Thoughts on this game?
Thoughts on this game?
Very underrated. Legitimately the scariest game I've ever played. Falls a bit off in the hive mission and on but still great. Even the levels without the xeno were good.
2 and a half hours in and it's still empty halls with angry dudes and keycard hunts. A game shouldn't bore me to death and take hours to actually start. Not my cup of tea.
it's outlast in space: padded up to the tits edition
would have been okay if it was like 5 hours long, so by the time you learn how to break the shit AI it'd be over, but instead it just drags oooooon
really good game.
the first part is goty.
the end is too long.
best alien game we got so far and one of the best western horror games in genral.
do you like alien? do you like scifi horror? go play it.
outlast is a generic, low effort spook house simulator. comparing it to alien isolation, a game that a lot of care and attention to detail went in, is silly.
"Something's amiss"
nigga it's the same shit, one just has a higher budget but still fails to make the gameplay any good
Nigger what horror games even have good "gameplay"? I mean gameplay is a pretty broad definition dude, what exactly are you even referring to when you say that? I found exploring Sevastapool pretty damn intriguing, coupled with the seamless turns to horror it was very memorable. Please atleast list some horror games with good "gameplay"
>inb4 re4, basically a action game
>inb4 dead space, shoot a blob of meat 10 times and then spam stomp on it
It was amazing for two hard playthroughs but I can't bring myself to play it again. its pretty joyless.
Love it. I was incredible immersed thanks to the awesome visual and sound design. My only complaint was that it was a couple hours too long
games where the enemy can see over waist high walls
Currently playing it in hard with the unpredictable alien mod. Shit is tense
This. But I played five hours and it was still nothing. It's a walking simulator, user. The story isn't even worth it. Don't waste your time.
>do you like alien? do you like scifi horror? go play it.
Alien is my favorite movie. I love sci fi and horror. I even own the game. And I've never played it.
Maybe I should correct that.
>posting a webm without any context towards the difficulty
I mean fuck that could be very easy for all I know where you can walk right on the tail of the fucking thing. Webm's pointless without knowledge of the difficulty. Game has 4 options by the way.
list a game where view cones are affected by difficulty
it's great. The main flaw is that it is too long and drawn-out. There are too many false climaxes
Literally the game we're discussing, I mean fuck even Outlast has it.
damn Kawakami does look like Ripley
>nigga it's the same shit, one just has a higher budget
so are hamburgers and still there's a big difference between mcdonalds and a real burger restaurant.
>Literally the game we're discussing
It should've been a third shorter and the end just keeps throwing random problems at you to extend it. Getting captured by the airlock flat out should not have happened.
then leave this thread immediately for your own sake and start playing.
Zero interesting mechanics, shitty narrative, dead environments (in an interactive manner), boring instakill peekaboo "boss" roaming the empty levels, androids that make Thief zombies look interesting... overall an absolute piece of shit of a game.
Oh and an enticing crafting system. What could I possibly create next? Throw more components at me, designers!
>'I watched alien for the first time last year and it was super boring' - the post
>games semms fun
>style is amazing
>too much of a chickenshit to play
S-should i kill myself?
If you don't enjoy being scared, don't play it. The joy from the game doesn't come from the crafting or sneaking or puzzles (they are easy) but from being scared. Sometimes dealing with the androids too.
I really liked the clear influences of late 90's FPS games like Duex Ex, Thief and System Shock.
Game isn't that scary. Just stressful and unnerving. At least at first anyway. Once I realized I could run when I was far enough away from certain enemies the game lost a little of its scare factor.
pretty cool for about for the first two thirds or so, looks great too
when in doubt the answer is yes
I got scared but enjoyed the story of Prey, Dead Space(s) and bioshock
Good fun but drags a little towards the end
Game that overstays its welcome.
Its a 8/10 easy if you play it until you get bored of it.
A 5/10 if you force yourself through the whole thing.
always though it was weird how amanda looks nothing like her mother
>sound of alien entering and exiting the same vent five times in a row while you're trapped under a desk
good tension on the first playthrough and fantastic sound design and aesthetic, hope it gets a sequel
I freaking loved it. The atmosphere is top notch. The devs did a great job on bringing the Alien universe to life.
I never got passed the first encounter, when it drops out of the vent and scampers off, because I am a sloppy dripping pussy.
>can't cancel animations for cutting open metal panels
>hear alien busting out of the ceiling the exact second you take your blowtorch out
I can absolutely understand why it's divisive. It takes a long time to actually get started. The Alien can be cheesed with the flamethrower, especially on lower difficulties. It starts to feel very samey thanks to backtracking and repetitive gameplay.
However, despite all this I fucking love the game. It can throw you into the most tense situations and I genuinely found a thrill in outsmarting and outmanoeuvring the Alien. The environments and soundtrack are also stunning.
Bought it during the PS4 sale for €12 (my PC is shit) and I legit can't play it because of how scary it is. The design on those fucking Working Joe bots is nuts.
>Start is slow
>Really good atmosphere
>Cue angry dudes with guns
>Dull but fine
>Lorenz Systems lobby
What the fuck was that? I ran downstairs in panic and saved, thinking I could then plot out my move from the bottom of the hall. But no. It practically meant fucking game over if you crawled away in silence instead of trying to go around them straight away.
After a few tries I decided I wasn't going to waste hours on that shit and googled it and ended up dropping the difficulty to Potato and just hitting them with the fucking wrench. Immersion/atmosphere completely ruined and it's now been 6 months and I still haven't felt like playing it again.
I remember being pissed that there were androids and that the alien wasn't the sole threat like Alien. Turned out those fuckers were just as scary. Glad to be wrong.
I think you just suck user. I had trouble there first, you gotta experiment.
can't wait for the mod to fix vr support
Big disappointment. I was excited for it but the game is long straight corridors with scripted events. That's it. Boring.
On hard they had too realistic senses to the point where you actually could not get up to the lobby again without them instantly spotting you as soon as you tried to go up the staircase. Googling lead to someone mentioning trying to distract them with the comms or some shit but I honestly had no interest in even trying.
The thing is, I wanted a horror game, not a shitty stealth game. Of course they go hand in hand in that you do sneak away from whatever monsters you're trying to evade, but humans aren't scary. It's like playing a Metal Gear Solid without any of the interesting gameplay. Fuck that.
try that on normal or hard and see how easy it is then faggot.
>Run straight into 2 humans
>the alien jumps down just feet away
>run through a door like balls while the alien kills the other humans
>get into a locker
>alien breaks it open
Loved it, but I'm a huge fan of Blade Runner/Alien/Predator. That shit is my star wars/star trek.
>scripted events
What scripted events? The Alien is completely random with its own A.I.
So how is it scripted?
>scripted events
Its not scripted.
While I actually do like this game, that guy is right. And the ayy cant see you over waist height even on Nightmare mode.
But I did
Unpredictable Alien mod made me enjoy the game much more. One of the least enjoyable parts of vanilla game for me is the ridiculously short invisible leash that the alien is roped to you with
I know it's meant to increase the tension by always keeping the alien close by, but I thought it had the opposite effect of making the encounters too frequent, so after a while they end up more frustrating than tense
having the alium pretty much freeroaming the level at any given time made strategy more necessary in stealthing your way past it
Bad game everything about it is slow and plodding
crafting shit makes no sense
AI is dumb and abusable (tedious rather than fun)
they tried a system shock like approach where you backtrack a bit but every floor looks so similar you never get the sense you are in a different section and there really isn't anything to explore it may as well be completely linear instead.
the good points are that it looks and sounds great and the alien has never looked better in a videogame
that actually works on every difficulty
The alien is heavily scripted