ITT: Sup Forums hall of shame

ITT: Sup Forums hall of shame
yes, this is worse than sending nintendo a thankyou card

>nintendo card
get fucked, Nintendo will aways remember Sup Forums and not reddit

gamergate irreparably ruined this site and led to Sup Forums becoming an even worse version of bronies and moot abandoning us

Moot was too good for us.


Moot was a cuck anyway
And not the meme kind, the actual kind

>not moot's hysterical reaction

>And not the meme kind, the actual kind
>he says as he uses it in the blanket meme insult manner

Isn't that tweet a joke?
One more thing...
Why am I supposed to care who this is?
How is this video games?

name ONE(1) thing wrong with what he said that isn't drawing a connection between it and the retarded interpretation by offsite retards like the one in the OP

shit this very thread is a testament to his comment on this board can't keep to talking about videogames