
I see no issue with this video.

In fact I will sub to him!

>1 unqiue IP
I bet you would samefag.

pc was never good, but consoles don't """"""""""""""""""""""just work""""""""""""""""""""""
you've gotta be fucking delusional to think that anything in this generation will be creme of the crop

You just had to post without saging.
You're part of the reason this dumb fucking shit continues to stay on the board for far longer than it deserves.

oh hooray its this thread again

You kept it alive. Shithead.

So did you.

Face it, you guys are a bunch of complacent sheep. Enjoy your botnet windows 10 faggot?!

>dumb opinion coming from a guy with a gay furry avatar

Like clockwork.

Tails is a cutie. I bet you like looking at inflation porn.

No. I didn't
Sage allows me to post without bumping a thread. and if it was just me and OP in the thread firing shit at each other the thread would die because his posts wouldn't count as a new post either so it wouldn't bump.
But all of you shit head kept posting without sage so you really you all fucked it.
Sage doesn't push a thread further to the end of the list. It just doesn't bump with post.

Why aren't you willing to do anything about how awful Windows 10 is?

Your shitty channel you are promoting comes first.
Also I'm running linux nigga.

kid is kinda right, look at battlefield 1/4 dlc servers all are dead.

Anything that isn't from Valve - CSGO/Dota2/ Riot - LOL/ Blizzard - WOW/Overwatch/Hearthstone is either dead or close to death on pc.

Yet you are assblasted at Jacob's video?

And all those games are only popular because of trendy autistic faggots who want to fuck the characters.

PC Gamers have no taste.

assblasted at rampant faggotry and advertising.
Which you are displaying at full force

LOL irony truly is the pinnacle of comedy haha!

Next you will tell me the bullshit that Linux and XBone also spy on you.

Well xbone does since it is a Microsoft console running butchered version of windows 10.
Linux is basically a fully customization OS so the only way it would spy on you is if you programmed it to do so.

Also fuck OP with his youtube channel shilling

lets say you get your wish - every now games on consoles
Nobody makes games anymore. Nobody knows how
No servers, no server admins - everything is P2P matchmaking now.
No discussion forums, no guides, nothing has persistence anymore without servers. Good job?

You made this thread yesterday.
>21 posts 7 IPs
Reminder to report shill threads.

Ubuntu did at one point.
Xbone does spy you.

>No servers, no server admins - everything is P2P matchmaking now.

huh? battlefield bc2/3/4/1, halo 5, overwatch and planetside 2 on consoles have dedicated servers, modern games on pc already scrapped idea of community servers and having admins who could kick/ban players (especially cheaters) - team fortress 2, csgo, battlefield 1, overwatch

>No discussion forums, no guides, nothing has persistence anymore without servers. Good job?

what do you mean, there are plenty of forums and even discussion on reddit and /vg/ if game doesn't have dedicated forums same with guides you can find them on reddit and youtube