Who is the final boss of real life?
Who is the final boss of real life?
if you think about it long term, it's either the sun or the heat death of the universe
Human nature
White people
An ancient evil in the crystal dimension
(((our greatest ally)))
Our stupidity
Not even joking, if we can survive long enough to colonize other planets without killing ourselves here on Earth we'd do really cool stuff
But we're probably gonna h-bomb our own asses long before that
Cancer or HIV
The Jews
I'm not Jewish but my dad is, why does Sup Forums hate Jews so much?
God. They ripped off the end of Dragons Dogma. Shit dev's right?
Did you forget to take your autism pills?
kys Schlomo
ironicly shitposting is still shitpoting
Racism meme. Jews are good people.
>being this edgy when you cannot take the truth
Don't ask, you'll be swamed by shitty infographs.
Populism and ultraconservative apes
>not hating jews
newfaggot, lurk moar
nu-Sup Forums loves jews
getting a job
Time is the final boss.
You lose everytime.
There is no secret levels.
There is no DLC.
not killing yourself after you have reached adulthood
>Sup Forums
*all of humanity outside of Israel, Zionited Britain and JewSA
the elite aka jews
Overcoming your own weaknesses is the hardest thing you'll ever do
JIDF shill detected
exterminate the jews
Sup Forums got heavily infiltrated by Stormfront some years back, the kiddies on Sup Forums started playing along because they're just there to squawk and say offensive things. With the rise of the Alt-Right they think their views are socially acceptable now so they're outspoken. Anons follow suit because it's funny, like hating black people or mexicans.
tl;dr, 10% actual racists, 90% parrot trolls
How can time be the endboss when it's merely a human concept?
Life is also a human concept
>infiltrated by storm front
Ain't he dead already?
No one ever wins in those boss fights.
No. He just left.
>Sup Forums.jpg
Sup Forums IS stromfront
>time is a human concept
It isn't, you fucking retard.
It's a dimension, just like space, for example.
It can be warped, it's relative, you can stretch time just like you can stretch room and space, it's natural and very real, like gravity, except the effects of time are even more predominant in our galaxy than the effects of gravity
I think humans are a concept of life.
Chuck Norris
Still unbeaten after all these years.
that was how many years ago? You're an absolute fucking newfaggot.
old-Sup Forums and /new/ have COMPLETELY left nu-Sup Forums.
nu-Sup Forums = 99%
This guy
They control the economy and want to turn the masses into one indinstinct unpatriotic multicultural easy to govern blob because it is said in the kabbalah that this would cause their messiah to show up
>let me tell you about your plane of existence
Dimensions are a human concept.
No. You're wrong.
There are dimensions we aren't even aware of, but I know you're just baiting now.
Because this site is full of muslims.
The concept of life begins in the human once the man inserts his concept into another human.
So real life is a JRPG?
Wrong and right are human concepts.
And where do you think /r/The_Donald came from? Thin air? It's another Stormfront mouth piece
>old Sup Forums left
Why the fuck would they 'leave'?
>on an ecuadorian forum for capoeira-techniques
Maybe 2-3 years ago. But Sup Forums is just anonymous reddit now.
What about inserting your concept into boypussy?
I chuckled.
I don't know why this is being ignored cause its the answer. You are your own worst enemy, that's why you have to kick your own ass to reach your full potential.
Islam is mini-boss
Jews are the last boss.
Yes. Why do you think humans are so different? Because people work out different stats for their builds.
Yup, this one knows it
rofl, are you retarded?
Donald Trump is HATED by Stormfront, because he is BACKED BY JEWS. isn't that obvious? How can r/the_donald be a mouthpiece? They go practically conform with liberal ideas and aren't even remotely radical. None of them would kill a jew for their ideology.
You know absolutely nothing, lol.
>old Sup Forums left
>Why the fuck would they 'leave'?
have you ever been to Sup Forums in the last few years, you absolute fucking newfaggot?
Seriously. Go look at Sup Forums's catalog at random hours over the next day. It's literally Sup Forums and reddit mixed together.
>it's false because I greentext it
Rivetting counterpoints, AmericANO.
The risk of STDs and dying from AIDS.
Explain why there is a massive surge of immigration into Europe and why all the mainstream media pushes the notion that white people shouldn't have kids in five (5) words or less
Our biggest party has been anti-semetic from the start, google "labour"
Communists won the cold war.
All democratic politicians are enablers of the jewry.
We must abolish democracy and return to the glorious roots of our diverse and amazing continent full of amazing cultures
Shit happens.
America funded isis
He was also heavily backed by Breitbart and Infowars, and publically endorsed by the Grand Imperial Wizard of the KKK.
Stop trying to deflect, Sup Forums. No ones fooled. It would probably work if you didn't shriek about niggers and jews and cultural marxism every five seconds.
your final thoughts on the deathbed, you know, the final realisation of how much precious time you've wasted on pathetic shit like playing video games.
>we must abolish democracy
t. commie
or posting on Sup Forums
Betaton and his (((law))) minions
Real life is a SMT game
The jews.
You haven't even looked at the boards catalog in recent times have you?
post that ends with 7287,
stop posting shit bait.