What do you guys think of Doom modding?

What do you guys think of Doom modding?

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Pretty good, it's impressive to see what people can do with DOOMs engine.

What are your favorite mods?

I had fun making that.

What stuff did you worked on?

Space Hunter, GMOTA, Combined_Arms, Blastmaster.

How's GMOTA going?

>download the Doomworld Top 100 pack from BlackCats when it was still alive
>attempt to play Memento Mori
>literally nothing but black screens with the occasional muzzle flash with the UI overlaid

Suddenly the design shift for Doom 3 doesn't seem so weird. Half the greatest mods for Doom appear to revel in pitch blackness.

Hi, and I'm currently stuck on making the stun buster work correctly, I'm waiting to get some fucking help on making this effect proper.

Do you have a video of the effect?

Only with placeholder graphics.

Is this meant to stun enemies?
Would it make sense if it was an electricity/thunder related ability?

they should be paid

Some of the most valuable things are too good for prices.

Yeah, it paralyzes enemies depending on their HP, higher HP pools results in a longer stun but a longer cooldown before they can get stunned again, and I thought about electricty but I was worried the stun effect might get mixed up with the cooldown particle things.

go to bed, gaben

What about some 16-bit lightning effects?
Thought of that?

Like I said, I kinda want the stun effect to be static, if I add a wiggly lightning effect it might blend in and get mixed up with the particles.
Though right now I'm more concerned with just making this thing work right, it's been a royal bitch getting it to work consistently because I'm working within Zandy 3.0's limitations. If I get enough feedback about the crystal I'll probably swap it out with something else.


Zero tolerance is still amazing. Project MSX is gr8 too, too bad it's dead

I thought someone else was taking care of PMSX

Make H Doom 2

Can I suck your cock, terminus? I really want to.

That's Kegan.
Also, reminder that Term finally released High Noon Drifter.

Wrong guy. Term did Demonsteele, Samsara, CyberRunner, Push, and recently High Noon Drifter

And also Metroid Dreadnought i think.

That too, the guy has a hell of a track record

When's he doing the next Intermission podcast?

Just want to say I really like combined arms

It should be out soonish, last time I checked he was gonna chill out for a bit after releasing High Noon Drifter.

Are you Term?

I plan on updating that eventually, some time after updating GMOTA, I got big plans for it.

Nope. I don't think Term even lurks Sup Forums


HDoom 64, where the Mother Demon is a MILF when?

Caleb when?

For what exactly?

For every mod ever?

Anyone have info on that Metroid Doom mod? I hope they didn't discontinue it.


That's the one. I heard Nintendo C&D'd it. Since it exists as a mod and not a fangame, I don't know the legality of it.

Not for a long time then.
Also Caleb's weapons suck compared to Lo Wang's and Duke's

Are you saying the flare is shit?

Flare gun is fine, the DoT thing can be a little annoying but other than that, it's fine

Did that rally happen?
I heard something about Golden Souls not using Nintendo enemies because of Nintendo not wanting them to be associated with Doom's violence.

The what now?

Damage over time, last time I checked the primary fire of the flares don't do direct damage or kill enemies immediately but instead stick to them and burn for a set period before the enemy bursts into flames and dies

What about the secondary fire?

face wrecker. The exploding shots are nuts


I don't see the point at modding this primitive game when quake exists. maybe because it's trivially easy to make doom mods.

Doom's engine is simpler, i suppuse.
But there's some good Quake stuff too, like Arcande Dimensions and Your Path Of Destruction.

QUMP when?

Does Kinsie browse Sup Forums too?

Like you said, it's easier.

Doom (2016) snapmaps are pretty cool.

They jsut don't compare to the older Doom's modding scene.

What particular emotion does this image evoke from you?

An angry boner

Pretty much. Doom was designed from the ground up with modding in mind, Quake was designed to push full 3D.

sgt mark iv used to post on /vr/

But then he stopped

Wasn't it around the time he got banned from every major doom site save for doomworld? I guess he wanted to avoid any extra heat.

What were his last posts in /vr/, anyway?

Which one was he again? The brutal doom guy?


Ah. Yeah I'm glad he left. He kinda seemed like a prima donna.

His last post under his tripcode was around 2015. He was delusional enough to think that doom 4 was ripping off his brutal doom mod.

Whoops, forgot the whole url.

I think it's safe to say Doom 4 took cues from Brutal Doom, but his mistake was that he thought they owed him jack shit.

If you make free mods for a game, you don't deserve anything at all. You understand that when you MAKE a free mod.


If someone thinks they're ideas are good enough to patent, you don't implement them into someone else's game for free. That's just common sense.

His mod was literally based on a meme originating from the Doom comic.

That's actually a good point. Alright, I take it back.

What difference does that make?

His mod still exists, right?
It's not like Todd Howard is implementing his paid mod bullshittery into Doom, where they get money for his mod and not him.

Think about it user. It means they both could have been inspired by the comic that proceeded his mod. The creators of Doom 4 could easily not even have heard of Brutal Doom. They could have pulled everything from official sources like the comic.

It's even more impressive when you realize how limited/convoluted doing stuff really is, at least if you have some other development background.
And that's nowadays with source ports and whatnot tweaked to allow easier modding, can't imagine what it was long before that.

>could easily ot even have heard of Brutal Doom
It's the most popular Doom mod and i remember the official twitter account of id retweet a tweet with a BD trailer.

It peaked with Brutal Doom then everyone else tried to jump on the bandwagon and make their own Doom mod.

This batman doom mod for the vanilla engine used impressive dehacked patches

Newsflash, the guy manning the twitter account is usually just some intern.

Moot point, I'm saying the possibility exists. Brutal Doom didn't invent the idea and that's enough to cast doubt on his claim.



Msx just got patched. Look up project msfixed

>Guy acts like a typical Sup Forums user
>Sup Forums hates him
Really makes you think

Him stealing from others and getting mad because he thinks he's getting stolen from still makes him a faggot.

Sup Forums hates Sup Forums. People here don't rally around angry fucks spewing opinions. They're just met with other angry opinions spewed angrily.

>didn't make a map for qump
>it'll never release
>if it does no one will play it anyway and there'll never be a qump 2 because func_msgboard has their own map jams and no one in /vr/ is interested in quake

>Nope. I don't think Term even lurks Sup Forums

He did at one point, Samsara's origins were on Sup Forums. No idea if he still does.

You've got those backwards, m8. Early Doom modding was entirely done using very basic community tools to hack parts of the game to do other things and mapmaking wasn't even a thing yet; Quake was released with a full mapmaking toolkit (compiling tools [bsp, vis, light] and an editor which was quickly surpassed by community editors like Worldcraft and Radiant) and an entire scripting language (QuakeC) for people to make mods and games out of instead of having to hack shit together (or nowadays, rely on functions added by sourceports).

The guy definitely sounds like an ass and an insufferable cock sucker, but has a point. He sounds exactly like your average Sup Forumsirgin. By Sup Forums standards. his behavior is nothing exceptionable by any means.

Brutal Doom is responsible for most mods only being made to be compatible with brutal doom and nothing else.

It's too bad Term grew a distaste for Samsara. I think it had more potential than he saw in it.

Blame some of the unreadable code, having to work with fucking strife, and the million faggots making horrible addons.

Addons were a problem, if people weren't going to play the latest releases then why bother? The code is also messy, Kinsie can tell you all about that since he took on maintaining the mod in recent years.

Besides, I think Term branching out into all kinds of projects probably worked out better than just sticking to Samsara like how Mark only really does BD, though it's a shame that some of those ended up a bit short.

The idea is so solid, it would have been worth it even if he had to start from scratch, frankly.

I can see how that would burn a guy out. Yeah, I don't resent Terminus for branching out either, his other mods that I played were really pretty enjoyable too.

Sometime I'm going to host a (remote) Doom Sup Forums server and I hope all you faggots play in it.

Going off Intermission, apparently he handled the sound design for REKKR. That's pretty cool too, guess he'll use that experience towards his standalone project or something.

>Final Doomer update never