What some non-VN games with good romance?
What some non-VN games with good romance?
who knows
define good romance
>tfw the last Ranma game was released over 6 years ago
>tfw it was a pachinko game
>30th Anniversary this year
>No new stuff besides some merch
I wish we got another Fighting game,or that Shenmue-like game that's been talked these threads lately
It always pissed me off Ranma's canon love interest was Worst Girl Akane.
Fucker should've chosen Shampoo, she was willing to put up with Ranma's curse.
You say that like it's a bad thing. Rumiko Takahashi doesn't need to do nostalgia-pandering for her old series, she always churns out successful new ones. Maybe once she retires though.
>Not Ukyo
Ukyo was literally perfect.
She has churned out the same "Lead jackass falls in tsundere love with a horrible woman who's the canon love interest" manga many times, man.
The only exception I think was InuYasha, which was terribly boring
Anyone but fucking Akane was better.
Mason Innukoku?
At least we can agree on that.
Seriously, Akane was abusive as all fuck over minor things, Shampoo seemed to be genuinely affectionate after the misunderstanding was resolved, and Ukyo was bro and cute as fuck when she tried to be girly.
Check out her current series Rinne, the dynamic is completely different. The guy is generally nice unless it comes to money because he's poor and the girl is ridiculously stoic to the point she never gets mad at anything or anyone.
>Ukyo didn't win
It's not fucking fair.
She was the only one who legitimately cared about Ranma
All the characters in Ranma were batshit-insane
I like Rinne, but the characters are very similar to her old works.
to be fair, you try to have a stable mental state when you change genders at random or even complete species.
The rest of the cast, sure, but not Rinne and Sakura compared to past leads.
>Ukyo was bro
My nigga. I would've asked Ukyo out for beer and takoyaki, then to the arcades, then to snuggle under the full moon at night.
Pretty much everyone with decent taste can agree Akane is a terrible person, I don't know why Takahashi loved to use her basic mold so much.
Is that so?
everybody says ukyo, but think about it: Ranma saw her too much of a boy to get attracted. It's harsh, but Shampoo was the best girl for ranma: she was genuinely affectionate, held down her own job and place, and even seemed to disregard amazon law to about winning ranma's heart fairly.
>Is that so?
Yeah. Pic related: a situation where Akane would've angrily stormed off or tried to kick Ranma's ass.