Will Square Enix ever return to Ivalice or is it doomed to re-releases and ports?
Will Square Enix ever return to Ivalice or is it doomed to re-releases and ports?
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>re-releases and ports
Any new games are going to be pay-to-win shit or other mobile garbage with recycled assets. Does anybody really care about SE at this point?
FF14 is planning to use Ivalice ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com
Looks neat.
How is FF14?
FFXIV should have been Ivalice.
DESU, an announcement for a new game set in Ivalice would definitely catch my attention.
I absolutely fucking loved all three FFT games. And Seeqs are my favorite units of all time.
>24 man raid
No races. classes. anything to actually do with Ivalice.
fucking pointless.
Nice stealth thread.
you're a fucking spastic, m8
genuinely seek help
Please no. I don't want zombie Ivalice. There's no way they could replicate the aesthetic that made those games good.
Like WoW filled with weebs, with less content and clunkier combat, but with Final Fantasy plastered over it.
Regular MMO trash. As far as being a WoW clone, it's really well done. It's still a WoW clone though.
Sounds neat. Downloading now.
What materia should I meld on Red Mage and Summoner? I'm thinking Crit/Direct Hit and Determination but Summoner would need spell speed since it has casts.
I hate how the gear and materia has to be the same for alt classes its a pain in the ass.
crit until cap then det
Whats more important, more item levels or better secondary stats for your class?
>another stealth FF14 general
Fuck off
It started out and some would argue still is a piece of shit that their still polishing and presenting to the audience as a bronze statue
You'll play almost nonstop up until the high level content then do the dailies for a few hours and log off
The game currently lacks endgame exciting and enjoyable content
6/10 at the beginning
9/10 when you get the hang of it
7/10 when you're no longer low/mid leveled
Your #1 goal should always be ilevel. Don't even touch materia until you're max ilevel.
In some cases there may be a new raid boss with an insane DPS check where you'll need to meld early for a DPS push, but that hasn't happened in a while.
Direct hit, then either det or spell speed. The value of crit if you aren't bard or monk is lower right now. DH is a must though.
Have fun, it's got a better community than WoW, I can't at least say that much about it.
Depends on the iLvl gap and how much you're losing on important secondaries.
Don't listen to this shitter. >Don't even touch materia until you're max ilevel.
Stop giving people shitty advice. The game throws tier Vs at you.
>multiple concurrent FFXII threads for most of a month now
>none of the them get deleted
Janitors do your job
yeah Sup Forums has too much video game discussion
that's our worst problem right now
>game gets released
>people talk about it
Go back to your cancerous meme threads.
have you seen all of the splatoon threads recently?
I'm conflicted over next weeks drops. The healer 330 chest is fucking garbage for stats but if I get that with tomestones I will be able to get the alexander normal gloves that week.
It has the best girl in the series
I'm not sure about healer stat weights after SB, but more often than not your secondaries will be more important. Just make sure to save tomestones so you can get your weapon right after your 7th week of Omega NM. Weapon strength is THE most important stat.
What the fuck is that
shitter filter
Have you even played FFVI?
would you want a more straightforward story without the whole isekai fluff like og tactics? more new races?
>not posting her concept art
A giant titty monster.
>have you seen all of the splatoon threads recently?
I'm pretty sure those are being reported left to right. Just nothing is being done about them. I actually got warned for reporting one instance.
Ivalice would have been a good setting for a modified version of FF15's plot.
>Gods are complete uncaring assholes who only want to fuck with humanity
>Archadia and Niflheim are basically the same fucking empire except with a massive tech level difference
>Can't read the rules
Sup Forums.org/rules#v
>6. "Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Sup Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.
FF14 threads occur with enough frequency to quality.
Christ you're a faggot. You really have no better way to spend your sunday, lard ass?
where the fuck was the giant snake in the actual battle? I was thinking that would be her pet that would fuck around with the during the party doing mechanics
It's a really well done, straight up no gimmicks mmo.
So since you've appointed yourself as Sup Forums's hall monitor, how often is too often to discuss a video game? Because there are daily Souls, MGS, Persona, FE, Splatoon, and Overwatch threads. There's even a drawthread general that's allowed to stay up 24/7. How many days a week are we allowed to discuss any one game?
user, she IS the snake. They just got lazy with the model unfortunately, underneath her dress is all snek.
The snake is her tail. She's a goddess to a race of snake women.
It is just a raid. Nothing from Ivalice that people actually care about will show up so what is the fucking point?
Ivalice has best moogles and best everything. Would make too much sense for Square to make a game, or god forbid MMO, based on said region.
>how often is too often to discuss a video game?
Dozens of threads about a single game every single day, which is the case here.
>Because there are daily Souls, MGS, Persona, FE, Splatoon, and Overwatch threads.
And you think I don't want those gone as well? I do my part, but I'm not a mod. I can't help what content they choose to delete or not delete. You're just preaching to the crowd.
As long as /our boy/ is in, I'll be happy.
Nobody cares but your autistic ass. Go ahead and bitch and report video game discussions on a video game board all you want but nothing significant is going to come of it. Learn to hide threads that don't interest you and move on.
S-E's talent has left the company so no, I hope it never has the opportunity.
>Dozens of threads about a single game every single day, which is the case here.
There are only dozens of threads because they keep getting deleted, and people want to talk about the game so they make a new one.
>And you think I don't want those gone as well? I do my part, but I'm not a mod.
You don't get to enforce your vision of Sup Forums on everyone else. Fuck off. Sup Forums is for talking about VIDEO GAMES. If frequent video game discussion belongs in /vg/, then there's no fucking point to Sup Forums. Fuck off with your autistic hall monitor bullshit.
Hopefully it's dead.
I loved Vagrant Story and Tactics and seeing it raped by XII was the worst.
Than you don't actually give a shit about Ivalice.
why don't you "hurr go to /vg/" faggots just admit you don't actually care about keeping generals on /vg/, you just don't like seeing FF14 threads?
>Lucavi are Espers (and half the Lucavi are replaced by OCs)
God XII was bad
No Lucavi are replaced, retard. They just filled in the spots that weren't named.
>No Lucavi are replaced
Except Duma, Zebbeb,Sel, Rophochehe, Cheraub, Leviathan
Espers are demons.
Lucavi are demons.
Final Fantasy Tactics takes place hundreds/thousands of years after FF12. Shit changed my man.
>And you think I don't want those gone as well?
Funny how you openly complain in FF/XIV threads only.
>Square wont see the good sales, and excellent customer reaction to XII getting them to make a proper sequel
>Instead theyll just have Nomura head XVI in another TOO BIG TO FAIL
It changed for the worse. God XII fucked it up
Shit opinion. I bet you hated both FFTA games even though they expanded the world even more than XII.
Ivalice is the best setting they have, hopefully they don't touch it just to make some garbage like FFXV.
Not him but XIV threads should go to XII's remaster is still well within its release window but XIV shill generals took place here well before and after its release
>S-shit opinion
Go play with your Pigmen
So basically you want to delete Sup Forums - or at best replace it with 'indie games that aren't popular + ecelebs' - that's an interesting vision of the future user, please tell me more about it
Alright now that you're done crying in this thread, go cry in the one of the 24/7 Persona 5 threads. Oh, you won't. Fuck off, moron. Also:
>not him
This isn't reddit. I don't care who you are, faggot.
>you can only talk about new games on Sup Forums
You heard it here, folks.
i'll get ff14 when they get viera
something about them just makes me so horny
Who the fuck are any of those in FFT? Only 6 or 7 Lucavi show up in the game and all are present in FFXII since all 13 are accounted for.
Viera were supposed to be the race added in Heavensward, but they changed their mind. They even had really good concept art of male viera.
>Who the fuck are any of those in FFT?
Those are the remaining Lucavi
>tfw au ra basically ruined any chance of us getting bangaa
>demons have never been known by any other name
Should I list how many names Satan is known by in real life?
You're retarded
Hopefully never.
We don't need a race, especially not a lazy reused one from another universe. We need new faces, asses and unique weapon stances for each race and gender.
You're autistic. There's no reason some of those demons wouldn't be known by other names in the thousands of years between FFXII and FFT. It happens in real life, and there's no reason it wouldn't happen in any well-written fantasy world.
>There's no reason some of those demons wouldn't be known by other names in the thousands of years between FFXII and FFT
This is the stupidest comment so far
How is 4.0 BLM? I'm thinking of leveling it since I can share gear with SMN
It's almost like /vr/ exists to talk about old games
>Matsuno got banished to phone games
Even if they weren't just differently named it's possible that some group killed the originals from the FF12 era and they were replaced with other demons. The Espers in FF12 are seen as a nuisance and numerous powerful groups (the Guilds, an academy in Archadia, some Bhujerban merchants) want them dead.
All the expanded Ivalice races are shit
>Playboy Bunnies
>Shaggy dogs
I'm glad they're functionally dead
top DPS right now IIRC
>24/7 Persona threads
>1 SMT and 0 Persona threads on the catalog
Nice try shillblood
>Even if they weren't just differently named it's possible that some group killed the originals from the FF12 era and they were replaced with other demons
What is the point of Open Eyes for SAM?
It requires getting hit so I assume it's for single player content only, but even the the heal you get from it is pathetic.
>0 Persona threads on the catalog
Did your fatass mother drop your dumb fuck head on the ground when you were a baby?
Get your fucking eyes checked follow by a CAT scan you god damn degenerate moron.
Go ahead and change the goal posts, faggot.
I see 1 XIV and 1 Ivalice thread. Clearly this is ruining Sup Forums.
If you mean the heal, it had higher potency in the media tour stuff, so it got nerfed into basically being useless.
Otherwise, if you're having a shitty run and your healer is garbage it can make the difference between getting chunked by the next AoE or not, and I guess for before you learn Seigan.
If you mean the actual status you get from Third Eye, it lets you use Seigan which is more potency per kenki than Shinten, and with how often unavoidable AoEs go out in a lot of the current fights you can use Seigan a shit load.
Nice projection
>Dumb fuck
Further projection. Try reading next time Yoshicuck. It's an Atelier thread.
Just like this is a thread about FFTA and FFXII: Zodiac Age - so what are you doing here?
Are you okay
At least read the conversation before replying user
It's fun, but it has a massive story you have to get through between expansions.
The story is really good though, way better than the last few main FF games. If Heavensward story was used for FF15 or 16, it probably would have been praised as the best Final Fantasy game since 6 or 7.