You ever play videogames with your parents Sup Forums? If so, what kind?

You ever play videogames with your parents Sup Forums? If so, what kind?

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Played Mario with my mom and no daddy dont touch me there with my dad

Tried to play the original halo with my parents. They couldn't stop looking at the ground.

And from there they just stopped trying.

I played the Oedipus game where I killed my dad and fucked my mom.

I used to play Vectorman 1, 2. Link to the Past, Adventures of Lolo, and a lot of The Lego Games with my mom.

I played Halo with my dad for a little while too.

Beat pic related with my dad when I was around 12 or so.

We also played a bit of Dune 2 and Warlords 2 before that, back in the DOS days.

I bought my mother a DS with layton and brain training stuff.

>Parents were gamers by the time I developed abstract thought.
>The original Zelda for the NES comes out.
>Mom thinks it's going to be good because of the box art. (Hardcore pull the controller out of the port Mario gamer)
>Dad says okay.
>Dad discovers Zelda like it's crack, and forgets to sleep sometimes
>Family tradition is to always play Zelda
>I follow in my dad's footsteps
>Times get hard and we reluctantly agree that we should at least skip this next generation of video games to save money when the N64 comes out.
>Zelda OoT comes out
>Dad changed his mind and begs my mom to make ONE MORE EXCEPTION
>Mom "reluctantly agrees"
>Mom, dad, my sister and myself would take turns help each other out with the strategy guides like a family game night in our apartment with no furniture.
Those are one of my most precious memories that I will always treasure of my family.


played the original prince of persia with my mom
with my dad I played starcraft, knights & merchants and shit like that
they are not into games anymore

I used to play sports games for SNES and Genesis with my pepper.

i would very much like to know if there is more to this

or if the artist does any hardcore stuff


Iqdb search is integrated into this website


videogames are best played with your neighbors' or friends' parents

My brother and I are always looking for new 2 player games that aren't bad MMOs and F2P games. After Dialbo III, FFXIV, and many other wastes of time and we still have nothing to look forward to that isn't a fighting game or Nintendo game. Shooters need not apply, they're all the same just with different coats of paint.

B > A > C > D.

Short hair + glasses + mommy

Dick comparisons
C > A > B > D

ill integrate my foot into your ugly fucking face if you don't keep quiet, you pitiful bastard

Translation please?

>yet you still wound up here

what went wrong

hope your dad never sees zelda SFM, fan art and doujins

For some reason Chameleon Twist gave my mom uncontrollable giggles and she loved playing it with my brother and I.

My dad helped us out with King's Quest and LucasArts games. He also would play fight sims with us.

I miss my dad.

>my father was murdered when i was 6
>my mother died from an overdoes when i was 13

This cruel world robbed me of a childhood. Fuck you New York

That is incredibly wholesome user. I wish I had something like that. The only gaming experiences I had with family was with my dad years ago when I would go to visit him. He had a Sega Genesis and I would play Sonic 1-3. Robocop, and Terminator. I think there other games but those I remember clearly. I moved away and we never developed a proper relationship, now I don't want anything to do with him because he's an asshole and wants to talk shit about money and my mother. Oh well.

Sorry about the blog post.

That's terrible user. I hope it doesn't get you down too much.

D master race

Did you have sex?

are you black?

Not with my parents, but my grandma bought a SNES back then. she bought it together Secret of Evermore. I watched her when she played it, and when she played super mario world we played together. She always leaned to the left or right, depending on the direction the jump went, and yelled at the TV screen to jump. It was hilarious. I still do it today in Jump n runs

>dad walks in

Used to play Oddworld and Tomb Raider with Dad, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil and Silent Hill with my Uncles

B > C > D > A

>A is the schools friend who walks with you to and from your house and makes you a lunch. Everyone in class sees it but you don't, and you will never know. Near the climax you might get a tearful confession on the side of a canal during sunset.
>B is the childhood friend you haven't seen since preschool. Alcoholic to the max and will bring up a child hood promise to marry her when she's drunk. If you do choose someone it will never be her, but she WILL be the "I just want my believed to be happy". Despite her looks she's going to remain a virgin all her life because of you. Nobody else is better than you.
>C total ditz. She doesn't show any interest. She's completely innocent and more focus on school drama and how you will get out of the latest shenanigans created by the other girls. Only time she is actual serious about you will be in fanfictions of your series where they depict her out of character.
>D the total freak that will literally try to have sex with you because you were the one guy that treated her like a decent human being. You'll spend a lot of you time trying to avoid her Willie the coyote schemes to get into your pants.
Which one are you going to pick Sup Forums?
I can't help but favor A and B.

Please friend, help me and gimme the sauce.

Oh shit I'm sorry

I can understand not knowing kanji, but how do you not know the basic characters? You should be able to read three of them easily, immediately understand two, and maybe even know what the third means.

>haha dad it's just a joke... I chose to fuck that guy as a joke haha... look at those fags go at it lol...

>played wow with dad since vanilla
>invited him to come tank for a small friends guild in BC
>we were world ~50 in Wrath-MoP
>he quit when mom got sick

>Picking anything but D

Boku no use Saucenao

fucking SAUCE?!

>tfw you're 6'5 so you'll never have your amazonian goddess

Hey, thanks
hurr durr why help when someone ask.

You could go for trannies.

I do, just wanted what exactly was said in the corners was all.

fuck yea user

Yokkora - Stalking Girl


Miss me with that gay shit

ゆるふわ Fluffy
ワイルド Wild
ギャル Gyaru
陰湿 Gloomy

>bought an 2600 off Craigslist a few months back
>tell Dad about it when talking on the phone
>he awkwardly asks for me to bring it over the next time I visit
>2 weeks ago
>drive like 3 hours to get to their place
>bring atari with all the games I bought
>get there
>Hug mom, dad
>he asks about the atari
>set it up in his living room
>play combat and qbert for hours
>have to leave
>Hug mom, dad
>Leave atari there
>visit again this week
>he's still playing pitfall

Thank you.

Bomberman and Battlezone on the Famicon
Tiny Toons Adventures in my old Sega Genesis
Carnivores on PC

played guilty gear with my mom once

she picked dizzy

i was like wtf mom

I love oda non!!!!!!

The first Halo for the Xbox.

She didn't like the ones after that, but she liked that one a lot. We'd play co-op campaign all day.

Not my parents, but my grandma and I used to play Tetris, Yoshi's Cookie, The Adventures of Lolo, and Super Mario Bros. My grandma loved video games and was mainly the reason why I got into them.

>tfw I was 15 and a 17/18 year old thicc schoolmate started doing this kind of shit to me
>still fantasize about her angelic blowjobs and the time she jacked me off under a blanket in the room with my family without my permission

I love japan, period!

My dad and I used to play dig dug a lot.

Never played with my parents. I played tons of games with my uncle though, mostly Halo but when I kicked his ass too much he'd switch to Fifa and kick mine.

>make up your own idealistic version of A and B based on nothing but your own desires
>pick A and B
You are fucking retarded.

Never played video games with my dad. But we played table top games together all the time.

Still play Blood Bowl with each other to this day.

Warlords 2 > HoMaM 3


thats the good shit

Who drove the warthog?

Post the imgur gallery

B > D > C > A

Played Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis with my mom and Lego Star Wars with my dad

His Serena doujin with the scat, hairy armpits, and thicc gets me going like nothing else.

If this is true I may kill myself out of jealousy

Love/Hate Letter

Even if he's lying, it's happened to someone somewhere.

I played Streets of Rage with my dad when I was around five or six.
I think it was the only one he ever really liked. He mostly got a kick out being able to pick up pipes and bats.

Yeah dude, the worst part is that every other girl I've been with just wants me to dominate them now, including my girlfriend. I'm into it I guess, but I miss being a semen demon's inexperienced little bitch ;(