What game lets me use a revolver ?

What game lets me use a revolver ?

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rainbow six vegas

GTA Vice City

Alone in the Dark, the first three games.


Red Dead Redemption and Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Revolvers are fucking gay you fag.

every game with guns



Nero in Devil May Cry 4.

Best girl

Just randomly choose any shooter and there is a high chance that it will


Killing Floor 2

Literally any game with guns, stop using this as an excuse to make threads about your shitty flavor of the month anime

about 90% of shooters and anything with guns in it, seriously did you even think about your post before hand

Revolvers are the best. They can't jam, unlike pistols. I learned this from Daredevil.


I thank you but post the whole thing faggot

Max Payne 3
Red Dead Redemption
Deus Ex Human Revolution

>tongue piercing


red dead revolver


What am I looking at?

>looks awesome as shit
>its an anime about gambling

fucking why

anime was a mistake

>not enjoying GAMBURU

>literally every single game that has a pistol is bound to have a revolver
>this thread is really just to talk about sadistic gambling anime

fuck off virgin

the best anime I've ever watched is kaiji and deals with gambling, you need to stop having such a shit taste retard.

but (you) don't get to use the revolver, only ocelot does.

you can use em in MGSV however

>shokugeki but gambling
it's ok

lemme guess, you find tats and nose piercings attractive too right? Fucking underage.

What's wrong with that?

Underage don't find that shit attractive. The annon you are talking to just has shit taste.

>tongue piercing

>nose piercings
All that does is invoke bloody memories, still, I can tell you're a muh purity cuckboi and I rejoice at your perpetual self imposed yet undesired chastity, you fucking loser.

Dan from Killer 7. This revolver was the first one to come to mind. Fun to use, great game if you can get your hands on it.

you are the kind of faggot who would enjoy an ""abscure"" anime about fucking PING PONG and MAJONG aren't you. you little shit cunt

for the record, she didn't do it to make her attractive, she did it because it felt good

I doubt this anime will be nearly as good as kaiji

>looks awesome

I can tell just by looking at this character design that the anime is shit.

why because it's a girl?

You don't like watching 10 episodes of watching a game of ruse cruise pachinko?

More like Kaji is just a masterpiece.

Not the same guy, but I have read it and he is right

the quiz bowl chinese cartoon is pretty okay so far.

You are looking at the best girl

It fells good on your dick tho

Man of culture.jpg

Enjoy your AIDS.

Talking about a desprate way to get a thread about this anime. Fuck off Sup Forums

Is this hentai or just ecchi fanservice trash?


Who is this cexy cyclops?

>not hentai
Thanks for wasting my time OP.

How disgusting theres absolutely nothing worse then a women with no TD.


I'd be nice to watch this anime but, I don't know any places to watch anime so uh I don't have any other ways to fulfill my needs.

They made a Kakegurui anime?
I was reading it for a while but stopped because it was boring as fuck. It's been a LONG time since I just dropped a manga out of boredom.

Damn, how much of a pleb normie newfag are you?

>aiming with your patched eye
who's idea was this?

Sup Forums pls go back

ill go with you

One of them fires two shots at once. Another's decent. Loud. Last one is brutal. Murderous. One shot drops everyone but the armored faggots.

just one step more to be of shadman's interest


Download it from nyaa or just google "name of anime" episode 1.
But if you are just going to watch it for the lewds you might as well just watch hentai or softcore porn anime like shinmai maou or seikon no qwaser.

>aids is livable as fuck these days
Enjoy your dry dick that eventually turns into becoming a tranny abomination for lack of sex, of which they ain't getting much either.



Metal Gear Solid 3 with bouncing bullets.

>that eventually turns into becoming a tranny abomination for lack of sex
>Projecting this hard
Do you want to tell us something, user?

>he doesn't know the site
>he doesn't even know normie streaming sites
how can a newfag be this retarded

Best episodes for shinamou? Talking about porn course

I don't think this anime has lolis.

Trigger discipline basically keeping your finger straight and off the trigger until your to fire so you dont ND (negligent discharge) and blow you or your friends head off.

I dunno I just go to fapservice never actually watched it.

>I won't have sex with a woman cause of ink on her skin or a small piece of metal on her tongue
Do you?

you can probably find a compilation on porn sites very easily