Audience: [intense booing]

>Audience: [intense booing]

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this was the first map I played in the beta. Good times...

>32 players on TC_Hydro

oh god i want vanilla back so much

>tfw you actually liked Hydro

why? It's pretty terrible. I know because I have it on the xborks


honestly has anyone ever won defending hydro 3

I Played TF2 on 360 for 2100 hours. Must have played Hydro 1500 times.

With only 6 maps, eventually you buckle. 2Fort and Dustbowl were the only REALLY fun maps where you could expect a battle to take place.

Granary and Well came in second tier because they felt so lonely with only 16 players, but at least there were choke points. Defending the briefcase was VERY lonely, but moreso on Well.

Gravel Pit was meant to be populated by at least 24 players, but with 16, you'd end up with 3 guys on point A, 3 on point B, 2 idiot no-mic's on C and the other team would just throw their 8 guys at your nothing.

Hydro was the worst not because it was lonely but because nobody had any fucking idea where to go. Few choke points, many unnecessary detours that lead nowhere, and confusing use of vertical space.

I thought that was the whole game until I finally learned there was a PC version from someone on the mic. All the new maps... Badlands, Lumberyard, Turbine, Nucleus, it was all so fresh. New artstyles and skyboxes. WEATHER EFFECTS. I wasted so much of my life maining pyro with no airblast, flares, or axtinguisher. The best years of my life, sitting there playing ping-pong across the 2fort bridge with almost nobody.

If there's a full version of this version I'd like to know.

>like ctf
>Sup Forums and /tf2g/ constantly shit on it

I like ctf just not 2fort

CTF is gay as hell man

I bet you play engineer

Mostly demo, never really got into engineer every time I try to play it every player on the other team somehow knows exactly how to edge my stuff no matter where I place it.

The final cap in BLU's territory is actually easier to defend than RED's. Had a team hold ours off for a good amount of time. We rolled them for the first stages so we had a ton of time accumulated. We won after exhausting them.

CTF needs a rework. The current maps in rotation are cancer, even the community edits aren't good enough.

My real issue is that they removed the timer, getting 4 hour long grindfests is becoming way to common.

>shit meme
>shit taste

[infinite corner spam]

Go listen to the dev commentary on hydro. They were so proud of the map concept and it turned out to be a dud

It was my favorite map for playing both engineer and spy though

Nothing worse than ubering a demo to take out a nest like this and finding out he's got a fucking eyelander

Demoknight update is when the game jumped the shark for me

I'll never understand why anyone liked dustbowl

retards like chokepoints because they only know how to spam corners

Yup, attacking on dustbowl is a last point fuckfest.

It's a great map. It just needs to be opened up a little more in terms of decongesting those chokes.

It would be better with a short 30-second set up period with those gates you see at BLU spawn on payload maps. That would get everyone on the same page in terms of where the fuck to go. Hydro isn't always clear on where you can and can't go. Sometimes you go all the way down some hallway and around the corner just to see that giant metal door with the NO symbol on it. It's frustrating.

TC is a very cool concept, too bad Hydro the map sucks and killed any interest in it.

I do! How do you know?

>half of BLU leaves server

>everyone hates the casual queue system
>enter match
>game ends
>everyone leaves and re-queues

Nobody even read this you faggot
You wrote an entire fucking essay for nothing

Dustbowl is mapkino

You don't know chokepoints until you've seen when Blue only had one exit from their spawn

CTF is fun when it doesn't turn into turtlefort deathmatch, which is never.

> tfw some idiot ported Facing Worlds to TF2
At least he added the kickass soundtrack

what is the best map and why is it cyberpunk

How do you play a game for 2100 hours and not realize there's a PC version?

It feels faster than having to wait 10 years for the maps to change

it's a giant pain if you're playing with someone
>interrupts flow
>takes you out of the game for a few minutes

That's why I dislike the current casual matchmaking system. I wish for the pyro update they would integrate the level system with the way old valve servers work.

>Enter match
>Incredibly balanced match with both teams doing a great job, which is very rare lately
>Match ends
>Everyone disconnects
Why, goddamn it, why? After everone leaves, I'm forced to leave too and in the next match I'll be sure to find only scrubs.

This is not how you pronounce Lumberyard.

The main problem with CTF (and dustbowl) is not the mode or even the maps, but with TF2's classes.

CTF used to work as a game mode in TFC, with a map that was even more cramped than 2fort. It was actually the most popular game mode in pubs AND competitive.
But it doesn't work in TF2. Why?

Today, we have two extremely powerful defensive classes (Heavy and Engineer). There is nothing quite as strong as they can be on defense; even though Medic, Soldier, Demo, and Scout are the all-around strongest classes in general, Heavy and Engineer outperform them on defense.

In Team Fortress Classic, Heavy and Engineer were roughly as powerful as they are today, BUT they had an equally powerful offensive class (Medic) who fought this effect with his ridiculously high mobility, and every class had grenades. Both Engineer and Heavy could even be used on offense thanks to their EMP grenade (good for taking out Sentry nests) and MIRV grenade.

If we want TF2's CTF to work, like it did back in the day, then Engineer and Heavy need to be made better attackers and worse defenders.

>being so shit that you can't push with your teammates to destroy a defense and grab the intel
>these shitters will never know the feeling of rallying your team for a huge push, and successfully breaking past what seemed to be an unbeatable defense
go back to overmeme

>>being so shit that you can't push with your teammates
That's the key flaw: your teammates

>like 2fort
>everyone hates it
>like hurrbine
>everyone hates it
D-Day you guys at least like W-well?

Oh god not the grenade
TFC was a full grenade spamfest

however i agree they would be quite great on tf2, they even had models for them that were cool as fuck, they should really have gone and added them for custom server.

I'm not saying grenades should make a comeback, just that they made a good counter to the powerful defensive abilities of Engie and Heavy, and no such counter to defenders exists in TF2 today, which is why we have a problem with stalemates in CTF.

What I want is for Engie and Heavy's defensive ability to be reduced and their offensive ability to be increased. This will make them better at pushing and worse at stopping pushes.

>however i agree they would be quite great on tf2, they even had models for them that were cool as fuck, they should really have gone and added them for custom server.
There's a total conversion mod for TF2 you might like, called Team Fortress 2 Classic, which mixes elements of 2007 TF2 and 1999 TFC.
It's pretty dead right now though sadly but you might be able to find some deathmatch games.

>but because nobody had any fucking idea where to go

Only for the first two or three times you play the map. Then it becomes second nature.

The fact that a lot of the default (non-2Fort) launch maps aren't played on PC is a crime. It's what killed the PC version for me. The newer maps are just as bad as Hydro in the "I don't know where to go" complaint but even worse because no matter how many times you play them, there is no "mental markers"/landmarks for you to learn by.

Console ports. Not even once.

[Hours of siege warfare and trying to break the enemy line to capture the next point]

I miss this map so much

>The newer maps are just as bad as Hydro in the "I don't know where to go" complaint but even worse because no matter how many times you play them, there is no "mental markers"/landmarks for you to learn by
I don't agree with this. Can you name some examples you think have no landmarks?

Grenades wouldn't be a problem if they made you wait through animations of your character drawing and preparing the grenade before you throw them

Why did they never give it another chance?

Hightower is CANCER
> lolno
> get kicked

Difficult to make maps for, since the overlapping system is so complex. So they probably didn't see it as worth the time investment when they could make Payload maps that people would definitely play.

What's the best pyro map?

koth_nucleus or koth_king, pyro is allright on maps with no sentries and sneaky passageways

>when your favorite map comes from pork bun simulator advertising campaign

Sleeping Dogs is a terrible game but that is a pretty fun map.

What were they thinking when they released it with asymmetrical health and ammo spawns ? Back then one side had medium healthpack and small ammo on balcony and the other had medium ammo and small health. Made engineering on one side much more viable

There used to be a full health packs near the buses too, for spawn camping mostly

>heavy is an extremely powerful defensive class

i bet youve never played competetive

>i bet youve never played competetive
competitive as in the format of TF2 where heavy is limited to 1 because of his enormous defensive power????
you'd lose that bet nigger

>Backburner Pyro on RED
>come through the tunnel and annihilate the entirety of BLU

Ya'll niggas forgot about Cactus Canyon.

Durr it's terrible because you play on console and can't use the movement. Vanilla soldier/demo/scout with and against decent players was amazing

I once played a map called "Circlejerk" which was a CCP map, not CP. It means that both teams have to capture 4 points, with RED going clockwise and BLU counterclockwise. Are there any other maps with that mode?

Since when is heavy limited? When I played it was 1 demo, 1 medic, everything else 2. Did he get some op shit?

>Since when is heavy limited?
At least three years now? How long have you been away exactly?
You REALLY shouldn't comment on the balance of a game you don't play.

>The community is retarded and keeps voting to play one of the worst maps

It's among the worst PL maps, worse than Goldbowl even, but it's fun.

They don't really, though.

>one of the best ctf maps is at 0%

Hoodoo is the biggest shitpile of the maps because it tries to disguise behind an actually fun gamemode, payload.

Goldrush is slightly better and gets a sort of free pass for being the first payload map. It has been reworked once before, though, and it should be reworked again if Valve wants actual diversity in their viable payload maps.

>No Soldier/Demo Flying around
That sounds like paradise.


Hey Sup Forums,

For years. Engineer is also limited to one, but if you want to be retarded and run two Spies/Snipers/Pyros, knock yourself out.

Turbine was the only decent ctf map and you still can't convince people to not play it as deathmatch

Some leagues also ban two Snipers because it's actually a very powerful cheese strat depending on the map.
>2 snipers sit in spawn looking out their spawn doors
>they're completely safe from attack and can change back to soldier or scout at the drop of a hat
>yet they also have the range to threaten both sightlines to the chokes and flanks

20% of the balance problems with 5CP are because of easily accessible spawn rooms

>Turbine was the only decent ctf map
>not liking landfall

Haven't played since MvM


>healing demo
>follow him behind enemy lines
>as soon as shit hits the fan he whips out the Eyelander and charges away, leaving me with the enemy team

Every fucking time

>Playing payload
>Somebody votes badwater

I think Doublecross is a much better map than 2fort. I don't get why 2fort is so much more popular.


COMFIEST map coming through

It used to be at the top of the default server browser

Same brah but the ps3 version, and around 1000 hours. The pc version is so much better its not even funny. It's a shame that hydro, granary and gravelpit still aren't that popular even on the pc version though.

You're missing out, what can I say

The tf2 i fell in love with is dead

Nitpicking tbqh

>started in 2010 when it was really good
>slowly has deteriorated to its current state
>nostalgia makes my friend and I play it every once and awhile
every time we're reminded that the game currently sucks ass

>we suck ass

>tfw spamming stickys or pipes in there

>i started playing after the game went to shit

I don't know how I've managed to play consistently since 2008. This game will forever have it's meaty fingers around me no matter what.

I started playing prior to MvM, dumbass

yeah the fact that there's constantly 5 minutes of nothing in between matches because everyone leaves the fucking servers every single time is completely on us

>started in 2009-2010 when my older brother and I finally got the new computer we've been asking for for years (we to use some old shitty compaq from 2002 for so long and couldn't play anything at all).
good times