Just finished this game for the first time

Just finished this game for the first time.

Just wow.. this has easily been the scariest game I've ever played and they didn't even rely on jump scares. Pure psychological horror

Other urls found in this thread:


Seems like many people are playing SH2 for the first time these days.

Well, congraz to you too.
Did you by any chance play SH1 first, or are you yet another poor soul who just jumped on the most hyped title in the series first? Because SH2 is easily the least scary and the easiest game of the OG quadrilogy.

Also, what ending did you get, which difficulties did ya use, etc? Planning on replaying this one, and doing the other Team-Silent games any time soon?

I only have access to 2 and 3 as I'm playing the HD collection.

I played normal across the board and got the in water ending.

I'm gonna play 3 and then see about getting some of the other ones

>I only have access to 2 and 3 as I'm playing the HD collection.
No no... please be fucking baiting.

Why the living FUCK would you ruin your first times with these timeless classics with completely raped and butchered versions? With THE most embarrassing shit ever to be released with the words "HD" and "remaster" on the cover??

>I'm gonna play 3 and then see about getting some of the other ones
No, you are not.
You do not play SH3 without finishing SH1. That just does not happen.

I tell you what, I'll leave you the DL links to SH1-4 on PC, and the SH PC Guide:



SH2 torrent:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW widescreen fixes mentioned in guide, the sh2proxy's EXE works as no-cd crack too.

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
You can now see fine emulator settings for SH1 in the guide. You may also try the newer PGXP emulator for wobble-free PS1 graphics.

...Seriously, start with SH1.
And then replay SH2 to redeem your soul.

...And in case you have been living under a very big rock at the bottom of the ocean for the past 7 years, here's the tip of the iceberg on all the issues with the "HD" "Collection".

The terrible new VAs and horribly remade soundtrack alone make me want to vomit and slaughter Tomm Hulett.

Thanks, user, you're a cool guy.

np mate.
Please tell me this was just a bait to lure me out

I'm not the same user but are you the same guy in all these threads? I've peeped into these threads pretty much every time I've seen one for about two years now without posting (I already played all 4)

That other user ain't me, but nah I only have a 360 and Xbox one. I will use that silent Hill 1 link though, thanks sexy ;)

1 and 3 are scarier you fucking faggot.
>playing SH2 for the first time in 2017
just nuke this fucking board

>I only have access to 2 and 3 as I'm playing the HD collection.

Please let this be bait

I have seen a handful of other people post the same links and guides. I do lurk big chunk of SH threads tho'; got a color filter for 'em on the Catalog.

>I will use that silent Hill 1 link though
If you can run SH1 emulation, you can play the PC ports. They are literally 15yo PC titles; even low-end craptops from 5 years ago can run them smoothly at 720p.

The HD Collection is hated and laughed at for a reason. Get rid of it.

Jeez user I'm about to start 3 tonight, we'll see how it goes. No need to have an aneurysm

Its just the same fag

>not only is it the HD collection
>but it's the unpatchable 360 version

Hot opinions, coming through.

2 > 1 = 3 >>>>>>>> 4 > Downpour > 0 > Homecoming > jacking off and trying to scare yourself > Shattered Memes > Book of FUCK YOU

This is a fact, although some would disagree with 2>1

I just don't see what difference it really makes. They have the OG voices and it's the same game at the end of the day. I had no problems with SH2 and found the fog to be thick enough for my tastes. Plus I'd rather play on my 360 than hover over my laptop. That time spent emulating I could spend getting high and masturbating

1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > SM > > > dog shit > the rest

>They have the OG voices and it's the same game at the end of the day.
not in SH3. At all.
Also, you are still stuck with the new, buggy and awfully recreated soundtracks and sound effects, and all the graphical mistakes and errors.

Just connect your laptop to your TV via HDMI and use the Xbox pad to control it.

No mate, you don't get it;
this is NOT emulation. Besides SH1, which really is a no-brainer to run this day and age, these versions are real deal PC games. Official ports

How easy is it to pirate?

> i just don't see what difference it really makes. They have the OG voices and it's the same game at the end of the day

Holy shit. Is that what you think huh? You been cucked and don't even know it user. Everything you need to understand right here:

Part 1: youtu.be/wya4XhTPMcc

Part 2: youtu.be/TxYkNUyBhS4

If 1 was redone with 2's graphics it would be the goat. Shattered Memories fucked with the plot too much and made Harry a cunt.

Yeah mate all those locked doors were terrifying

Simple as clicking these links: And then unpacking ready-to-go fanfixes on top.

I'd dare to say that the uncanny low-res visuals even ADD to the SH1's atmosphere, but I do get why people'd want a bit more higher poly graphics this day and age.

That being said, SH:SM is NOT a "remake" of SH1, it's its very own experience that just (quite brilliantly) uses the OG game's elements.

>Harry a cunt
sounds like your playthrough differed quite a bit from mine.

2 has great atmosphere and story
1 has great enemies
3 looks nice
4 is a good attempt
This is the actress that played Alessa in the film

hey SH fags, what do you think of TEW?

Silent Hill 2 to this date is still unmatched. Only Kojima would've been able to surpass it with Silent Hills.

Silent Hills would be literally the opposite of SH2. It would have good gameplay and shit story.


Not Silent Hill, that's for sure. What do you think of Project Zero/Fatal Frame user?

>tfw remember seeing a bit of SH1 when I was a kid and getting scared shitless
You know what, fuck it. I'm downloading it. Thank you, user.

>t's its very own experience that just (quite brilliantly)
>(quite brilliantly)
l wonder what needs to happen to you to develop that much of a shit taste

>Grown up Alyessa
>not a single freckle on her

For just this, retroactivly a bad cast also reee

I doubt it, i dont think current kojima can design interesting creatures and gameplay scenarios even with the help of guillermo.

1998-2004 kojima? sure

It wasn't scary. SH1 was scariest and SH3 was scarier, but it was the best game of the 3

I played SH1 for the very first time at age of 11, and it gave me nightmares. Many of its areas still make me very uneasy.

Easily one of the greatest survival horror games ever created.

That's a nice story, but who are you quoting?

The whole thing I meant was the way the game utilizes your prior knowledge and assumptions on how a "SH game" would play and how the story will go, only to literally shatter your own memories.

It's a shame you did not enjoy the game.
I myself was certain that I would HATE the game, but once I got to finally play it a couple years ago, I was hooked. Finished it 4 times in a row, and watched two other people play it later on. The sheer quantity of variations and smaller changes in the story and environments is very impressive.

Better than who they cast for Revelations

I know this a dumb question but is it possible to set the PC version of SH2 up with controller support with 3rd party programs or does it just not work well at all?

It's an okay resident evil 4 clone

>Sony buys SH
>create a new studio with key members from team silent
>SH1 Remake get announced
>games turns out to be a fucking amazing remake and sells a lot
>they announce SH5



I personally thought it was pretty shitty.

Puzzles are ass, combat is garbage, characters are shit...It has powerful moments (particularly the "In Water" ending) but everthing else was mediocre as fuck.

The PC ports DO support gamepads. They were just made during the time before the Xinput format, which Xbox360 pads popularized, and practically dethroned the previous DirectInput standard - which's pads the games do support out of the box.

The Xinput pads do KINDA work on them out the box too, but the key bindings tend to be quite a bit off without tweaking.
I'd say any and all the gamepad middleware programs would instantly fix that too.

That being said, I personally find these games very playable with KB only as well.

If my PC runs vanilla Fable TLC at mostly 30fps with everything medium-ish quality at 720p (still looks better than OG Xbox), could I run SH2 and 3 well?

I mean seriously, these are 15yo DirectX7 games.

My 2012 bought craptop with nothing but i3 @ 2.1Ghz, 6GB RAM and integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 has no issues running them at the screen's native 1366x768, all options enabled / High.

Any gaming PC made this decade has no issues playing them at 4K.

My specs are
>AMD E1-1200 1.4GHZ Dual Core
>AMD RADEON HD 7310 256MB IGPU with hypermemory bumping it up to near 4gb (I need to lower it to 1gb)
>8gb DDR3 Memory, with hypermemory taking up half of it

>HD collection.

fuck you

>Ruin the lore
>Ruin the puzzles
>One fucking enemy
>Western Devs
l kinda jelly of people that can eat shit and like it

I played the HD Collectionvon ps3, I was younger so I didn't read online about games, and fuck, it was an HD collection, surely theres no way it could be fucked up.

I booted Silent Hill 2 up
When I tried to make constant movement with the d-pad or stick, my character would constantly stop by himself, like every step or so.
Same thing happened with SH3.

How does it get so bad that you can't even move your character?

those specs are waaay above these games' RECOMMENDED system specs.

1Ghz CPU was a brand new luxury, and GPU memories still circled around 64mb max, when SH2 PC port came out.

So yes, you can play these games at 720p.
Unless AMD components are somehow way worse than Intel's integrated shit.

It does not ruin the lore, as it is its own standalone experience.
How can it "ruin" something done in the past at all? Sure, the puzzles ain't too hard at any point, but that does not affect previous games.
The one enemy type is the only valid argument, but at the same time the game focuses more on urban exploration than combat / running.
Developers' origin is not an automatic negative. That is pure racism.

And no; SH:SM is the best SH game since Team-Silent was shut down.

The HD Collection is literally a cancerous and plague-filled nest of insects, but that starts to sound like your gamepad's deteriorating.

>Puzzles are ass
Depends on the difficulty.
>combat is garbage
James is a store clerk, not a soldier. Combat isn't the focus of the game, and running away is often encouraged.
>characters are shit
Angela and Laura are very well thought-out and developed, even if characters like Maria and Eddie take away from the overall experience. James himself is a very complex character that requires multiple playthroughs to fully understand.

>it was bait all along and OP was just trying to be an ironic "SH2 is overrated" contrarian

Now THAT's pshycological horror done right

Oh no no no, I tried two gamepads, and they both worked fine on different games (granted the other had issues with the analog sticks, but it shouldn't have caused my character to stop moving)

Will there ever be a re-release/remaster?

No way in hell will another silent hill remaster/remake happen

>Harry, please accept this third ressurection attempt baby version of myself as your responsibility.
>now remember, she is a 100% genetic version of me, so she is also literally dahlia gillespie's daughter, and short tempered crazy BITCH is flowing in her blood. It's in her very DNA
>also did i forget to mention she is already carrying a dormant demon spawn in her little womb tee hee?
>take care of her now, and don't feed her after midnight or she will start kicking off big time believe me
>and don't let her near cocky jock chads basically any time after she hits puberty. No, really, im being dead serious about that one.
>Or booze in general.
>Also she might carry knives, try to keep an eye on that.
>k thnx bai

then your HD collection is extra borked and broken. I've heard of some individual copies shipping in extra-buggy state, but this is the first time I've ever seen any evidence.

but yeah, you're not missing a thing. Grab the PC versions and Guide from the earlier post ITT, and play them all PROPERLY, in the releae order.

play the PC port with fixes.
Even the 15fps cutscenes were fixed recently.

>This is the actress that played Alessa in the film

There isn't a woman on the planet who could play Alessa/Cheryl/Heather properly i don't think. Never seen a decent cosplay

Eh, they exist.

I preferred live action Alessa to the game version

I dunno bro, they just can't seem to conpare to the real thing.

Let's burn this heretic

you apparently prefer butchered, generic as fuck ghost-story little girls then.

It's highly recommendable. SH1 was always seen as scarier than Resident Evil when I was a kid, both are fantastic but SH1 does nail its atmosphere so goddamn well.

1 through 3 are horror masterpieces, with 2 being one of the best stories ever told through a game.

Silent Hill 1 run well on a RPi3?

>Alessa, Cheryl or Heather
>NOT short hair


So I'm a faggot who's easily scared by visual stuff but I do better with slow burn psychological things than jump scares and that kind of thing, and I have some questions about the series since I do want to try:

1) Should I play the series in any order or does it not matter?
2) What console should I play on? I know that the HD remaster is shite but I'm not sure whether a modded PC port, emulation, or playing on console is best/gives me a better experience.
3) Is SH2 one of those games where it's best experienced through the video game medium? Think like MGS2, for example. Do the themes strike even deeper by playing or can I just watch someone play through on YouTube if I pussy out? Also if that's the case then who did the best SH2 LP?

Thanks for putting up with it anons

Why do people buy meme machines?

it was scary
plus youre a bitch for not playing it in the dark with the lights off

1) order of release 1->2->3
2) PS3
3) you should play it yourself

Quite honestly, you don't have to play in release order, you can play Silent Hill 2 without playing 1 or 3 just fine
Tho, you should try 1 before 3

I meant PS2, fuck me.

>1) Should I play the series in any order or does it not matter?
Release order. Preferably multiple times each of the games.
Very important. It's a story- and character-driven series. avoid spoilers.
>2) What console should I play on? I know that the HD remaster is shite but I'm not sure whether a modded PC port, emulation, or playing on console is best/gives me a better experience.
PC ports are fine, though if you can get and play PS2 originals in native form, they are the original versions you should try out. SH1 is PS1 title, and thus easily emulated, AND available on PSN Store for PSP and PS3 for couple bucks.
>3) Is SH2 one of those games where it's best experienced through the video game medium? Think like MGS2, for example. Do the themes strike even deeper by playing or can I just watch someone play through on YouTube if I pussy out? Also if that's the case then who did the best SH2 LP?
Silent Hills are experiences you need to play. Period.
Horror in general is NEVER the same when watched from the sidelines.

Play them in release order. Some people may say that it does not matter, but it really does. SH1 is still the best game in the series, way better introduction to the town's dark secrets, and gives more context and things to look forward to in sequels.

If you don't have a Playstation 2 around, then the PC ports are very fine alternatives.

>being an LP watching scum
end your life or play these games.

Don't be an ass, I got it from computer classes for free

Preferring the look of a character in one medium as opposed to another means I enjoy everying else about other medium

Playing 3 for the fifth time, nut never got far. Gonna finish it this time, I am at the hospital right now. I absolutely love that area, hospitals are spooky on their own, add nurses with guns, it's 100 times as much. Love the town itself as well, that fog effect is so nicely done. Got stuck on the password puzzle for like 10 minutes, I think I'll have a hard time with the rest of this game. Also, fuck those dogs.

Fucc Heather is beautiful.

Thanks for this user, you should keep it at hand for the next time this happens.

you're welcome.
but like said, I've been doing this for years already.

Feel free to save the stuff and spread it yourself.

eh, I played HD collection for the first time too
it was okay, I liked the first one the most anyway

>things literally jump at you from the fog
>your view is stunted so you can't control where you're looking
>doesn't rely on jump scares

Video games is a hobby that attracts more potato brains than sports

And SH is a franchise that has the most humourless audience possible; I always feel like I'm visiting Validation 101 wnen reading these threads.

Look up the definition of a jump scare before making any more moronic posts

the only thing that could be called a jump scare in SH2 is the prison toilet sound clip

No matter how much you are having a discussion with yourself, the SH games really do not rely on jumpscares.

guys whats the general consensus on playing SH1 on the vita? seems to just be a straight port so it should be ok right?

all the PS1 Classics are literally just rips of the PS1 games ran through Sony's own emulation. So yeah, it's 1:1 the same game.

I however wouldn't play games like this on a tiny screen and puny speakers.
And does Vita even have L&R2 buttons?

Not him, but there is one Lying Figure jumping under the car after you pick apartment key.

Still, the way how they used PH in this game is great.

2bh the mannequin that crawls out from under a car has made me jump quite a few times

>Not him, but there is one Lying Figure jumping under the car after you pick apartment key.
No, it crawls out if you walk close enough at any point. And you can see it there earlier on as well.

Heck, if you want to argue with jump scares, at least bring up stuff like the random loud noises in some rooms in SH1's hospital, or the hanging corpse in SH3. A couple exceptions in the overall experiences still don't make them a rule, just highlight how seldom used they are. And there's nothing better than rarely used jumpy spooks to enhance the atmosphere further.

I've got a 'not properly installed' error when trying to launch SH3. Any reasons why?

>potato brain
yeah we noticed that you joined here
>totally does rely on jump scares
maybe you should play the game before spouting non-sense.

Did you actually INSTALL the game first?
I've seen many PC-newbies just try and run the .exe inside the game's ISO for some reason.


>No, it crawls out if you walk close enough at any point
How is it different again? Anyway, there are some jumpscares, but game doesn't overuse them.


this will never not make me laugh

Question: how was God going to actually get any destruction done? A 17 year old girl destroyed her with a standard hand gun. What was going to be achieved by God when confronted by, fuck it, not even the army or Police but just regular nigga's with guns and shit?

SH2 on PC does not at all work for me, it ran perfectly fine until I go to inspect something then the scene just comes to an awkward halt and freezes, I can still skip the scene but it doesn't ever play out completely. It's a shame because I beat the first one and got hooked but there's no good way of playing that game for me without some shitty compromise.

I remember playing this game and mindlessly reciting to my sister the meme I had read from all the reviews that this game doesn't rely on jump scares and right at that moment that weird pyramid monster jumped out of nowhere.

Torrenting the 2nd now and then the 3rd later
I think my ISP is throttling my internet because it went from 1mb/s to 100-300kb/s

Either that or its youtube but I stopped watching my video and its still slow