Have you ever gotten a video game related injury?
Have you ever gotten a video game related injury?
i did hurt my hand when i banged on my arcade stick due to salt from SFV. i used to own people with chun and juri in USF4 but they are worthless in 5
no, im a huge faggot but im not a low-test beta-autist.
i read that some loser who played pro dota had to sit out of a tournament because of tennis elbow. funniest shit i ever read.
I saw guy get stabbed at an arcade does that count?
Never, not even when I got a Wii and everybody was playing that shit before they made the wiimote condoms. I did recently fuck up my pinky finger while I was unloading a pallet at work (to make it short, don't have a stickbug help you unload it) and I've had to press C to crouch for a couple weeks now. I can't even hold a controller properly these days, but at least my job is footing the medical bill.
claw grip gave me this shit
Playing terran has given me permanent tendonitis in my mouse hand
I have to stretch every day and use a vertical mouse. When it's bad, I sleep with a brace.
The worst part is there's no cure. Doctors prescribe you meme shit that doesn't work, but won't prescribe stem cell injections.
Guitar Hero gave me a little bout of tendonitis in my left hand.
Carpal tunnel in right hand, tennis elbow in left.
Fucked my sofa once and tore my pee hold open. Shit hurt so bad
I hit my desk hard sometimes but I never really get any lasting injuries
got dick burn from playing skyrim with mods
Did it go away?
that's what you get for holding it like a retard
No. You are weak. You're just fucking weak. You have weak genes, a weak body.
I don't regret it. Learned a valuable lesson.
I was trying to grind to grandmaster, and I failed. Really humbled me and made me get my shit together.
cut my dick
I don't know if I got a vidya-related injury before, but I'm pretty certain it's less serious than this guy's vidya-related injury.
My gf in high school broke two of her ear bones while swinging a ps2 controller around.
She actually didn't tell me right away because she knew I'd lose it so I found out about a week later.
I still laugh every time I think about it.
le eugenics meme hit you hard huh? blackpilled are we?
Right now, I cant play vidya with my left hand
Between proper stretching and hand exercises, I haven't had it flare up in years. Honestly, if I had just done the stretching prior to playing I doubt I'd of ever had to deal with it.
You haven't been sitting down ALL day, have you user?
I woke up with intense thumb cramp after playing DMC for the first time
I've gotten a headache before, but that's not an injury.
Those are opposite beliefs.
I literally can't sit down for longer than 30 minutes at a time, I have to get up and walk around.
Maybe if I had a comfier chair I could sit longer
Nope. Most of these conditions can be avoided by having an exercise routine that balances along with vidya which is what I've done pretty much all my life.
Hold on...
yup. Never again
Actually I stand up and walk around a lot 8 hours a day for my job. Sometimes I wish I got one of those office desk jobs instead.
I have osteorthritis in my hands. 22 yo male. I don't know how exactly I got it but I guess it's here to stay. Some days it doesn't hurt at all but other days it hurts like hell.
Started getting neck problems just a few months ago which is probably due to my bad posture. I don't blame games 100% but I'm sure they have contributed plenty. The symptoms don't appear as pain but rather discomfort in head and a little weakness in hands. MRI hasn't shown anything so I'm guessing a nerve is getting pinched and a still image won't pick it up.
Fuck off, jojobrony.
What a painful sounding name.
I thought I had this and almost had a panic attack but it turns out it was sciatica which also sucks but isn't fatal
Lol no, what are you made of glass or something?
I moved my big-ass CRT TV down to my living room to play vidya and dropped it on my toe a few years back.
No, because that wasn't you.
got a nose bleed while playing super mario world when i jumped upright in my chair after dying
did a similar thing and slipped on my ass when i played Mega Man 1 for the game boy.
One time I slipped on the dance pad while playing Mario DDR in my socks. I twisted my ankle and got to stay home from school.
Try life threatening
A friend cut open his palm during Mario Party. It was a minigame that had you spin the control stick to wind something up. The rubber piece came off and the plastic underneath cut a pretty big gash into his palm.
Go on user, stand up. Stretch your legs.
But I've already done my squats and jumping jacks today.
I was playing hard difficulty AI in Mario Party 1 and on the river rafting mini game I ate away the center of my hand until it was raw just doing the joystick against the 3 AI's. I won in the game, but lost in real life.
if you get an injury from playing a video game you are clearly a weak bitch and need to man up and train your body.
I've gotten blisters from that same Shy Guy wind-up.
One time I was playing kof at an arcade and I guess I was moving the joystick too fast because the skin of my palm ended up sticking to the stick.
But I won the match, so it was worth
Sciatica is also easily fixed by just toning your butt which pushes the sciatic nerve over a bit so you don't bother it as much.
What about intense games with lots of button presses that WILL hurt your wrists if you have shitty improper position?
oh shit this was Gunpei Yokoi's car wasn't it? Never get on Nintendo's hit list
Naw, just some random scalper. Apparently he has a 3DS also.
thanks mario party
I wonder why no one wanted the NES Classic, that shit's worth hundreds.
Sometimes when I play on my pc for a while my wrist and my finger tense up making it really hard to move
Sometimes it gets so bad I have to stop playing
I grinded too much in Cyber Sleuth. FUCKING. CYBER SLEUTH
When NBA Street Homecourt came out I played all day and ended up with bruised thumbs. Had to take a break the next day.
Yes, my older brother died while playing zone of enders-
Someone put me out of my misery.
I sat in a weird position while gaming and my tailbone got fucked.
Or I got raped in my sleep.
Warframe events with Warbros back a few years. I just got some hand cramps, this one guy broke his pinky and only went to the hospital after he knew we had won
I burned my hand in saint seiya ps2 trying to revive.
Pretty sure I'm coming down with carpal tunnel. Using a mouse or a controller for any amount of time starts my wrist aching and it stays uncomfortable for like an hour after I stop. I don't know what I'm going to do if I have to stop playing video games.
>not having your waifu on your car
Are you even trying?
I use a gel pad for my mouse hand but it still hurts when I am on the computer too much.
Only semi related because I don't always play vidya all day on it.
Chun li worthless in v? I think you just suck user.
Katawa dick
I put my fist through a filing cabinet once and completely shredded the back of my hand, does that count?
My thumb was sore for a week for playing through Pokemon Fire Red on my phone.
>start playing realm grinder, a clicker game
>get into a habit of clicking as fast as humanly possible during bonuses and buffs
>after a week my wrist and elbow are fucking destroyed
>wrist never recovers, hurts for whenever I play games or use a mouse and for at least an hour afterward
I'm so fucking mad at myself. I ruined my wrist for a fucking clicker game.
The car was his waifu you dumb shit.