Lets settle this once and for all

Lets settle this once and for all.

Which one Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>le emulation meme
Everything Master System/NES/SNES/Genesis is good on emulation the rest is garbage
stop with this meme

>Clearly says PCSX2

PCSX2 is trash
Maybe 1 or 2 games run without issues

Also: back to neogaf

Piracy is infinitely superior to the other 3 for the best reason - no sunken monetary cost apart from internet, which the other 3 are paying for anyways.

personally I'm between the middle two
my older brother unfortunately sold most of our old games to FUCKING GAMESTOP so I don't have as large of a collection as I'd want to
though, if I own it on PC it's very likely that it's on Steam. If it's a console game, I try to buy the physical media (with some exceptions)

And if a game is good enough, I end up buying it anyways.

>Sunk close to 100 hrs in RimWorld
>buy the in name edition to support a pretty ok dev

PS4 games I keep in their boxes. 3DS games I have a hori case for.

>what is multiplayer?

A mix of all but not on fucking PCSX2.

The first one if I own a big house. A combination otherwise.

If a game requires you to play MP for there to be entertainment value then it's not a good game.

Are you retarded?

Either physical or pirate. If you only want the data you ought to just get it for free. Physical is future proof. Enjoy losing all your digital games in 5 years when the service shuts down!

No. But it looks like you are.

also the 2nd one is the worst choice. Why would you rid of the original box?

Pirate >>>>> All

I put the boxes in a closet. I keep the case of games on my book shelf. I have a small room and a small bookshelf that doubles as my TV stand.

The most logical path would have been try before you buy, then buy.

But with the advent of new devs removing trials and demos from their games and still charging a crazy amount of money for them, it's turned into pirate first.

Watching Jewtube review vids is not an acceptable replacement. Hands on experience is the most important and certainly would have weeded out a lot of the poorly developed games we've seen the last couple of years.

The only exception is to pirate all EA games first. They are almost always honeypots.


Some people want more space and less clutter. I originally made GBA boxes for all my carts, but it took up way too much room, So I said fuck it, and bought some NES cases for them instead and made labels for "Volume I-II-III" etc. Same as DS/3DS with the Club nintendo 18 card cases. Its not appealing when you have 80+ DS cases, and hardly any of it is even shovelware.

Both extremes are the best routes, if you're gonna go physical complete the set, if you're gonna go digital go as cheap (or free) as possible.

Physical media. If you don't like something enough to have a copy of it taking up your personal space, you shouldn't own it at all. Digital hoarding is still hoarding.

So i'm guessing every competitive FPS sucks then?


I do a combination of a bookshelf packed with games from the last two gens and put everything from before that into these. They work pretty work and if I remember right I managed to pack around 40 PS2 games into each one.

Physical for me. Though i've been having some second thoughts about a few things, Primarily my DS library. I lvoe my DS dearly but the cases you see aren't even 1/4th of my Library, and the way I made my shelves they only hold up to a specified amount (32)

I'm thinking of investing into some of those 18 card cases club nintendo gave out a while back and cutting my losses with handheld cases altogether. maybe keep 1 or 2 special ones like Ghost trick and TWEWY.

Kind of, yeah. FPS is a garbage genre. So is whatever Naughty Dog games are. And mobas. And open world FPS action games. Basically if it's not playable on nintendo it's garbage.

Piracy. Launchbox fills my need for a comfy library organizer.
If a game is really good and it has a physical release I buy it, basically just so that I can have it.

PS2 network/HDD loading is the best.

You barely even have any games. You could condense almost all of that into one book shelf if you didn't display chibi robo and shit and got rid of that stupid Sasuke in the upper right. Your collection is weak, honestly.

Also why do you have old ass consoles out that you could easily emulate? Your Genesis is almost bigger than your tv.

Maybe he just likes it like that?

Physical for my must-have favorite games. Or things I can't emulate.

Digital for everything else.

Well if he (you) likes it then he shouldn't be complaining about how much space it takes up for his whopping 10 DS games

>Barely have any games
264 games isn't barely anything user. I don't collect to collect.
>You could condense almost all of that into one book shelf if you didn't display chibi robo and shit and got rid of that stupid Sasuke in the upper right
The amiibos aren't on display actually, they're holding up the cases from falling, thats also the GBA shelf. I'm talking strictly DS shelf below it.
...Raidou? again. Bookend for the time being.
>Also why do you have old ass consoles out that you could easily emulate?
DId you just conveniently overlook the CRT? I'm willing to level with you here man, but at least try to make sense of your arguments.


Theres 32 games, not 10 user. And I strictly said DS shelf. Your eyes seem to be fixed to GBA and 3DS for some reason.

You have a small CRT and a small HDTV, they're both very easy to overlook. You have

>Prices are locked to MSRP
Key resellers are a thing though

>stupid Sasuke in the upper right
That figurine is garbage, but don't you dare insult my boy Raidou.

Jesus Fucking Christ everyday on Sup Forums is like being surrounded by a pack of retarded sea sponges.

Hey dude, can I have some of your jelly?

>you have

I'd consider that a fairly large collection, but it doesn't sound like he's complaining. He's blogging about his collection, which is what this thread's about. Additionally asking why not just emulate stuff is kind of retarded. Obviously he likes the experience of collecting physical copies of games that he enjoys, and it's hard to use those without consoles.
Seems like you're being needlessly aggressive for no reason. Maybe you'd like to have a collection of your own but can't afford it?

This isnt a thread about comon sense,. its about proving which one is better.

Every thread theres always one.

This guy knows.
It gets really fucking janky when you start emulating ISO's (disc format) there are a few gems out there that are perfect from my experience though like SotN on playstation and Rondo of Blood on pc engine, (with some tweaking)
NES/SNES/GENESIS/GBA are perfect though aside from the mountain of romhacks

>Insulting someone with wooden walls
Not cool, man.

>Everyone should just throw away their old games cos you can emulate them!

And you're calling HIM a kid?

It varies.

You either do the wall for everything, or nothing. Half-assing the wall is an embarrassment. Storage containment for anything up to and including x360/ps3/wii-u timeframe. Owning the original boxes and having a small shine or whatever to a few fav series is acceptable.

Digital is currently the way to go for new games. Physical copies are rarely more than; a disk, a box, and a piece of paper nowadays. Getting a current game used or physical for a good price is the exception to this.

I have no qualms with pirating/emulating. Don't tout it about like you're some hot shit for doing it though. You're not.

>im a shitter who plays on easy mode

pcsx2 might be trash but it's still better than the original hardware

>I've never owned a PS2: the post

PCSX2 is crap. even on lowest settings its struggles to render things the PS2 can do instantaneously. The supeiror answer is always Freemcboot Slim.

PC digital >>>>>> console physical >console digital>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pc physical

(reason for difference between pc/console digital is because digital games on pc are yours to keep vs having to buy again the next gen)

but why is pc physical that low?

>You either do the wall for everything or nothing

I like the way you think, man!

The pain in the ass activation codes.

Then and again I think the physical console games are starting to have them in the form of "online passes" which are required for multiplayer.

>even on lowest settings
buddy you don't know shit about what you're talking about

Is n64 emulation still ass? I've specifically focused on collecting n64 because at the time there wasn't really an alternative.

>not being a pirate
This is how you spot redditfag.

>Being poor
This is how you spot a Sup Forumsirgin