>next time dont pirate the game ;)
>just follow this video man
>This file has either been removed by the author or for copyright reasons.
>you must be signed in to see links
>reinstall your drivers
>pulled the file down to update it
>last posted Oct 3rd 2006
>nvm I figured it out
>you must confirm your email to see links
>[post deleted]
>>thanks, this worked for me
>0 seeders
> It runs fine on my intel 7700k/GTX 1080 ti
>.rar with password
>never had this problem
unironically this
Amazing desu
>ad redirect nested inside another ad redirect
>link points to a dead site
>windows related issue
>support forums with mega threads that span literal decades
>cookie cutter posts from moderators that never help the situation
>command prompt flashs for a second
*locks thread*
>this video is not available in your country
>just connect to gamespy to get the patch bro
This is the funniest shit when pirate repack a quarter of the size gives me better performance and overall experience.
Between that and sjw shit I sip expensive whiskey whilst pirating.
If I wanted to be cucked constantly I could have made a smaller initial investment and bought a console.
I have those exact specs and there are games that were crashing on me last month:
Rising Storm2
>People have valid criticism of a game
>All criticism is lumped together as a hate mob against the devs and banned
>I will send you the solution in pm
>Your account does not have permission to download files
Neocoders are dogshit. They are either quota hires for affirmative action or barely literate pajeets on visa.
>You must donate to access the VIP boards
please disable adblock
This is why the best games will only be made by small companies, so people with actual MERIT are the only ones contributing
I can already feel the blood boiling.
>please disable adblock
>This is the funniest shit when pirate repack a quarter of the size gives me better performance and overall experience.
This actually was the case for me with some of the Assassin's Creed games where the DRM/Uplay would give me awful micro stuttering.
>you must have been a member for 1 month to view this thread
>just format and reinstall windows
>rapidshare link
>megaupload link
>i have this problem...
>[Thread locked] moderators note:we have multiple threads on this, try searching first
>All such threads identical, none with a solution
>Find one that isn't locked
>Reply and make mention of no other threads having a solution
I hate PC gaming so fucking much sometimes.
>adfly link
>bit ly
>You must have at least 25 posts to add or view file downloads
>"Just paste this poem as a .txt file inside the game folder and it'll fix the bug"
>it actually works
>You must have at least 50 karma to view this forum
I remember when anti-adblock software was just a meme.
>update required
>35 gigabytes
>download requires a premium account
>you can download it as a free user
>please wait 30 seconds ;)
>download restricted to 50kb/s
Fucking link shorteners and ad links. Why don't those niggers just post the fucking link? They will probably make only pennies from ad links, god damn faggots make me furious.
>After a logn search, a single post describing your exact issue down to the smallest detail
>"Use the search function"
>thread locked
>filesize 60gb
>est compleition Nov 4th 2365
There's adbock blocker blocker tho
>just make an empty folder in the game's main directory called zo3mo4
>the fuck
>try it
>it works
I believe this was the fix to have DFO launch windowed back when Nexon ran it.
Could you elaborate? What extension does this?
what about adblock blocker blocker blockers?
There are lists for it
>fake ads all over the page YOUR DOWNLOAD IS COMPLETE
Instead of taking several minutes going through a back-and-forth with me where you just jerk me around, could you take several seconds to just give me the name of a good extension?
How dumb do you have to be to fall for those
Click the wrong button.
>Downloading [name of thing you want].exe...
>public transit
>more than once I heard an old person talking about those "your device is infected!" ads very seriously
Old people, I guess.
>download crashes
>you have to wait 12 hours to try again
>The only one having a fix for your problem made a tutorial on youtube
>Recorded himself with 240p unregistered hypercam2 clicking through windows folders while taking in a thick barely-english accent through his $5 mic while loud nu-metal plays in the background