Tfw you like linear story driven games and your tired of being shamed by Sup Forums for it

>Tfw you like linear story driven games and your tired of being shamed by Sup Forums for it.

Who's with me?
Nothing wrong with enjoying as an interactive movie and caring about story and characters.

You should be ashamed for taking a bunch of anonymous faggots on the internet so seriously

>Nothing wrong with enjoying as an interactive movie
then make it a cg movie already, and stop boring me with shitty padded content inbetween the interesting bits.
TLOU couldn't be more generic in its gameplay if it tried. Those stealth sections were absolutely horrible. Same goes for Uncharted and their ""adventure""" climbing shit.
There's a reason action movies are 90mins long. Don't try to make an action movie game thats 6-7hrs if you can't be bothered to put in the time

Enjoy them if you want but understand that you are a joke to both people playing real games and people reading real literature.

>Enjoy them if you want but understand that you are a joke to both people playing real games and people reading real literature.

A game can have a B movie plot and make it feel like a masterpiece, it's so much better than movies and TV just by adding interaction.

Just remember most people on Sup Forums don't even play games, so who cares what they think.

I like some of them. It's really only a problem if every dev is making them thus saturating the market. There was a time when every major release was trying to be uncharted/last of us. Nowadays it's all about open world.

I prefer them over open-worlds now. Fuck all that filler content.

Literally nothing wrong with linear experiences, as long as the gameplay holds up. I think TLOU handles gameplay really well and it feels weighty and impactful, at least compared to uncharted where every gun has the recoil of an airsoft

Well the thing is the gameplay is filled with tension brought on by the narrative and i think they can only make it better with the second game so there is nothing Sup Forums should shame you for.

TLOU is a pretty good example of a linear game done right. It's linear as fuck, but the levels are usually very large and give you room to explore. They made that even better in Uncharted 4 where you can probably spent hours in some levels (especially the whole Madagascar part is almost a semi open world).
"Linear" doesn't always mean Call of Duty linear (even if Modern Warfare 1 has more open levels than the later games who were literally on rail the whole time).

I think most people on here prefer linear games after MGSV forever ruined open world games for many people.

Good story and characters are find unless they are spoiled by boring and generic gameplay. Which is what usually happens because no company bothers to make everything perfect.

Also, video game stories are always painfully average. At least to those who have read/watched a real story for once.

Many games does Characters right but the stories are forgettable. TLOU for example, Joel and Ellie are great Characters, even the side Characters are interesting, but the overall story is your bland average zombie apocalypse textbook.

Or Mass Effect 2, horrible written main story who makes no sense in the context of the whole Saga, but they focused completely on the character arks and the actual story mission is only 5 or so missions long and it's the most beloved and best rated game in the Franchise.

>Sup Forums complains about open world games
>Sup Forums complains about linear story driven titles
>Sup Forums complains about japanese games
>Sup Forums complains about MMOs
>Sup Forums complains about fighting games

What the fuck does Sup Forums like?

>but the overall story is your bland average zombie apocalypse textbook
story =/= setting. TLOU had a great story, people still argue about whether the ending was justified all the time.

ME2 you are right though, the story was filler and everything was meant to be resolved for real in the third game

Open world was great when it was still a novelty.

Having a linear game expand into an open world, with a couple of RPG elements, character building via skills and a few side quests was a really interesting prospect.

Howevber, most developers can't fucking build worlds anymore. The quests are bland, the character building shallow and the world just feels empty.

I started playing a couple more linear games like Metro and I've fallen back in love with linear story driven games.

Interactive movie is unironically my favorite genre. See, I can't ever get into any movie because of how short they are. I don't like endings, they make me upset, so a media existing where a movie can extend over 40+ hours and have all kinds of extra content within it is right up my alley. Second favorite genre is open world like BOTW with minimal story (or, heavy story, but not heavy that it constantly berates you for doing side quests first) and lots of shit to do.

Being linear and story driven is not a problem per se. But at least the story should be attached to a good game, i.e. not shit like TLOU, Uncharted, etc.

>all these idiots pretending Uncharted has bad gameplay

fuck off retards

He's got a point though. Mostly because the way numales hyped up TLOU

I think your biggest mistake was thinking that every linear story driven game is seen as an interactive movie. Here's a protip: if the only choice you can make is what "your" character says, it's a movie.

People who think linearity is a criticism are fucking retarded.

But games like The Walking Dead and Life is Strange are still garbage because they intentionally misrepresent their linearity.

>Sup Forums is one person
Damnnnnnn my neurons!! my neurons are firingggg, mom help!! this really made my thinking thigs think AAAAAAA MOM MY NEURONS ARE FIRINGGGGGGG

thats a loooong jump

it's a videogame

If this clip is so exemplary of its potential, how come the player still gets shot so many times? It makes it look like you have to play it as a bullet sponge.

I like them and it is good to have games like that. However, they should remain a small group of games, not a standard for other games to follow. Because video games in general should not look like that.

Why don't more people play point and click adventure games? They're story driven but don't feel like a movie either, it's the perfect mix of writing and gameplay.

Don't even call them interactive movies, they're games; and the best kinds of games at that!

Stop aqcuiescing to this fucking board!

>Nothing wrong with enjoying as an interactive movie and caring about story and characters.
Except for the fact that movies do that better on a fundamental level and so all you're doing it actively lessening your potential enjoyment for yourself, while also misdirecting career paths for others, by pushing this linear movie-games fuckery.

What is the point of being the retarded little brother of hollywood. Just consume hollywood. I know the neogaf audience is low IQ modern liberals, but at some point you're going to have to realize this.

There is a reason you cannot find one single enthusiast of movie-games that is competent within the industry as a whole. It's made for retards. It attracts retards. Stop being a retard, that should do the trick.

>fuck, why isn't the human race a hivemind?
And today, little Timmy goes out to the real world and realizes the entire world isn't like his parents agreeing to every single he says or likes just for the merits of being Timmy.

The very fact that you use this as an example of good gameplay invalidates any assumptions you were making in the first place.

>muh flash over substance
>I like superficial visual shit over actual mechanics
>in this """"interactive"""" media


Whilst I do enjoy well crafted, linear stories. There has to be a decent amount of gameplay to supplement the story. If there's little gameplay, or the gameplay is redundant and boring, the devs may as well have just made a 2.5 hour long CGI movie. I might be a littler biased here, but I feel that games like MGS3 or even the 6th generation James Bond titles pull off this balance between story and gameplay quite well.

The irony in that picture with your comment is gold, mate. Go back r/tlou


nothing wrong with that op but this game's story and characters are just bland. anyone can guess the whole plot in the first 10 minutes. just watch an actual movie instead



i'm sorry you have never watched actual movies. this is the only way you can find this story interesting

it's almost...
as if...
Sup Forums is made up...
of multiple people...

The Last of Us is true kino due to it's superior storytelling. It's a masterpiece that surpassed all other video game media and transcended into the realm of pure art. Only Bloodborne comes close.

You're missing the point, movies don't have any interactivity at all while cinematic games at least have some, either action or puzzles. Watching a blockbuster movie is boring because it's a passive experience, sure vidya writing quality is usually worse but that's besides the point. People want to feel like they're in the movie, vidya still offers an experience that you can't get with TV or movies.

Nah, still prefer Uncharted and MGS story to both those.

It depends which ones you're into OP.

good interactive movies:

- shadow of the colossus
- ico
- journey
- limbo
- abzu
- rime

bad interactive movies:

- modern cod
- uncharted
- the order 1866
- bioshock infinite
- fallout 4
- the battlefront reboot

inb4 hipster, when I want an interactive movie I want it good

TLoU is a good game
Sup Forums is all bark and no bite when it comes to this game. just look at this thread, no worthwhile criticism at all.