Okay, I just bought this on PSN and can't even beat Ludex Gundyr. I managed to beat Nioh but this game just feels really clunky and sluggish. There isn't enough time to properly dodge, and the blocking doesn't block all of the damage like Nioh. I got him down to half health after about 10 tries and he turned into a giant fucking snake thing and instantly killed me due to the camera spazzing out. How is this fun? This isn't hard it's just stupid
Okay, I just bought this on PSN and can't even beat Ludex Gundyr...
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Guaranteed replies
learn his movements, don't try to block, just dodge
just git gud
dont always lock on
use your rolls for the invis frames, not to get out of there
>nioh is harder than souls!!!!
Git gud. I beat that boss on my first try. He's incredibly easy to read. The fact that you are criticizing the game as a whole when you haven't even beat the tutorial boss is fucking idiotic.
I beat him on my first try. Nioh is a slightly different beast with perhaps too many buffs. Ludex Grundyr isn't even that touch, it's just a matter of good timing and patience.
also, keep care of your stamina, if you run of stamina completely, youre probably getting hit
Heavier shields block 100% damage, lighter shields are better for parrying. Rolling gives you invincibility frames, which also block 100% damage.
The fact that you can't beat the tutorial boss is quite telling.
Git Gud. Not all armor have 100% blocking rate, armor all not made equal, there's weight issue need to be considered.
watch & learn. Die & try again.
It's Iudex, you retarded Amerilards.
How am I able to read the boss when the camera freaks out and kills me? Nioh didn't have camera issues
Rolling takes too much stamina and is too slow, by the time I roll I'm already out of stamina and can't attack
and my blue vial doesn't even do anything since I can't use magic as a thief
this game is really annoying right now it barely taught me anything before throwing me against this thing and now is just being cheap
nah, you're just trash at games. return it and stick to your level
>having issues with iudex
>mfw when you'll see the champ
I beat Nioh which people say is harder. This game is just clunky and has a bad camera so far
gonna give it a few more goes now tho
>MFW I find Champion Gundyr, & every other boss in DS3 easy
Niwhofags are still around?
If the camera freaks out, lock-on & control your own field of view.
Never hold your guard button all the time as your stamina will never replenish unless you let it go.
Blue Vial is not usable starting of game.
You young padawan, will one day learn that victory takes time & it is very sweet indeed.
Git Gud
>not telling him to git gud
You're a pathetic piece of shit, go back to you know where.
Shit man, it's a typo, hadn't fought him in a while, relax.
True. Big babies just wait on the wing to hurr durr is easy git gud. Shame really. Works out to be a good Dark Souls thread anyway most of the time. Also, his choice of starting class was the cherry on the ez mode meme cake.
>How am I able to read the boss when the camera freaks out and kills me?
dont lock
>Rolling takes too much stamina
try sticking to his ass during one of the attack patterns, observe which ones you don't need to roll to avoid
>is just being cheap
I beat that guy at 12 fps without knowing I could parry him
how is king oceiros easy?
i am currently playing a dex character and stuck on this piece of shit, my halberd and rapier just poke between his spindly legs and IF i hit him they do like no damage
>lol I can't beat him with my intentionally shitty build, how is he easy
Oceiros is like the easiest boss in the fucking game besides Vordt and Deacons dude
It's okay to die at Iudex, hes the casual filter of the game. If you give up before beating him, Dark Souls really isnt your type of game anyways. Just try different approaches until you find one that works well for you. Honestly you should try to git gud you fucking scrub.
>There isn't enough time to properly dodge
That's just your brain realizing how shitty 30 fps is.
The trick is to realize that you're playing Dark Souls 3 and can roll spam without impunity. I started dying a lot less once I realized this and stopped trying to time my dodges so much. The only bosses that this doesn't work on is Dancer, Nameless King, Midir and Gael.
He leaves himself wide, wide open. You probably shouldn't have picked two weapons that both poke. Even if you didn't foresee a boss with spindly limbs, you should have something sweeping for crowd control.
>Parrying Iudex
Why bother? Even if the timing is stupid easy.
You can literally just circle strafe and his attacks will fly right over your head, and he stuns for extra damage in like 5 hits.
Being a "thief" doesn't mean anything, it's just your starting stats. You can level up and use sorcery later if you want to, and your blue bar can be used for weapon arts also. If you don't lock onto the boss and are patient, it's incredibly easy. Just wait for openings.
Ok, I'm qutting this and going back to Nioh. I beat him and am stuck in this stupid circle area with nowhere to go and am bored looking.
Because instead of circlestrafing you can parry, get a couple counter hits, then riposte for higher DPS
Just letting you know that you sound stupid instead of frustrated.
this is awful b8. Just stop OP.
>stuck in this stupid circle area with nowhere to go
>haven't fought him in awhile
>his name is in the OP image
>Has to edit out the typo part just for fake laughs
The Champ was the hardest boss in DS3 on my first playthrough by far.
Just beat him first try, no parrying, on a new char I started recently.
But I STILL have no idea when it's safe to attack. Ended up trading with him most of the times, and only winning because I could heal.
its official you're mentally disabled.
Did the image server shit itself? It keeps redirecting me to the archive whenever I try to open a pic.
If it was only a typo, the "haven't fought him in awhile" part wouldn't matter. Someone's finger doesn't slip and mess up a name based solely on how long it has been since they have encountered something. It was just flat out a mistake, a lazy mistake.
This fucking guy
Don't worry OP i struggled bad with this guy, made me worried how i was going to get on with the game but i did fine and did a large number of later bosses first time.
I think for me it was the mutation phase of the fight, even the basic NPCs that transform later in the game i thought were tough. I think it's harder to see the moves coming with all the gross shit swirling around
>mfw I beat literally every boss in the entire souls series on my first try and played every single game through all the way without a single death
Can't believe how bad the average person on Sup Forums is that they can't even manage a simple task like this.
Fuck Dancer of the boreal valley and fuck you.
You've seen nothing kid.
You can take her down below 2/3 health before she even tries to attack you. She's too passive and often just circles around you doing nothing for several seconds.
Lol go back to minecraft kiddo
The second DLC can't go on sale soon enough. I really hoped it will discounted on summer sale, but Bamco was way too greedy. Here hoping Dark Souls will be on the Halloween sale since it kinda fits it thematically.
I gave it to my little brother for his birthday. He's fucking garbage at video games and he managed to beat Iudex Gundyr without a shield.
It took quite a few tries, but he proved he's better than you.
Go to the bonfire you dumb cunt
>There isn't enough time to properly dodge
Yes there is, you're just not trying hard enough.
i convinced my friends to buy ds3. they ALL could not even beat the fucking tutorial boss and almost quit the game. one friend took about five hours to get past him.
i beat gundyr on my second try. how are you retards so bad at games? how? im in my thirties. are all you eighteen year old retards really this bad at games? is everything you play dumbed down garbage?
>cant even beat gundyr
Yeah user, let's play roblox instead. Fuck Dark Souls III.
>>Shield up
>>Strafe left around the enemy
>>Wait for opening
>>Slash without greed
>>Credits roll
So why is that the Firelink Shrine in DS3 only accessible via warp? Could the dark Firelink, which access normally on foot, be the real one? And the "real" Firelink is just a ploy perpetrated by the so-called Ludleth (aka the Soulfeeder) who "willed" himself Lord.
>and the blocking doesn't block all of the damage like Nioh
right? if i block a massive maul thats twice my size with a short sword i damn well better take no damage
this is a troll right? my mate made me fight this for a laught when i was drunk...only time i even came close to dying was when it became a snake and i had to relearn its moves
>play the Nioh demo
>really clunky controls but I dealt with worse
>realize I don't need a shield to block, and every weapon has 100% physical DR
I couldnt beat the Abyss Watchers and the Soul of Cinder because I'm so fucking shit but Index was literally nothing.
Git Gud faggot.
Fuck the second form.
Just roll past and backstab the Abyss Watchers.
but sometimes u have to die u liar
My girlfriend beat this boss in 3 trys with some shitty starting class I forget. You're using a knight with great armor and shield and actually complaining that the tutorial boss does too much damage?
How much more casual can you get, you should jump off the tallest building in your proximity you little bitch.
Honestly coming and crying on v before you can even clear the first stage of a game. You sir are a royal fucking faggot and a waste of clean oxygen.
>My girlfriend beat this boss in 3 trys with some shitty starting class I forget.
I don't believe you have a girlfriend. Enjoy your shitty game, alone.
Abyss Watchers is all about a) baiting them to get close enough to fight each other and b) rolling towards some attacks instead of away
Oceiros is pure rng don't listen to these guys.
If he doesn't do his 0 startup frame instakill dash he's easy if he does you die and there is no way to dodge it except with extreme luck.
Just play greedy and accept that if he does that move he kills you.
It was easy until he resurrected himself and went all fire and shit, then I got wrecked by his endless combo of bullshit.
Bait out his flip attack, roll past, and backstab him.
>MFW beating the game multiple times with multiple builds
>Rarely run into any trouble no matter what build I use
easiest build was pyro
So many enemies are weak to fire and get special animation disabling them for a few seconds when they catch on fire it's not even funny. This is DS1 lightning tier op.
Meanwhile the returning DS2 dark element gets pretty much no weapons with natural dark damage, and its spells are spread thin over all magic types. Feels hollow man.
Nioh is not harder than the Souls series, it just requires a different type of playstyle.
The dodging in Nioh is more like a dance where you want to exit an enemy's range with most dodges and follow it up with a poke or applicable stamina breaking move. In the souls games you typically want to dodge into attacks in such a manner that you are basically making physical contact with your enemy's model and spend every safe second spamming R1 into their thighs or thigh equivalent.
Even if I was an unfuckable 2/10 virgin, the point is a girl that happens to be my GF could beat this fucking boss and never even plays games. Pretty sure she said something like "this looks like fun can I try". So I made her a new character and she was done with the first area in like 25 minutes
Dude, the hell, it was my first soul, I suck at action games, and I beat it at the third attempt.
Every souls game is a clunky pile of shit, but he isn't hard. Hug his ass during his second form and you will win.
Nioh isnt harder, but the combat is better than DS3 (which is clunky)
So you have cool fights and protect the masters legacy. I might fucked up once or twice, but still.
Did this after i saw the DSP Champion Gundyr video of him complaining youtube.com
Welcome to yesterday. It involves something something timetravel, you're fighting yourself and all champions before etc
It's, make up your own story
maybe because soulsborne has a a steep learning curve?
How big of a faggot could you actually be?
what are you sperging out for? its not like i made up the term you fucking cunt
Ashes was by far the better DLC
>higher DPS
Except it literally isn't. Go watch a speedrun.
It was good, but really short. The new one seems to have much more content: areas, bosses, weapons and spells. I'm really looking forward to it.
In case this is serious, you need to learn to roll -into- attacks instead of back. Roll forward and under swings at about a 30 degree angle so you end up just behind his shoulder. It seems counter-intuitive at first but it's how it works. Rolling back will get you in trouble fast.
>Get to Champion Gundyr
>Oh great another boss rehash. From really needs to stop with this shit.
>mfw that second phase hits and he becomes the best boss in the game.
In my case the trick is to guard when he's charging. Even without 100% shield (i was using grass crest shield), the damage is small enough. It's better than rolling randomly and got punished.
I beat it it on my toaster at 10fps. git gud.
>Ludex gundyr
>a typo isn't a mistake
it's Iudex with an i. iudex in latin means 'judge' my friend
Not even sl1 tsk tsk
I found him considerably easier than the first iteration. I died so many times to iudex, and beat champ on first try. It was both satisfying and really aggravating.
Kek beat him first try.
>noah the game is better
kys ys
Matthew was right, just playing to learn dodge timings is not engaging
He was tough for a first fight, but that's the way this series goes. It helps if you've played the prequels. Do as much damage as possible before he morphs and don't bother blocking, just dodge instead.