Why haven't you purchased a daki of your favorite video game girl, yet?

Why haven't you purchased a daki of your favorite video game girl, yet?

There isn't one and I'm uncertain about spending commission money.

Both fair points, I suppose.
I would certainly purchase one if I ever found the right one, though.

All the ones I want are semi obscure and only exist on low quality chink sites and I'm afraid of getting ripped off.

I dunno. It's not that I wouldn't like one or anything, but I can't really see myself getting one, I guess.

Doesn't exist, at least not in a quality that I'm happy with.

I can't entirely justified it

I wonder how much it would cost to commission one of her, anyway?
And how much it would cost to commission one that looks like her canon, in game art.

I wouldn't want to make the daki of my favorite anime girl uncomfortable

I wouldn't want my family to find it.
You can find plenty of dirt cheap but quality SE asian artists on dA

>on dA
Really? dA? You're joking, right?
You could always hide the daki.

I want a doomslayer daki.

Because I'm not gay, you fucking fruitbowl.

Because my waifu isn't originally from a video game.

>Really? dA? You're joking, right?
Yes, not everything there is shit as you seem to think, I've seen a lot of waifu fags get their dakis done there.
>You could always hide the daki
I'd be scared of them seeing it when it arrives in the mail, heh.

This, only there are literally none

I don't want to have to hide it.

>hiding it

I have, but I just found a good Jap porn artist that draws nice robotgirls and commissioned it from him.

i still live with my parents since it helps me save a ton of money and they're old and need help

i don't see my quality of life improving a whole lot with one either

Have any recommendations for artists, then?
Does Sup Forums have Daki threads that I can ask about this on?

>I'd be scared of them seeing it when it arrives in the mail, heh.
Well, I can understand that. I think UPS allows you to pick up deliveries, but you'd have to call and ask about it.

Do you still play FE:Heroes?
I gave up a while ago, to whale-y for me.

I didn't like the way her's looked.

I still have some limits.

I have one for my idol waifu but I can't find one I like for Chiaki

I do yeah. Felicia is my pet project. I want to make her as strong as possible.

I haven't had any problems with Heroes yet financially, they give out a lot of free orbs and steadily release content that's beatable with 3* and 4* units as long as you tactics hard enough.

Because I'd have to comission one since there aren't any official ones, and I don't think any fanartist could draw Fuuka faithfully.

Ditch it. Dakis are very comfortable to sleep with.

Nah, see, if anyone or anything else is in the bed, I can't sleep. Its just impossible.

>Have any recommendations for artists, then?
A lot of people like the artist kimmy77 since he tries to emulate the official artstyle as close as possible, and he only does it for like 70 bucks
>Does Sup Forums have Daki threads that I can ask about this on?
There's the buyfag threads but that's different. A lot of anons on the drawthreads are very knowledgeable about this stuff, however

That sucks. I'm used to it because I've always slept with my teddy bear all my life. Now I have him, a froggy, and a daki to hold at night.

>more than 1 waifu


Anyone know where I can get a daki of Elenor from PSO or an artist that is good at drawing robot girls?

>tfw want daki but have no waifu

I can't get a gf in real life why can't I get a make-believe gf

You just haven't found her yet.

She'll find you one day, user. Whether it's 2D or 3D.

Normalfags buy dakis of random anime girls all the time just for laughs. It's no longer a weirdo thing for hardcore serious waifufags

Yeah this is it.

Don't rush it, love is something that finds you, and when it does it will bring you happiness like no other.
Patience is a virtue, user.

No official daki

Other than that, I hope I can get the ones from VNs one day

I've never seen an EO daki

There's one of the Napier sisters from EO3

Anymore I just want something to cuddle with at night. can a plain bodypillow provide the same amount of comfort?

Wow pretty hot
Protector or Fortress only sorry

She'll find you someday, user!
It's okay. Just use your imagination a bit.

>plain body pillow.

so....a normal pillow?
I guess that would work.

>sex hair
Good taste

Because I still have something resembling dignity and self respect.

p-pls respond

n-no! that's too lewd marisafag!
keep your love PURE!


But I do user, I have 4 different.

Sadly at the moment I only got stuffing for 1 of them as I can't afford it for the others, so the other 3 covers hang on the wall. Looks quite nice though.

I honestly thought about buying a daki of a fat 2hu a few years back, but the thought of buying it, let alone having it ship to America and having other people see it, put me off. Otherwise not really. Don't have a waifu, don't plan on getting a girlfriend, just plan on staying forever by myself.

They have fat dakis?

Yeah. Look up Horic Works. He gets pixiv artists (and in one case, Trinity_fate) to make dakis for limited releases. If you've got pixiv, look up these numbers.

no pic no proof

The dakis on the wall, happy? Not sure why I would lie about something like that.

someone is a sucker for the blue heads

Any recommendations for cheap artists to commission dakis from?

What the hell do you do when you have a girl over? How do you explain it?

>not dating the kind of girl who would just laugh and brush it off

>What the hell do you do when you have a girl over?
Why would I have a girl over?

Girls are the best people to play Mario Party with because they aren't opposed to back stabbing and treachery.

>because they aren't opposed to back stabbing and treachery.

Or you can do what I do and be a total ass to your friends to the point where they all work together to try to make you lose, only to laugh as they fail.

Man you are lucky and don't know it. The world is your oyster user, buy up all the dakis you want and don't worry about the waifu being jealous. Hug all the girls!


I can never hate on the thicc my friend. Excellent taste

Did you cut that apart -_-?

not bad, but I like the cowgirl design more

I have though!
I'm going to marry felix!

>I can never hate on the thicc
Fix'd that for you

I feel ya. Sometimes I wish I were mentally unstable enough to latch onto a waifu. There are plenty of anime girls I adore, but waifu laifu doesn't do it for me.

Is Felix castrated to keep him nice and docile?

>Not wanting your cat boyfriend to mount and claw you whenever he feels his urges come.


I've lost count how many I have

If I still lived alone I'd consider it, but I have too much shame as it stands. Besides, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and can't find anything that I like.

Already did

Nice taste.

This post is supposed to be ironic, right?

Why would someone with a gf have need for a daki? For attention? For laughs? This always made me genuinely curious

me and my bf both have two, they're comfy to have around you and are just big pillows

I'd love to get this even if it was a bootleg

Also call me a fag, but i'd want a daki of Krystal as well, i'd just want one that has a better look than the couple i've seen, that and not being completely nude

>they're comfy to have around you and are just big pillows
But you can just get a regular body-sized pillow from the store, from much cheaper too. Why do you need one with a character on it?

>Why do you need one with a character on it?
cause they're cute
why wouldn't you want your waifu on a pillow

how do you explain a monstergirl pillow to a normie?

Why do you need a waifu when you have a gf/bf

she's wearing animal ears and a furry tail buttplug
it's that easy

something to sleep on when they're not around, or just sleep on in general while they're doing stuff

Where do you guys get your dakis? Asking for a friend

the reverse is a better question

Unless you think waifus are just tools or holdovers or something normalfaggy like that

>Unless you think waifus are just tools or holdovers or something normalfaggy like that

I don't

I just don't think people who have real-life gf/bf can love a character the same way as someone who doesn't have one

I'm not sure but my grandma loves it.