Do you feel bad for Wheatley?

Do you feel bad for Wheatley?

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no fuck that bastard for killing Johnson

>wheatley killed Cave Johnson
source:my ass

A little bit but you can't protect people from themselves.

Cave died from huffing moonrock to get high

Did you play the game?
Also will we get a sequel with a Gervias and Pilkington ball thing too?

Only because I enjoy Stephen Merchant.

i feel very bad that this unfunny reddit character was added to give unneeded company to the player and ruin the whole game

No he bullied Karl Pilkington too much.

>chassis like a fucking orange

>thinking Karl is pure
>not knowing that karl is an absolute cunt to work with
>not knowing that karl took a call for someone asking Stephen to do some VA work and then not telling him about it before it was too late

I feel bad for the stalemate button desu it didnt no nothing wrong

I feel sort of bad. He was a likable character and it was nice hearing all his lines.
I think its debatable whether he actually turned evil out of actual malice or if it was due to the same reasons glados went crazy and killed everyone.
I did feel sad at the end cutscene in space

No, I don't have a source on me, but currently Rickey and Karl are kinda estranged right now.

Guess all the making fun thing kinda got to Karl.

All I'm saying is, do we really need portal guns?

No. Fuck Wheatley.

How would the portal gun be useful for day-to-day life?
>Have to go to the place you want to go to first
>Can't close only one portal so it's either opening up access to anyone or not using it at all
>Too big to lug around with
All I can see is that it's an instahome button, but even that is worth nothing since you're still carrying a large, presumably heavy machine with you


In the context of the game, it can't be used on any surface the isn't covered in moon dust.
So it wouldn't be useful at all.

It can be used on any surface which has desired flatness. Moon dust was the only component that had properties of creating desired flatness to any surface being dispenced on in gel form. So it wasn't a necessary component in creating portal-able surface.

All he wanted to do was prove he wasn't an idiot but ends up fucking everything up anyways
>tfw this is too relatable

Hey, he got him tickets for concerts and a keg of beer!

>"uhhh... true! That was easy!"
>All the Frankenturrets scream in pain

I loved this scene about how much an idiot he was.