You are going to cancel that Skyrim VR preorder, user?

You are going to cancel that Skyrim VR preorder, user?
You probably already own a copy of Skyrim and Special Edition was a disappointment. There is no reason for you to buy Skyrim once again.


you know what? for once you're right todd

How about I preorder Skyrim for switch and you let me off thr hook for skyrim vr¿

you seem like a kind soul

I can play morrowind with VR thats good enough

>that kid who thought NegaToddposting was funny

You have no powers here, Todd.

Tell you what Todd, you announce TES VI, admit you made some bad moves with Fallout 4... and I can get behind another Bethesda game.

Bonus points if you go back to a magic system at least like oblivions, but preferably Morrowinds.

Broken and easily exploited?
If you want the game to be easy just turn it down to easy.

Fuck you Negatodd, I bought Skyrim 3 times with all DLCs, you can't stop me from buying your game.

Get back in the basement.


I bought skyrim once with all dlc's and got special edition for free


Don't listen to this guy, Skyrim was very admittedly a pretty disappointing game and I'm not proud to say I worked on it. In fact I wouldn't even mind if you were to "plunder some booty" if you know what I mean, because I completely understand.

Don't worry anti-todd. It is still one of my favorite games

This isnt funny anymore ddoT youre costing me and the family money. Ive gone easy on you until now but now that I figured my way out of that puzzle room with the spinning things Im going to tell Mom

>that kid who thought Toddposting was funny

Get out of here, Negatodd!

Guys, he is from an evil dimension. He will consume your soul with his lies! He's also a manlet, trust me!

yeah i agree

Ddot and Todd are both grounded for a week, sorry for any trouble they caused you guys

Morrowind was a mistake

Skyrim sex mods are lit tho

I am the true Todd, and all you impostors will buy my game whether you want to or not.