Why aren't you donating to this emulatorkino?

Why aren't you donating to this emulatorkino?


>Demon's Souls already completely playable
>RDR being playable soon

Other urls found in this thread:


>FPS 3.11

That pic is extremely old from google images, sorry.

and yet it's still accurate for the vast majority of games

I dont want to, fucking shill.


>le kino
Do everyone a favor and stop breathing.

Why did the "No Gaems 3" get a working emulator before the 360?

Every worthwhile 360 exclusive is on PC already

>paying to pirate

only if it can run JoJo ASB


also Eyes of heaven

holy shit

>Requires a 6700k just to make it playable



How does it fair with Red Dead Redemption?

Demons Souls is cool but with no online, I'm not interested.

Would like to see some of the following:
>Sonic Unleashed
>Dragons Crown

>Why aren't you donating
I hope you are one of the devs, because shilling for someone else's e-begging campaign is just pathetic.

That's one of the things that will change in time, but yeah, it's going to be a problem for a while. Still, the fact that progress is being made is good enough

Do you know how the cracked it so fast? a while ago almost everything was completely unplayable.
Now almost everything is fully playable. What happened?

>not AMD with 8c/16t Ryzens
That's why.

they made a post about how nier was making good progres. not completely playable though yet afaik

>implying there's anyone left online

Yeah, Ninja Gaiden II too, right?
Casual scum.

I already have a hacked PS3 and there's no way my PC could do a better job emulating.

NGII and Ace Combat 6 are the only games I would consider getting a 360 for, there's a dearth of other titles.


Fuckin' called it last night

>donating for a emulator

>Like what someone's doing
>Give them a one time donation for their hard work and enjoyment they've given me

Damn son you're right what a retard I am

Has anyone tried if MGS4 is playable? On their site it says loadable but its over 5 months old

>what a retard I am
well at least you're open about it

So what's your idea that will allow developers to work on an emulator full time?

>paying for consoles

>enjoyment they've given me
1 shitty port of a game from 8 years ago? You couldn't have just made a one time payment for a used PS3?

I would and they seem to use the money at least 10x more efficiently than the fucking cemu cunts but i'm also a cheapskate.

>PCfats pay money to emulate 11 year old hardware

Holy shit, you guys are ultra cucks.

>Pcbros spent a decade bashing the PS3 because of the no game meme
>Now they are happy they will play RDR at 6fps


Honest question, does the PS3 even have anything worth emulating?

Because I've already played that shit like 10 years ago

There is no proof "full time" level income would even speed up the development process at all. There is no overseeing the progress.


Just a heads up, all the main day stages of Sonic Unleashed are moddable into Sonic Generations if that's what you're looking for.

>Now almost everything is fully playable
This is still very untrue. Hell, MGS4 for example doesn't even boot.

I mean that's up to you to decide, but there are a lot of exclusives and multiplats that never saw PC release. HD versions of the MGS games, the Yakuza series, the Infamous games, Killzone, Resistance, Last of Us, Persona 5, NieR Gestalt/Replicant, Armored Core, Demon's Souls, RDR, Gran Turismo, whatever.

MGS4 especially runs at a resolution of Hot Trash x Sticky Mess.

If I wanted to play PS3 games I'd dust off the PS3 in my cupboard.

>3 fps


>Not having Amd PCs & CFW PS3

Stop it bros those games are exclusive

We can finally like Demon's Souls bros!

>launch DMC HD Collection
>get to title screen
>freezes and crashes after pressing start

what do

wtf I love emulation now.

>Amd PCs


>donating before downloading an emulator

>donating money to development of an emulator
>rather than just using that money to buy the hardware, which already runs the games you want

Am I missing something here? Wow, congrats on playing games I beat ten years ago. Hope it moves faster than 10 fps by 2027

Is it possible to emulate OS, the XMB, by itself?

30 minutes later and I'm playing Jojo on my PC on a solid 30 FPS. What a time to be alive.

I do get massive audio issues in fights. The video shown has none. Is there a way to fix it?


>Two months ago check compatibility page
>almost 70 games fully playable
>check it now
these guys are really cranking out huh.

And soon (patreon goal) they will have the graphics guy working full time

I'm not sure if I should keep buying games that I missed out on PS3 or just wait longer for this to make more progress.

not really vulkan is the man

>Yeah, Ninja Gaiden II too, right?
ninga gayden 2 is on ps3 as well


>Am I missing something here?

Why emulate PS2 when you can just use the actual hardware? Why emulate SNES when you can just use the actual hardware?

Answer is convenience and in the case of 3D games the potential to look better

>console fags calling others cucks
le irony

>>Dragons Crown
fullly playable
>>>Sonic Unleashed
nigga you what?

why aren't buying 99 dead console instead of emulating them fucking fag lol

>Tfw only get 10fps in demons souls

Sigma 2 is quite different to vanilla II.

let me guess, amd?

emulating PS2 gives you much better graphics and performance in the games where it doesn't fuck up.

use the spu and ppu recompiler

GPU yes, OpenGL
Does Vulkan really make it that much faster?

first AHAHAHAHAH second yes

>using OpenGL in 2017

>Like Sony exclusive
>Buy a console they developed for years and supported with games for years



My current GPU doesn't support it.
I'm planning on buying an RX 560 soon though, AMD page says it supports the Vulkan API
calle calle

>giving your money to shady developers instead of just buying a ps3

So where do you get PS3 isos

And the same will obviously be true for RPCS3 down the line. Hell, their next funding goal is go get one of the part-time guys full time so he can work on GPU optimization and arbitrary resolutions

>ol trusty neko team memers
stay mad

download pkg files from psndl or psnstuff

have fun fag

>Implying anyone who made the game is going to see profit anymore

You'd be getting everything second hand these days

Where the fuck do I get demon souls? I found a website but I don't trust it.

What's a good game that runs perfect?

All of 2d games I think.
e.g disgaea series

check their website

I doubt it. Loadable just means it can get to the menu screen ml

Good idea, thanks


They're truly emulating the genuine Sony experience!

if you bother to search through spreadsheet


donating just encourages them to be slower with progress

you can find a ps3 for under a 100 if you look hard enough

If I had to take a guess it's probably because majority of the developers didn't heavily use the PS3 cell architecture to it's fullest and used templates of to make it easier to program games on the system.

The cell cpu was truly a bitch for most devs.

>you can find a ps3 for under a 100 if you look hard enough

I actually own one, but there are lots of games that run like shit on it.
That's why I hope the emulator reaches a state where you can run them better.

I have a PS3 but having the option to play on PC is cool
And having the console is fine and all but buying the games is a pain. There's some games I wanted to import but it's expensive as fuck

because i never had to donate to shit back when EPSXE was being fucked around with back in 2001.

why would i now? its a fucking scam, fucking SCAM. i want free money too assholes!

not just that, but it had to be CALLED sigma 2 to even GET off the fucking 360 because MS still has the license for NG2 vanilla

well, realistically?

you can get this shit at gamestop, used and the devs aren't seeing shit from it. they made their money from all the copies SHIPPED and SOLD new at retail. they aren't supposed to get money from used sales. if its a PC game, its on steam pretty much forever, but a TON of 4th to 6th gen shit isn't available outside of ebay or was delisted from XBL/PSN

why should i give GS my money?

Those faggots should port it to Steam.

What kind of game files does the emulator open? Would isos simply work?

>you can find a ps3 for under a 100 if you look hard enough

i can find one hacked and can play ALLLLLL the games 100% accurate and not have to use plugins or any of that other shit? because that is a fucking lie.

good luck finding a 3.55 PS3, a fucking OFW that hasn't existed in the last 7 years for under 100$ on ebay!