stares in confusion
>implying gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness
Trump won. He's signed off on repealling legislation protecting all of those pronouns and now people like TB think that they have to circle the wagons around them because no one else will.
It's retarded, because that mentality of protecting what they see as victims or opponents of Trump means they feel even more justified in calling other people racist and hateful for not being 100% on board with them. CNN threatens to dox someone and out pour the excuses for that shitty behaviour, and the assumption that anyone who thinks blackmail is a really bad thing has to support Trump. They can't hate both.
It's nothing new, it's just getting more exposure. Three years ago, Samantha Allen got away with a fundraising scam and ruining the life of the man investigating it because his colleagues thought it was more important to protect this person than the people she was conning out of thousands of dollars. Imagine what she could get away with today.
Your definition of trap is wrong too.
It was originally a term for a male character that looked feminine but was full on male. The trap was that you'd fap to him thinking it was a she but when you realize your fapped to a guy, you'd be gay. Think Bridget from GG.
The definition has devolved so it validates people who want to feel less guilty jacking it to trannies.
It is, but the only known cure to avoid suicide is to give them what they want.
So it's cool to mock people based on their interests?
>all of a sudden doxxing is shitty behaviour
where do you think you're posting, friend
>Needing to be offended for other people
I didn't know going to a con full of memeing Youtubers is a job.
>It was originally a term for a male character that looked feminine but was full on male.
That definition of trap came after the shemale one.
>He's signed off on repealling legislation protecting all of those pronouns
When? I remember he made the whole tranny bathrooms thing a state decision instead of federal but that's all I can recall him doing to the LBGT
First thing was you made that post.
Second was you didn't trash it before posting it.
Third is you're presumably still here instead of gone back.
Doesn't he have cancer?
where did it go
You think people don't have gender dysphoria after they transition?
Well yeah if they force them onto you.