

It's funny cause it's true.

This is the truth. I truly don't care if I have representation in a game. It's nice when it's there but it's definitely not a requirement.

wow nice thread OP very original


Please. This is what they want.

>light skin woman with light eyes.

Stop being retarded

they aren't pandering to black men though

they're pandering to white women and sjw orbiter men

that black chick is pretty hot desu

Black people aren't literally black colored

Little did you know is that niggas love dragonball.

I mean... can you blame them?

>implying pigmentation determines a race.

Stupid boy

She's about as black as most black americans.

>dumb white male millennials think they know what black males like

i knew that already though?

epic thread

it's not like everyone doesn't love db

Did you just assume my gender shitlord?

Name one (1) black man that was born in North America that doesn't love Dragonball Z.

Go ahead.


Will Smith?