So everyone but the most hardcore contrarians admits that Star Fox Adventures was a piece of shit

So everyone but the most hardcore contrarians admits that Star Fox Adventures was a piece of shit.

How would you fix it?

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Playable Krystal and more fanservice

I don't know if you can even fix it without making a different game entirely. Pretty much everything besides graphical fidelity is terrible.

The biggest problems are that there's no content, the final game is literally designed to waste as much of your time as possible, and and it lacks anything that would make the journey enticing. These are some of the hardest things to reverse in development, and later areas still look N64-esque.

The best I think you could do is make Krystal the core protagonist, get rid of most timewasters and streamline the shit out of combat, add a bunch of fucking puzzles, add a fuckload more cutscenes with some half competent writing, make Fix a temp protag who occasionally pops up when Krystal is busy (ala Laguna in FF8), and bank on the writing being enough to carry it.

At that point you're just repurposing the visual assets for a different game, though.

I'm not sure you can get much more fanservice out of Krystal without just making her tits bigger.

Unless you meant Starfox fanservice.

They already did that in Assault.

More loincloth crotch shots

That's just unavoidable if you're playing as her.

Its really not that bad. Its like a decent zelda clone with terrible pacing. I got stuck on the snow planet forever and decided to restart to see if that would help. I ended up getting stuck in the same place, but I think the fact I didn't mind restarting is a testament to how inoffensive it is.

I don't think I would recommend it to anyone who isn't extremely curious though.

user, you realize the snow/lava area is the only completely finished segment of the game, right?

It's frontloaded. It just gets worse from there. There's never another area that's even half as big, you don't get your next boss until you're about 66% through the game, the original endboss is repurposed into a turret section, you never fight General Scales, the last two Krazoa Spirits are pretty much just fucking handed to you, and there's an increasing number of minigames and backtrack segments as you get closer to the end.

I want her to interact with the camera when someone tries to look under

I saw my friends play through certain sections and I agree with you, but I don't think it's the worst game ever. Probably the worst starfox game after Starfox Zero but its not that unenjoyable.

Personally I think it expanded the universe in a nice way, even if assault wasn't exactly what I wanted. I hope Starfox 2 becomes cannon after the whole SNES mini thing.

Kill Miyamoto and cut Starfox out of the game completely, everything else would just fix itself.

Rare rushed the game missing a third of it's content because Nintendo (at Miyamoto's suggestion) screwed them at every turn all because he had a stick up his ass for years over Donkey Kong Country being successful.

I fucking loved Starfox Adventures, granted I was like 13 back then so probably not too harsh on its shortcomings.

I really like the world and the exploration of it, it had that old RARE charm you rarely see nowadays.

Got metroid prime after this so yeah, it was quickly forgotten. But it aint bad.

Torntail hollow's OOH-YO OOH-YO ... OOH-YEEE-OOOH gets me all melancholic

Make Dinosaur Planet instead and keep Nintendo as far from Rare as possible.

It's not shit. It's actually pretty good.

>"I watched certain parts, but it can't be THAT bad!"
There is an unskippable solid three hours of time wasting bullshit in this 8-hour-casual, 4.5-hour-speedrun game. It's pretty bad. You really shouldn't weigh in on how tolerable it is when you couldn't even force yourself to bear the most tolerable part of the game.

>expanded the universe in a nice way
The entire story was gutted after they added the Starfox brand. All that's really left is "there's a magic Dino Planet, Fox got a girlfriend, and Andross came back because ????" There ain't shit left. The writing's so damn spotty we get gems like "General Scales somehow grew more powerful" and we don't even know whether they're talking about him, his army, his resources or fucking anything. It's like anti-context.

>Implying Command is better than Zero.
Oh fuck off.

On the complete other hand, this is way off base too. The incomplete nature of the game and the Starfox branding seems to absolutely be a matter of rights, not arrogance. Even if Rare had all the time in the world, DP seemed to have a lot of the same issues DK64 had. It would likely be better, but the abundance of shit minivans and collectable along with transparent padding likely would have remained.


>t. furfag
Adventures was objective shit

Adventures isn't shit.
Its just mediocre. Its basically a Zelda clone with worse gameplay.

How to improve:
>don't make enemies take turns to attack you
>add more combos and special melee attacks beyond the standard attack combo you currently get
>make General Scales the main antagonist instead of shoehorning Andross in at the last minute

>Kill General Scales halfway in and make Drakor the final boss again.
Fixed that for you.

What would Krystal's bush smell like?

>Its basically a Zelda clone with worse gameplay.
And puzzles.
And characters.
And music.

The puzzles were okay. The water area in particular I thought was well built and challenging with regards to figuring out what to do and how to get through it for a time.
And Tricky is at least a better sidekick than Navi, Tatl, and Fii

You should really read what I wrote, instead of misinterpreting what I said to fit your narrative.

wtf it wasnt shit
it's a great game
the people who dislike it are the contrarians

Really? Could you tell me a single place where I misinterpreted you?

Assuming you're the first poster, you said you watched a friend play through some of the parts you didn't play and told you why I think it's unbearable and insisted that you really need to play the whole damn thing instead of the most enjoyable part to really judge how hard it is to trudge through. I then asked you how the hell it expanded the universe and explained why I'm confused by that claim. Then I told you to fuck off for implicitly calling Command a better game than Zero. If I'm misinterpreting something there, I don't see it.

If you're the second user, you've got some gall to tell someone else they're building a narrative when your very own post is just an attempt to push a narrative.

To add to what was already said, combat was completely fucking mindless. Even Zelda made you use items or look for openings. There was no depth whatsoever in SFA.

-First off, don't make it a Starfox game. When you attach a name to something, people expect certain things. Let Krystal be the main protagonist, and give her some more clothes. I don't know about you, but the creepy furry pandering was really weird.
-don't have any space segments. Replace it with Krystal's pet flying dinosaur (the name escapes me). She can use that to fly everywhere.
-give it a touch of Zelda in its gameplay. Trying to half-ass it between ground combat and space combat just left it soulless
-general scales needs to be the last boss. And he needs to be a good boss. A fakeout only makes people angry.

It's a great adventure game
but a bad Starfox game

I liked it, but I like Zelda and Star Fox.

Also only played it when I was a young lad.

I'd be down with keeping some elements of the "revive Andross" plot.

Like, the reason Scales' army is overwhelming the other dinos is expressly because they've got better tech from the remnants of Andross' forces. That way you get the appeal of this mystic world being influenced by the space opera setting of Star Fox. You could also replace the lazy magic zappy powerups with Krystal finding space tech as she goes and using it in conjunction with her mystical powers.

The idea of a weird tribal chick ending up wearing contemporary gear and wielding a magic staff and regular ass grenades is pretty appealing and would make a good segue into Assault.

more content

I occasionally playthrough this game sometimes, it's a bad starfox game but fairly mediocre as a game. As for improving it there's a few things id do if i could make a modern remake
>Actually get to fly with the arwing rather than on rail bullshit, it would've been amazing to be able to fly to where you needed to go and instead of the rings bullshit have bosses you have to defeat to bring the force fields down, would help the player get ready for Andross at the end
>Option to play as Krystal or Fox, kind of like Dishonored 2
>Fix the camera for the staff blaster
>Make the combat more than just "press A to win"
>Make General Scales an actual boss, not that joke shit
>Make Tricky less irritating, if it was my choice i would've made him more like the dog in Fable 2
>Add key bindings, would've made it easier to switch between all the staff powers and make them less of a gimmick
>All 4 gems have their respective temple

I love me some Adventure games, mate. Okami, Zelda, Alundra, Terranigma, Ico, Myst, Monkey Island, doesn't matter, they're all great.

Star Fox Adventures is a bad adventure game.

Fix the fucking controls and physics.
Just the tutorial section alone felt like ass to control, but the moment i got the staff and did the first fight was the moment I dropped the game and never looked back.

>how would I fix it
I would rewrite it as a comic, with elements from Dinosaur Planet, and some new ideas.

I sure hope you aren't implying what comic's good.

There's already a good comic involving Fox McCloud and General Scales...


I am only implying that you cannot check your spelling before hitting POST. The comic is good though.

Hello, pornfag.

I'm not gonna shit on them for trying, and they're probably going to make a far more entertaining story that Rare did, but it's paced *very* poorly, has questionable composition, and the dialogue is just bad in a lot of places.

It's more than we deserve and better than your average webcomic, but it's not good. Just okay.

Still an upgrade, though.

You seem intelligent, but it also looks like you don't like anything. I'd like to see examples of what you consider "good".

if i was to fix this game, i would remake with the following:

Make Krystal more playable.

redo the voice acting to not be shit.

make combat more interesting.

make the game a bit longer.

you can now legit fight Scales.

Miyamoto is full of shit. DKC has a lot of movement tech

Leave Rare to make the original game. It would have been a sleeper hit and one of the last N64 games to play.

Make Dinosaur Planet
Strip out the Starfox elements

Give them more than a day to finish it because 1/2 of the game was literally made in a month.
It was made in a month because it was the same month that Microcuck was going to takeover Rare and make them the laughing stock they are now.

What, like just in comics?

Zot's always been a favorite of mine, and I'm keen on the likes of Kurt Busiek, Osamu Tezuka and Stan Sakai. If you mean webcomics or, I dunno. I've seen a couple decent ones floating around and some good gag comics, but not anything terribly notable.

Like, again, I don't want to shit on them for this because they clearly want to improve something that was screwed by cuts and deadlines and they're at least competent. The thing is that there's a lot of common "fan project problems" whizzing about. The artists really don't get how a comic flows and the dialogue is overabundant and stiff because the writers just have so much they want to say.

Again, it'll almost certainly be better than the story the game offered, but like a lot of fan projects it's very messy and unpolished because the creators just don't get a lot of tricks to the craft.

Nintendo did NOT screw them over.

Microsoft screwed them over. Starfox Adventures was the last game non-microsoft Rare made, and went gold the very day that they were acquired.

Microsoft, by virtue of trying to buy them to kill their support for the Gamecube, ended up fucking over Starfox Adventures by making it a shitty, rushed game loaded with fetch quests and missing huge chunks of scene content.

rename it to dinosaur planet

Nintendo sold Microsoft Rare, they had to rush it out the door AND change it to a Star Fox game, so they had to cut what couldn't fix the Star Fox IP.

>the most hardcore contrarians admits that Star Fox Adventures was a piece of shit.

See, this is where you're wrong.

Despite it being the first Star Fox game i've ever played, I still to myself think that it's better than 64 (I did enjoy the space combat in 64 but I did think it was a bit too much). Adventures rectified this, It evened out the space combat with an adventure parts (a bit experimental at that). I thought the dynamic between Krystal and fox were more interesting than his crew (odd right?), Although I thought story was a bit bland and lacking. Adventures has a much more interesting story and combat than the whole series. It's sad that other gamers don't agree with me.

>I thought the dynamic between Krystal and fox were more interesting than his crew
What dynamic?
They don't even meet each other until the ending.

>Nintendo sold Microsoft Rare
Nintendo did NOT own Rare. Rare was a third party and made games for every platform, they became known mostly for their Nintendo games, and thus stuck to the system. They were founded as a company before the Famicom even hit the US.

They WANTED Nintendo to buy them, and were genuinely confused as to why Nintendo didn't buy them; but they were independent up until Microsoft stuck their cock in their ass.

You can beat every space segment in Adventures by going to the top right and sitting there.

This guy's cologne

They were a second party company, like GameFreak. They sold half their shares to Nintendo, but had the other half to themselves. It's also why they had to credit them for using the DKC elements outside Donkey Kong, they owned them, not Nintendo. Nintendo also owned Banjo for that matter.

If they weren't with Microsoft, they'd be on par with GameFreak and HAL, second party companies. GameFreak admittedly is a 3rd party entity with a second-party IP. But Rare was exclusively 2nd party. I know all about their history.


The art is nice, but what is happening is silly nonsense.

Actual side quests.

Either by making it a good Star Fox game, or fixing all the glaring flaws in the adventuring.

It's never forgotten, the idea is not going away.

Consider listening to these wonders:

>no way fag

>DMC/OoT style combat
>Tryicky/Kite are NOT required to progress
>Krystal and Fox are swappable at anytime
>Scales is the final boss
>Rock Shrek gets more lines

what else

>This fucking rumor again.
Let me guess, you saw the british fatso Larry and believe what he says HAS to be real, even though it's a known fact that it even was Miyamoto himself who designed Country's DK and he was who ordered the Country series to be revived.
But no, let's listen to a britbong fatman on the internet.

>Probably the worst starfox game after Starfox Zero
Gotta say at least Zero was finished and made the attempt at looking nice. Adventures was not only unfinished but both a bad Zelda and Starfox game and was just so unbearably boring.

Yes, that's very much what Zot's about.
Go read it sometime.

I don't know, stealth?

Not him, but the final design was a result of mixing classic DK and Rare's rendition of DK. And trust me, he did say that, it was the result of NoJ wanting Yoshi's Island to be in the same style as DKC. He got emotional and made that statement.

the Star Fox team looked great in Assault

Non-public domain SFX.
Those Sound effects used in Adventures were so jarring, they're literally what turned me off from playing the damn game.

Miyamoto drew a sketch of Arcade DK, and Kevin Bayliss perfected it and he became DKC DK

>He got emotional and made that statement.
[Citation needed]

Was the teleporting sound among them? I liked it.

The Exact Same Developer in Falsetto: OHHHH MY BAYYYBIEEEES

That said, Miyamoto was who told them to carry on, and give DK the groundpound.
From googling around, it seems it wasn't Miyamoto, but Gunpei Yokoi, who was against DKC because it looked "too 3D", whatever that means.
And apparently, the personality change from Cranky's "kind oldman" from the leftover text in the ROM to cranky oldman were a jab at Yokoi.

More sexy barefoot lizards


I am a faggot and forgot to attach the file.

I may, later.

Meanwhile, too busy reading low quality fan comics by people who don't know how to write. Guess my taste is still shit for now.

>drawn by Shigeru
I refuse to believe Shigeru has a creative bone in his body.

Huh, final DK is pretty much Miyamoto's body with Rare's head.

For better or worse, he designed and drew DK and Mario, Mario's design was done with him around 8bit limitations.

is that why the arms and feet look exactly like Bayliss's kong?

That, too.
I wish I still had that image -
Never mind.

It's also why it doesn't have the same fucking proportions as Rare's DK you fucking retard.

The Ultimate History of Video Games, page 518.
>* An interesting story lies behind Yoshi's Island. When Shigeru Miyamoto first demonstrated the game to Nintendo's marketing department, it was rejected because it had Mario-related graphics rather than the waxy, prerendered graphics of Donkey Kong Country. Rather than change to an artistic look he did not like, Miyamoto made the game even more cartoon-like, giving it a hand-drawn look. The second version was accepted
>Miyamoto, who is rightfully proud of his work, was offended that the first version was rejected. That same month, I interviewed Miyamoto and Tim Stamper, creator of Donkey Kong Country, together and noticed that Miyamoto was a bit hard on Stamper, making such statements as "Donkey Kong Country proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good."

why isnt rare making games anymore

In a later interview, Miyamoto admitted that Yoshi's Island had been a touchy subject at the time:

>I think that it happened after Donkey Kong Country was introduced. In comparison with the graphics of the Super Donkey Kong, there was not enough punch to Yoshi's Island. That was what I was told by the marketing people.

>I intensified my hand-drawn touch on Yoshi's Island from the initial part of the program. Everybody else was saying that they wanted better hardware and more beautiful graphics instead of this art.

>Even while I was working on the Super Mario World, I was thinking that the next hero should be Yoshi. Other people have created games based upon Yoshi. . . . Yoshi's World Hunters, Yoshi's Egg, Yoshi's Cookie, and so forth--games that I don't really like. So I decided that I should make an authentic Yoshi game.

Now, he's since retracted his views but at the time, DKC blew the fuck out of everyone.

You're taking this surprisingly personally.

All I said was that it's okay, not good, because of a handful of beginner mistakes. It's still better than what fans deserve.

Because it's technically dead. The team making Sea of Thieves is mostly different, a shadow of Rare's formal self.

As in a source that doesn't rely on cutting out most of the conversation.

Star Fox was never good. Only nostalgic people and furries like it.

They're making a game right now you doof.

any other original members there besides Gregg Mayles and Robin Beanland?

objectively true

I would take it personally if I made it, which is not the case.

I just read enough quality books and comics to know what good pacing and scene composition writing is. To see you declaring it "merely okay" boggles the mind. And your example of a better work is not better at all.

That's literally the entire conversation, and I gave you a source if you insist on finding out more. Miyamoto was pressured to make Yoshi's Island look like DKC, and rebelled. He was vulnerable and made a statement out of emotion.

I have no idea why people like Star Fox so much. There's only been like one good game in the whole series.

What went right?