What are some games that are tedious as fuck to 100%?

What are some games that are tedious as fuck to 100%?

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This game is so boring I beat like the first two levels and shut it off

I love this game so much

That one secret area at the end of Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy was bullshit.
20 years later, and I still remember that being the last thing to stand between me and 6 stars on the opening screen.


Yoshis Island has more variety than most other platformers

It's not bait it's shit I love Mario even new super Mario bros this one was garbage

Any Ubisoft open world game. Prepare to collect hundreds of pointless doodads scattered all around the world without really gaining anything by doing it.

Also, gotta give an honorable mention to Breath of the Wild. I don't mind collecting Korok seeds whenever I stumble upon them, but getting all 900 is for pure masochists.

not him, the game is alright but it doesn't feel as exciting, or fast paced like other mario platformers.

this and the ski level are the only ones I either didn't know shit all about or struggled to get as a kid

Now DK3 and 64 are just bullshit

Any Modern Nintendo Platformer
I would say Crash Bandicoot also

Super Mario Sunshine

Final Fantasy X

All Harvest Moon games

100%ing Yoshi's Island was sorta fun. Collectathons like Psychonauts, not so much


did anyone else ever use the warp glitch on like the second level? I remember that you had to pull off some hitbox shenanigans with a pipe in the sky and it took back to the first level but you could collect infinite red coins or something.

Revengeance, if you consider 100% to be getting all the achievements.

>get golds on every single VR mission

no fuck you
it would literally be easier to cure my OCD so that I no longer want to 100% games than it would be to get that

Is it possible to 100% Diablo 2?

Having variety doesn't make an unfun game fun.

Fuck you

Yoshis island is one of the most fun games in existence

The shit taste in this thread is abhorrent.

Throwing eggs and fluttering to trivialize platforming is not fun.

What would you consider 100%?

There's really nothing to collect, you can do all quests but there's hardly any you can skip anyway

So no not really, items are all randomly generated so you would spend more than a lifetime trying to get every variant but it would never happen.

i said the game was alright, you idiotic uggostein.

There are far more elements than simply platforming
>rolling boulders
>finding invisible clouds
>using items
>using the clouds for various effects
>defeating enemies in different ways
>finding secrets/playing the secret levels
>enjoying the comfy music/art
>morphing into different vehicles
>bonus games
No idea why I am even responding to bait but YI is superior to most platformers.

>Super Mario Sunshine
This one takes the cake. Between all the Blue Coins that are NES levels of cryptic without a guide, the Pachinko Machine, the poison river with the lily pad, the Yoshi level at Ricco, the watermelon level, the level where you have to pop balloons.

It also takes the cake for worst """reward""" for completing a game.

What about getting all epic items/sets and lv100 each class and beat every difficulty? That would classify as 100%

I never had a vacation in my life

Fuck you Nintendo for sticking it to me that I'm poor

This piece of shit.

>all those bananas locked behind minigames
>all those bananas requiring you to open a door with one Kong then backtrack to get a different Kong to hit a switch
>following a trail of bananas that your Kong can get and ending up at a dead end with balloons and coins of 1-3 different colors

>There are far more elements than simply platforming
Quality matters more than quantity. None of what you listed is quality, especially since the vast majority of them are extensions to the bad core mechanics of the game. The egg throwing was shit when I played it in 1995 and it's shit in 2017. It's just poorly-implemented. Before you ask "well how would you have implemented it better on the SNES controller?" the answer to that question is I wouldn't have implemented it at all. Just because there was no better way to do it with an SNES controller doesn't mean that it was done well. Nintendo now has the means to make egg throwing not suck complete dick with touch screens, and yet they continue to stick with the clumsy button-oriented aiming and shooting.

Yoshi's Island is and has always been trash. Even the DKC games, as terrible as they are, were better.

This shit was tedious as fuck to even complete
eat shit you fuckin bears

Hey, someone shares the same opinion as me. I loved Super Mario World and played it to death. I could not for the life of me get into this game. Furthest I got was to world 2.

>Yoshi's Island art and music
>Not quality

This is not quality:

It sounds like carnival music. As for the art, the game was rightly derided at the time for its simplistic, childish graphics and was THE game that branded Nintendo with its "kiddy" image for years to come.

He's just a fucking troll.

Yoshis island is a master piece and the egg throwing feels intuitive as well. The game is also cute as fuck just like the sound effects.

It's slow and boring as hell

>was THE game that branded Nintendo with its "kiddy" image for years to come.
Fucking implications.

Nintendo always created a shit ton of kiddy games.

pretty much any game in this series

This has to be bait, that's one of the most iconic themes in all of gaming. Everything Kondo did during the SNES and N64 era is classic.

>Nintendo always created a shit ton of kiddy games.
Yes, but it wasn't until Yoshi's Island that it became a widespread pejorative, especially since people were comparing the graphics to DKC.

dude just stop

nobody is falling for your bait

The sad thing is that you believe it's bait.

>people actually trying to shit on Yoshi's Island
This actually kinda makes me upset and I don't even have deep nostalgia for the game as I played it for the first time a few years ago

I wasn't really "there" when Yoshi's Island was released (not nu-Sup Forums, I was 3 or 4) but yeah, while Yoshi's Island started it, I think Pokémon did more "damage" as far as being Nintendo being "kiddie" because by 2001 it was already widespread.

Also, to the people screaming "bait" no where did user imply that Yoshi's Island was objectively bad, he's just pointing out a fact

Nintendo was always kiddie shit for america, they only made adult games in japan that bombed usually.

>6 Tournaments.
>All the Rings Shot Missions.
>Defeat the AI in Singles with all combinations of characters.

With 16 Characters!

Mario Golf does the same, right?

>all combinations of characters.
Does that include duplicates?

I'm yet to find a game that is fun to 100%

You only 100% collection games if you have nothing else to play.

>Riddle me this Batman

How big of a cocksucker am I?

Crash Bash
When the fucking SPEEDRUN is over 100 hours long, you know that shit's long

Baten Kaitos' speedrun is 341 hours.

The GBA version is terrible.

>Yoshi's Island is and has always been trash. Even the DKC games, as terrible as they are, were better.

This is the kind of person who thinks Boogerman was the pinnacle of game design.

Pretty much any video game, I really don't get what the point is of completing something 100%.

oh god why

Nice generalization. I see you specifically tailored it so that it adds absolutely nothing to the discussion.

I match my opponent.

The only thing you added to the discussion was "I think everything in this game sucks" and then go on to say that touch screen aiming is actually a better alternative, which is a complete fucking lie.

well at minimum you would need a mod that expands your characters inventory. But assuming you had either the space or made a whole bunch of characters it would still take an unreasonable amount of time.

There are unique items that only drop off Hell Baal that have a 1/40000 chance or more.
>tfw no Griffon's Eye


If you genuinely think Yoshi's Island is bad then you either haven't played many video games or have only played the extremely good ones.

That game really could've been much better if they just didn't require the bears, and instead just gave super weapons for collecting them. The motivation makes sense, but the timing doesn't.

There is a fucking meteor headed for their main planet and it will kill everything, so let's just go individually find every single last bear ever... That's some hard baiting they did. And they didn't even need to. The game was long enough before bearcare time.


That's not a good argument.

That's cheating. The run is probably closer to 60 hours but there's an item that takes literally two weeks real time to evolve. I assume he just did everything then right before the final boss stood still and idled for two weeks.

>I'm the only non-degenerate person in the world
That's not a good argument.

I've never played Boogerman, so swing and a miss there, buddy.

I've played many video games. Yoshi's Island is bad and I put it about on the same level as shit like Bubsy and Earthworm Jim.

>people find it to tedious to 100% Yoshi fucking Island of all things
how fucking casual are you?