ITT: games only you played

ITT: games only you played

Other urls found in this thread:

/weg/ here
Shut the fuck up

Did it get an update yet?


Obscure DMA (rockstar) game. It was weird as fuck though.

Is that the dune game?

holy shit, I think I remember playing this

my favorite childhood game of all time


like seriously playing that jungle shooter game being the rat in the lab level. fuck the Australia level. i always thought the robot in the end was bender from futurama all the time. the rabbits and shit oh man oh geez that game is the fucking best not weird at all just robo animals.

We had this thread for nearly 12 hours on Sup Forums

Good fap

Didn't care for the piss part



choro q, my nigga roadtrip adventure is the best though

I played that.

I made a walking dick and laughed for 5 minutes and when my sister checked on me she told mom and dad. Fun times, scribblenauts reminded me of this game.

We all know that you autists from /vg/ never play games and your threads are cirklejerks about waifu mods.

I got you and then some, mah nigga.




I only know one person who played this.

That's because there was no reason to play any Bomberman after Saturn Bomberman, other than Wario Blast.

It's finished mate, dev's moved on to a new game now

Fuuuuuuuuck yoooooooooooooou.

/weg/ is /aco/ you fucking peasant

Did he fucking fix the bugged bullshit where even after you get your mom to divorce your dad, there's no scene?

>tfw picked up this gem when the local blockbuster went out of business
I liked 1 more though


user, if I wanted to play online games at speed-of-smell dial-up internet in 2000 I'd just go to Newgrounds.

I played this shit. Got the ethernet attachment for my ps2 and everything. Fantastic memories.

i got that
i miss the ps1 longboxes

I think I win

>Play this due to the Sup Forums thread
>Jerk myself into a frothy mess
My only regret is that it's so short. And that you can only fuck the nipple of the navigator. And that there's relatively little porn with Jessica other than a blowjob and two fuckings.

Still, good stuff. Wish there were more finished WEGs.

I played the ever loving shit out of that.

Where my /weg/ bois at?

>When the weekend came and there were 300 people online

>Missing this cheesy masterpiece

Also the multiplayer was godly.

fuck off autist
Now I'm going to delete my thread

do it faggot


So as a fellow OG, how are you feeling about World? I'm fairly positive about it so far.

Dating my daughter

do it for her

I tried but couldn't get online to work. Looking back I was so bad, trying to use a poison sns against the Rathalos isn't a great idea.

Dating my Russian Goblin
It's a pizza holding simulator


These games were great. Another entry is long over due.

Xbox 360 version of TF2. Came with HL2 in something called The Orange Box.

Had like 3 or 4 servers with 100~ people playing. This was back before hats, trading and I think even new weapons

Isn't that Kid Klown? Whatever happened to him?

I haven't liked MH since Tri ill try it but im not optimistic.

For being a game based off of a movie, this game was actually pretty decent.

YEAH source please

His little brother was born to SIDS so he killed himself about three weeks after it happened

Is that her hair or a hat?


Fallout 4



My siblings and I played the fuck out of this game.
We could never find the last carrot to get the last minigame though.

Also, OP is faggot when he could have easily posted sauce. And NO, reverse image doesn't work, you fucking WTrash!

dog bless u :DD

Wow, rude.

for all you brainlets in the thread

Played it my man,
found it in a Blockbuster discount bin.
Pretty fun game if I remember!

This one isn't so obscure but it was Christmas time and I was getting my first PS2 but there weren't any good games left at the Best Buy.

oh god, i remember that shitty console version of TF2. I don't know how, but those early servers managed to be filled with more autism than anything I found on pre-Hats TF2 on PC.

There's a lot to process here

Best girl.
Harkonnen ending is the best suddenly.

That was one of my favorite games dude. The soundtrack was jamming.

Only person in the world apparently.

Telltales CSI games

They are better detective games than fucking Batman

Just go back to doing those

Holy shit, I was gonna post this
This game was great for a Dragon's Lair clone. I wish they'd maybe bring it back into a 30-minute short on Cartoon Network or something. The charm of the animation and everything is what makes it shine.

I love that fucking game

Fuck you scientists

They'll never stop being brainlets if you're here to spoonfeed them.

I prefer Super Bomberman 5 but only because it's way easier to sort a party with it.

Played it at a friend's house. It was pretty interesting.

I had the gamecube version
Blob was the best boss unit

Dude I played this. I barely remember anything about it other than having loads of fun.


The demo a couple hundred times


Shit ton of fun and I remember nothing about it except wandering around in fog

>Summertime saga won't be updated until they get paid

This game deserves an online sequel. I want to get back in the fucking robot

Fuck this game for having such a neat creature system and such a shit combat system that was just "Rock Paper Scissors, but if you lose the first round you're fucked for the next two."

nah, the giant spiked ball was better, unlike the blob you didn't have to eat things for 10 minutes to have a good boss unit

No, man. No.

My parents were split up when I was really young, so playing Claw when I would go to my dads house for the weekends was something I remember fondly.

So cool to be reminded of that game, and also knowing someone else played it.

Speaking of which, anybody remember this?

>tfw car charger and one trip a few states out got me nearly every item in the game
>saved a multiple part song to the game's community site
>it's all gone
bittersweet desu

It sounds like a damn fever dream, but I swear this game existed. Basically it was one of those lego browser games for one of the sets, and it was based around knights. You could go around the entire lego site and look for specific items, and it would upgrade a custom knight you could make. Every time I've looked up anything about it though, nothing shows at all, it's the weirdest shit.


These were really goddamn hard, at least when I was a kid I had no idea how to beat them, but I felt like I got pretty far in the spelunking one.

There's this PS1 game where you start off in a thunderstorm in a blimp and all the enemies have windup mechanics on their backs, might have been the demo.


Yeah I totally never beat any of them, I should go back and try. Super hard shit, but I liked the space one a lot.


>most of her sex scenes involve some other dude


My old neighbor friend from childhood claimed to have picked this game up from the ground, but he didn't have a GBA to play it. I don't remember it that much except that it was bland

Hello Sup Forums