Oh, hi! Don't mind me. Just best weaponfu passing through

Oh, hi! Don't mind me. Just best weaponfu passing through.

Move aside, I have waifu to kill.


Not So Fast.

Better sword, from better game coming though.


step aside, chumps

Oh hai Mark.

Yeah I tried to change it up with the weapons but that was too good.

Weep at your imperfection

Has all the benefits of a Claymore but also shoots laser beams
Literal perfection

Those are tools to be used at disposal and are easily replaced.

Ludwig's Holy Blade is better on every way

this is a fine weapon

Low t.

But is it better in every way?

holy fuck i remember reading this wayyyy back.

I wish DeS wasn't the only game it was useful in.

My literal Guiding Moonlight

>using an arcane build
>being useless for the first 3/4 of the game
>investing into a specialized build that only works well for one weapon

Go strength, quality, dex, or go home.

get that glittery shit out of here


>being useless for the first 3/4 of the game
lol ok

Nibba I not only believe you responded to the wrong person but also think your shit is all retarded on top you of talking like a fag.
Never respond to my posts agian.

That's why Ludwig chose it over his namesake's weapon? LHB is canonically inferior

Shitter detected
Use Firebombs to assrape Casgoine, then rush the augur of Ebrietas with the flamesprayer, then pick up the Tonitrus too.
It's smooth sailing from that point onwards.

You can get the moonlight greatsword right after Vicar Amelia though

MLGS was a beast in DeS though. Pure high magic damage and went right through shields. It feels gimped and out of place in all the Dark Souls sadly.

Mine isn't nearly used enough in games.

fuck am I terrible? I couldn't beat most of the dlc till after Mergot

>mfw I went back to DeS and forgot It scaled with faith


nah, everything in the DLC hits like a truck and if you aren't good at dodgin the bosses can 2-hit you. I was able to clear it at level 35

>"The legendary large sword that reflects moonlight. Widely known in association with Moonlight Knight Bito. It's one of the few Revelations from God."

Magic users BTFO, sinful edgy shits should have opened their hearts to the lord.