Never played a Final Fantasy game before, where's a good place to start? Release order?

Never played a Final Fantasy game before, where's a good place to start? Release order?

FF6, Chrono Trigger, FF7

Since you're asking and too stupid/lazy to google:
13, 8, 10, 11, 15
If you really enjoy those, then jump into 13-1 and 13-2
The rest are the shitty ones but you can try them out in this order:

As someone who recently did that, fuck no. Final fantasy can be broken into eras of 3 games up till 13, so pick the one you would be most comfortable with and play the best of it. So 3 for 1-3 and old school JRPG, 5 for 4-6 introductionary atb, 7 for 7-9 more unique systems, and 12 10-12 modern JRPG-lites.


Here's your (you)

Start with Final Fantasy 4, then play 5, 6, 7, Tactics, 9, 12 and never look at the series again.

In order of how I'd play them:

Release starting with IV. Skip 13 and 2. 1 is good but I'd only play it to see how the series started. It lacks in many aspects, imo. Tactics is a fucking must.

If you want to start with the original, make sure you play the PS1 version. The GBA and PSP versions are not really the same game and don't offer an authentic experience.

The PS1 version remains true to the original while offering some nice improvements.

V for the best customization and RPG elements.
VI, VII, IX, X, and XII for story.
XI for story if you don't mind a monthly fee for a relatively dead MMO.
XIV if you like MMOs that aren't as dead with a not quite as good story.
I, maybe III for a history lesson in oldschoool JRPGs.
Just skip II, IV, VIII, XIII, and XV.


the gba remake of FF1 is nice and quite short, its the most basic FF game there is tho.

X is a good place to start gameplay-wise

4, 6, 7, 9 if you're a turbohipster, 10.

I like this post.

Is the GBA version of 5 the best one?


Play III on Famicom
That's it

start with the GBA remake of 1


GBA version of FF1 is literally the worst version

Viii not under story, confirmed for never playing it and hating on it because it's cool

I and III are cool as proto-V

II and IV are cool as proto-VI

IV is legit pretty good, but II is only worth playing for the sake of having played all of them.

>gba ff1 worst version
m8, you have no idea how hard they dropped the ball with the mobile FF ports

There's pretty much no good answer to this, has the best advice in the thread so far though. There's no "correct" place to start just know that 2, 13, and 15 are generally considered much worse than the rest for a variety of reasons, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 are wildly different from the rest of the games so if you like one of those it doesn't necessarily equate to liking the rest of the series, and 11 and 14 are MMOs and 12 is an offline MMO before someone else makes that joke

Start with 6, 7 or 9. Once you beat those, play through Tactics with as little guidance as possible. It's a fucking masterpiece.


>everyone becomes a useless background character by disc 3
>story can't outweight the incredibly shitty gameplay choices like level scaling enemies
no fuck you, the game's shit.

>Release order?

Yes. Disregard all the "enhanced port" / remake faggots. Just play the originals like everybody else did.

FF Origins is probably the only one I'd recommend, because it does fix all the bugs. But it further casualizes the games. The GBA, PSP and mobile ports casualize them even further.

IV - PSP (2D)/PC (3D)
VII through XI - PC
XII - PS4 (inevitable PC port)
XV - PS4 (inevitable PC port)

With PPSSPP and mGBA you can the best versions of them all (bar XII and XV for the time being) on PC

Master list of best versions of each Final Fantasy, for the benefit of newcomers to the franchise:

FF1: PS1
FF2: PS1
FF7: PS1
FF8: PS1
FF9: PS1
FF10: PS2

Haven't played the FF12 remaster but the visual changes I've seen are all terrible so I would stick with PS2 there as well.

Order doesn't really matter, I'd probably just do release order.

Play 4, 5, 6, Tactics (my fav), 7, 9, 10, and 12. 8 is optional and if throw Chrono Trigger in there after 6.

Every other FF is pure trash.

Doesn't the PC port of VII have shit sound quality?


Isn't there some thing where depending on your region 2 is actually 4 or vice versa?

That's also the only one I've really liked apart form Tactics.

>Haven't played the FF12 remaster but the visual changes I've seen are all terrible
You're joking, right? It's an improvement in literally every single way. It's not like the FFX remaster where some of the models look wonky

Wrong for every single game.

why would you willingly torture yourself with the original release of 2

I dunno about VI for GBA, the Wooly translation and the glitchy broken messes you can exploit are a big part of why it's so good.

The added depth of field and changed lighting look horrible, as does the shitty smudge effect they added to the """""upscaled""""" textures. The original version looks massively superior.

no you

>It's an improvement in literally every single way

>removing liberties with the license grid is an "improvement"
>poorly upscaled models that still look like a PS2 game is "improvement"
>this is what Zodiac Age shills actually believe


Any game is fine, though I would say the pre-X games would be the best place to start since things weren't shaken up too much with the gameplay then. From X and up, the series has more greatly experimented with how the combat work and character customization.

FFII, FFIII, and FFV didn't get released outside of japan until much later, so when FFIV did get released outside of japan, it was called FFII. When FFVI came out here, it was called FFIII. All the rereleases fixed this so if you buy the DS remake of FFIV it's called FFIV everywhere, same with the GBA port of VI. The only place where this isn't the case is the SNES classic still calls FFVI FFIII

Basically it's a non issue unless you're looking for the SNES versions of FFIV or FFVI

What liberties? The previous version of the Zodiac was far more limiting.

Don't forget all the good shit is still either a 0.01% drop or the materials to make the good shit are 0.01% drop rate.

1 & 2 are better on PSP.
The DS version of 3 was ported to PSP with superior visuals and optional turbo mode.
4 on PSP is superior to DS unless you prefer hideous low-poly to crisp sprites for some reason. Any version is better than the DS one.
6 on SNES has a million bugs, the GBA version with music patch is objectively better.

>>removing liberties with the license grid is an "improvement"
what does that have to do with graphics
>>poorly upscaled models that still look like a PS2 game is "improvement"
They're the cutscene models put into gameplay. How is that not an improvement over the ps2 version? Are you actually mentally disabled? At least the other guy had actual points

I can understand disliking the DoF but the lighting is a big improvement, especially with the way materials are rendered now. The texture thing is subjective, I think the new textures look better even if they're a bit blurry. In some places they're straight up better


gr8 comparison m8

The only visual thing I don't like is that anytime something moves, the entire screen gets blurry as all fuck and you can't see what's going on, so any action heavy cutscenes are a fucking mess. Other than that, the details and models look great.

You don't really need a bigger image than that to see the remaster is less blurry in that instance

here you go, OP.

>1 & 2 are better on PSP.
Wrong, they casualised the core gameplay mechanics in the GBA and PSP versions, making those versions pointless. The PSP version also looks like shit, the art style of the sprites is horribly misjudged
>The DS version of 3 was ported to PSP
The PSP version of 3 is actually a port of the iOS version which was a port of the DS version. Nothing was "improved", and it lacks the dual screen functionality of the original game
>4 on PSP is superior to DS
Debatable, but the PSP version of 4 is ridiculously easy and like the PSP version of 1 it has some pretty ugly sprites.
>6 on SNES has a million bugs, the GBA version with music patch is objectively better.
GBA version fucks up the colors, gives less visible screen space and the music patch does not match the original SNES sound. The bugs in the SNES version are not game-breaking so there is no need to have a worse experience just to fix them

>casualised the core gameplay mechanics
>of Final Fantasy fucking 2
In other words, they made it playable.

IV: A more simplistic entry that has a great story and is a good showcase for the early-era FF games.

VI: Fan favourite; often regarded as the best in the entire franchise.

VII: Same as VI; often considered one of the best games in the series. The 3D graphics outside of battle are ugly as sin, but the game is great everywhere else.

X: More linear than other games, but a good introduction into more modern games in the series.

XIV: The Heavensward expantion alone makes this worth playing. It's an MMO though so it's not good at representing the series as a whole.


XIII: Horrible. Linear to the point of being comical; you literally spend 90% of the game running in a straight line.

VIII: This one is a love / hate game. The junction system is annoying and the story is pretty weak and relies on too many dumb coincidences. It's worth trying, but a bad place to start.

XV: Another mixed opinion game. The combat feels like it plays itself, the story feels unfinished and has horrendous pacing. Majority of the game is watching the car drive you from point A to B or waiting for fast travel loading screens.

>skip IV the best final fantasy


i hope you faggots aren't serious for agreeing with this set of lists. SNES era best era. Any FF without a world map isn't FF. Fuck the newer shit. Meant to put 12 on first list, cuz 11 doesn't really count, its good mmo but not really ff. kys OP

Steam version of VII fixed the bullshit midi audio from the original PC release.

>great story
That's really pushing it.


Seems fair.

Can people stop telling other to skip VIII already. It's not the best in the series, but people should stop acting like it's garbage.
It still has the best OST in the series, best summons, best towns, best optional content and dungeons, best mini game etc. and some of the best moments in the series. The hate on the junction system is just retarded. You can break the game just as easily as other games and people who say that you have to farm shit or something just never even played it.
If you liked hte characters or story is all up to the player.The ending is still one of the more interesting ones of all of them though

Just start with VII OP

>FF thread
Please no, it's just people telling each other how shit everything that isn't their objective opinion is. In FF nothing is allowed, it's either you like one game 10/10 and hate everything else or nothing

4, 5, 6 for 2d
7, 8, 9, maybe X for 3d
Try 11 and 14 if you don't have a hate thing against MMOs. People blindly hate them but 11 and 14 have some of the best stories in the series, let alone side content and bossfights.
If you want to be on the save side just play the mainline games in order, you won't get a clear "opinion" in Final Fantasy threads anyway

Superior list coming through.

I'm not sure which you should play first, but I can definitely tell you which ones to avoid.


I liked 8 a lot, but in fairness someone new to FF does not want to start with it because it's polarizing as fuck.

>You can break the game just as easily as other games
Now realtalk, I agree with you with you that VIII is not an absolutely terrible game, but the junction system is probably the most broken system in the entire series because unlike games like V where you at least have to put some thought and maybe some grinding before you can break the game wide open the junction system breaks the game just by using it in its intended way. Like, I appreciate the idea behind the system and the raw theory behind it is cool but the actual implementation is awful, it feels like the game just plain wasn't balanced around junctioning to stats AT ALL, let alone junctioning 100 Firagas to attack, or, heck, even 100 basic Fires. The game is pretty much a cakewalk until the end of disc 3 at the absolute earliest unless you ACTIVELY AVOID using the entire game's active gimmick, something that no other game in the series has accomplished.

That said it's still worth picking up just for the music and the setpieces alone.

It's VI but worse in every conceivable way.


>being old enough to have played 4 before 6 existed so this argument is completely invalid

> Tetra MAster the worst thing since the holocaust


>ignores FF3 entirely
>spoilers everywhere
This isn't too helpful for a first time player

And it's incredibly outdated for FFXI, XIV, and XV

Play I-XII

The mmos are a mess to play alone.

13 a shit and so is 15.

>The mmos are a mess to play alone.
FFXI can be played like FFXII now except with no real control over the rest of your party

>13 a shit and so is 15.
13 is still a better FF game than 15

Well it isn't invalid now and hasn't been for the past 23 years.

>The mmos are a mess to play alone.
Depends on which one. 11 pretty much made it that you needed a party for many of the quests, whereas 14 allows you to solo a lot of things, and only requires parties in certain cases.

I've been playing them in release order. There's nothing really special about 1 except that it's the first. 3 is very similar to it in structure but with a job system which is a bit more interesting. I hated 3 though. Either would be ok as an entry to the early games.

2 is very different from any of the others. Not a great place to start, it's not really a final fantasy, it's what became SaGa. I liked it a lot though.

4 is a great place to start because it has quite an interesting story and a diverse cast to experiment with. 6 is similar in that regard and probably the best one I've played yet.
5 has very little story but a great and very fun job system. Perhaps not representative of the entire series in which job system games are in the minority, but the gameplay is probably the most fun out of any I've played.

7 is great in terms of the story and the way it's presented. Well paced, hard to get bored as you move on quickly, no need to grind. The gameplay is terrible though, very barebones in comparison with most of the other titles. There's lots of mini-games though, if you want those.

That's as far as I've got. I'd probably say start with 4 or 6.

VI, VII and Tactics are usually regarded as the best in the series. If you play any FF games you should play those three.