Will you be getting Ruby's game next year?
Now that I have your attention, how do you think ArcSys is gonna handle the guns built into everyone's weapons? Especially with Ruby since Crescent Rose is both a sniper rifle and a shotgun.
Will you be getting Ruby's game next year?
Now that I have your attention, how do you think ArcSys is gonna handle the guns built into everyone's weapons? Especially with Ruby since Crescent Rose is both a sniper rifle and a shotgun.
>and a shotgun
I think her gun functions are going to be either extremely circumstantial or crazy OP, but I'm leaning towards the former to balance out how massive her normals are likely to be.
Also Ruby is cute and I hope your thread doesn't get deleted.
I'm expecting them to just be built into a special or two and their supers.
This. They will just be fireballs or have limited range like Noel's pistol normals. Depending on how they go around ranges, the scythe might be the problem. I know BB and maybe purseowner don't have gigantic hitboxes like Melty Blo-I mean, UNIB does, but taking away UNIB guys' huge normals actually puts a big hamper on their playstyle.
Anyways, Ruby is cute and I hope I can make a scythe team with her and Gordie.
>Sniper and shotgun
They'll give her Elphelt's command moves and it'll be really lame and I'll be super upset.
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby.
do you do you do you do you
Spriting the transforming weapons must be hell for the animators.
>no RWBYfags/anti-RWBYfags shitflinging contests
>thread dies inmediately
You just can't win, can you.
>at least one animator intern will be worked to death over this
>all because that shitface Mori's random whims
>game will suck and flop anyways
Because without anything to ACTUALLY talk about aside from pure speculation and said shit posting, there's no reason for these threads to remain.
I wish they gave us a timetable on when we can expect more info. I just want to see Ruby in action already.
We can speculate, post wishlists and , it's not all completely dead.
I just want to get fanart without having to go to /trash/, is that so bad?
I'm more curious on how weird Blazblue's character animations are going to look next to UNIEL's characters.
if i were to bet, its highly probable we get some info this TGS in september.
Man I totally forgot about TGS. I feel stupid now.
I'll give you ten bux the UNIB dudes get all neutered to put them at the ballpark of the BB guys.
Is RWBY worth watching? I got a buddy who watches it and loves it.
>how do you think ArcSys is gonna handle the guns built into everyone's weapons?
Case by case basis
Sniper stance a la Elphelt. Has a quick roll forwards (that goes into a lwo fast shot or a scythe mode attack), backwards (that still goes into the low shot or an anti air scythe attack), stright forward or angled upwards multihit shot, and a free aim mode. Has an air downward angle multishot attack that's stanceless.
No traditional "gun", instead can change her blade's properties by switching her dust "chamber". Has a special "release" command that acts as her projectile but puts that chamber on a short cooldown.
No gun special moves, instead it's used for several command normals (think Wesker's gun moves).
Limited ammo. Shotblast volley special that travel on multiple arcs depending on the strength (think something like Ingrid's fireballs but much faster). Can be mashed on start up for multiple arced volleys (again depending on the strength). Doing the motion without ammo does a quick reload animation. Reason for the limited ammo is that Yang can add extra damage to her attacks by double tapping a button during a special or holding it on a normal.
Still trying to work on the others, but that should cover the main girls.
And before anyone brings up autism, most of these were made up on the spot.
No, it's godawful
That's a web series, not a video game, so I dunno.
It looks like Ruby is the only contender from RWBY, so I hope that the rest of the cast is just singular representatives from a fuck ton of anime and game series.
Why would she be the only contender?
pretty good action and the plot/characters are ok. id say watch it until the teams are formed and you will have a good idea on if its for you or not.
Why wouldn't she be? It said "Ruby is on the way", not "RWBY is on the way".
They 3D model and pose prior, so that's the posing + proportions + flats all done right there. The rest is detailing each frame, which is tedious but doable.
I'm not saying it's not hard, but I'd hardly call it hell.
i want to fucking push ruby down on the floor and do her raw
She has equal billing with Ragna, Yu, and Hyde, all of whom are assuredly going to have other reps from their series. Not only that, she more or less shares equal importance with the other RWBY members in terms of canon. And third, RT themselves said they'd be announcing more RWBY characters soon if I remember correctly.
But she's underage.
The fight scenes are the only good part of the show, everything else is fucking terrible.
>he thinks he can out-chad the Great Chad of Inaba
He's going to Social her with his big, hot throbbing Link and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
The entirety of Volume 1 is only about 2 hours. You only need to watch about a quarter of that to determine whether you like it or not. I'd say to give it a go.
No Qrow no buy,
>And before anyone brings up autism, most of these were made up on the spot.
high speed autism then
They sound like solid implementations tho, good job
new rube
100$ says she doesn't get any character development in volume 5 either.
But Ruby is for Weiss only.
Really only the Blake and Yang ideas were recycled from my ever dead RWBY fightan idea.
One of the boobs is bigger than the other and that's bothering me, as well as the tiny legs. Do you have any pajama ruby?
Which jammies, the canon tank top or the non-canon kitty hoodie?
They are going to put Gun in just the way Monty dreamed they would.
Characters will have a "Gun" button similar to drives. Pressing the button during some attacks will fire the gun and modify the attack. Depending on the timing of the press the attack will change.
For example C will be a downward slash with scythe. Pressing Gun early will fire and change it to a poke. Pressing gun late will cause it to drag back after the swing.
All RWBY characters will have a variation of this mechanic.
the canon jammies are superior
I disagree, but they are both cute.
Monty was on an interview before his death and talked about how he wanted to make a fighting game.
The Gootecks and Mike Ross show on daily motion, episode 2.
Too complicated imo though give that to Ruby in the style of Mai-like button strings and it works.
Shit taste.
Probably, yeah.
I also think both are cute. Please post Kitty Rubes
There's not that many.
i would do anything to breed with you ruby
Thanks, user!
I know, that's why I asked. It's a shame because it's such a cute outfit
poor girl must be mentally handicapped, she's wearing that sweater backwards!
When will his reign stop
>protagonist of worst Persona
>reign anything
She doesn't know the difference between a truffle and a brussels sprout, go easy on her.
That's not SMT If...
she also has to remind herself how much 4 is in terms of people
Wait, when was this?
Honestly, I get the feeling that Ruby herself might become a cross of Ragna and Noel's playstyle. If not, then I think Yang might be the Noel playstyle.
When she and JN_R show up at the Inn in V4, she paused to count the people in her group
Which one has the best farts?
Pyrrha, very smokey
Would any RWBY character be able to fight a BB character toe to toe, canon wise? Like terumi, hazama, or amane?
Maybe some of the weaker ones like Litchi or Bullet. No way in hell they could handle the reality warpers
Ruby's character development is like, one degree less retarded than Goku's. In that she seems to actually give a shit about her friends as more than potential training punching bags and lunch providers.
Hmm. That might not be such a bad idea now that I think about it. Yang with Noel-styled easy rekka chains is a pretty interesting concept.
Is RWBY worth watching? I've never seen it before and this Ruby girl everyone posting is cute so I'm interested.
I've heard it's the kind of show that appeals to teenage girls so I'll probably enjoy it
>mfw this game will be the most well animated the RWBY characters have ever been
BB powerlevel is all over the place. Susano'o and Izanami could solo the other 3 series, but Litchi or Bullet is fairly weak
Oh, you caught that too? I literally just saw that today.
Do you like janky animation, ear-rending voice work, floaty, impactless 'action' sequences and a plot straight out of a weeaboos early 2000 deviantart account
If you, then look no further.
Reminder Ruby and Yang are half-sisters
You might. Try it out. The whole thing is on youtube. Just don't go in expecting anything higher tier than your average saturday morning cartoon. It's trashy, but it's fun trashy.
>When you're so stupid for years on end that you've never kissed your own wife whose the mother of your kids
Like god damn, their isn't a worse husbando to pick than goku.
>can they go toe to tor
Characters like terumi, izanami, susanoo, amane, could solo the rwbyverse, hell maybe ragna could too
>tfw i hate edgy shit, whether it's serious or self-aware
>but like sunanoo
God damn why is his design so fucking cool?!
Watching Super really ruined Goku for me. When I was a kid, I thought he was a moral, rightous person. Now that I'm older and less retarded, I see the truth. And Goku is a shit. No wonder people like Vegeta.
I have no idea how people still keep up with dragonball z. Why do people still like it
>Saying Chad can do anything against Ragna the pimpedge
Here user, have some Susan
>He doesn't like all sneks
>When I was a kid, I thought he was a moral, rightous person.
That was the Ocean dub.
>Ragna the pimpedge
>needs special glasses to get girls to care for him
LMAO though it'd be funny if they pull the Spectacles of Eros and have Ruby not be affected like Tao.
Ruby is not above lewdness. The chibi show makes a joke that she steals one of Blake's smutty romance novels specifically because it's smut.
UNIB charas would definitely be nerfed in this game because all of them have full screen normals.
>Waldstein and Gordeau in this game
Jesus fuck they're gonna be neutered so hard
The Chibi show is explicitly non-canon.
How come nobody has talked about real things like what Ruby's instant kill will be and what song will be playing for it, what her theme will be and if her corgi will meet hype dog? You guys are fucking useless. The only other question is who will molest Blake first, Noel,Taokaka or Ragna?
That was actually a big topic in the last non bait thread we had, and it will be either I May Fall or This Will be The Day.
Also fuck you Ragna a good boy and friend to all cat folks.
I just wanna hear a rendition of This will be the day and Let's Just Live by Daisuke Ishiwatari
>The only other question is who will molest Blake first,
Oh shit, do you think Relius will make it in with his Astral Finish?
Please, RWBY characters couldn't handle a low tier Devil May Cry character let alone a BlazBlue character.
>a low tier Devil May Cry
So Dante?
Here's a better question: how will the sneks and the homo bully the other series' cast
By stomping on them of course
I was thinking more like reboot Dante
I may fall is about battling even if you know your fucked, who the hell decided that to be an instant kill theme or Ruby's theme? WE all agree that Die should be her unlimited form's theme,right?
I'm pretty sure Daisuke isn't doing anything with this game, he's working on Xrd part 3 and DBF
No way will he be in, the amount of work just for his astral finish would be too annoying and the owners of those IPs might not like it even edgy sho wasn't allowed to actually cut the cast nor were anybody besides the persona 3 cast suppose to be shown bleeding or even hurt.
He's in the freezer and not a popular character, he won't get in either, Hazama will definitely be in but not Terumi
It will probably just be incorporated into their specials and supers like someone else said. Or at the very most act like BB Drives. Highly doubt they're going to design a completely new mechanic around it.